380 Topics

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Member Avatar for raydabruce

I have [I]Clear.com[/I] 4G Mobile USB "WiMax", which I use with my laptop. It's a USB transceiver and looks like a big flash drive with a hinge. A friend told me I could "bridge" the WiMax with my internal Wi-Fi and/or an ethernet connection. Is this possible? If so, would …

Member Avatar for slfisher

Applications for the second round of U.S. broadband stimulus funding are starting to become publicly available on a federal [URL="http://www.ntia.doc.gov/broadbandgrants/applications/search.cfm"]website[/URL]. Approximately 870 applications had been posted to the database as of Saturday, [URL="http://www.stimulatingbroadband.com/2010/04/update-broadband-stimulus-round-ii.html"]according [/URL]to Stimulating Broadband, a website dedicated to tracking broadband stimulus funding. In the American Recovery and Reinvestment …

Member Avatar for Lokeshmsit

i m creating a Client/Server application in which my server and client can be on the same or on different machines but both are under ISP. [B]My RMI programs[/B]:- -Remote Interface:- [CODE]//Calculator.java public interface Calculator extends java.rmi.Remote { public long add(long a, long b) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; public long sub(long a, …

Member Avatar for letom

Hello, I'll try to explain my problem as good as possible because English is not my mothertong at all... So here is the stuff... I've a DSL connection with a modem and a routeur separate. Untill Saturday, everything worked perfectly but sunddenly something went wrong. I couldn't have any connection …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for slfisher

Just six weeks after Google [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story259442.html"]announced [/URL]its plan to build a gigabit fiber network for a city, more than 1,100 cities have applied, the company [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/03/next-steps-for-our-experimental-fiber.html"]said [/URL]on Friday. In addition, more than 194,000 individuals responded, Google said. The company has put a map up on its corporate blog showing which …

Member Avatar for jhill1965
Member Avatar for mlook

hi can you help me with this i have a network of 3 routers he number of hosts on each network Net1 60 Net2 90 Net3 60 Net4 30 Net5 60 Net6 128 there are 6 Pcs how can i calculate the subnet mask and knowing the subnet ,default getway,,,

Member Avatar for gbarnas
Member Avatar for slfisher

In preparation for releasing its national broadband plan tomorrow (which is already coming under [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/13/business/media/13fcc.html?adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1268658134-LNz+NNwd7fnSKyovP4YlZw"]criticism[/URL]), the Federal Communications Commission has started collecting data from users on their broadband [URL="http://broadband.gov/qualitytest/"]performance [/URL]-- a test that is also coming under criticism. Like [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story219530.html"]similar [/URL]testing a couple of years ago, the broadband.gov testing suffers …

Member Avatar for lll_ari_lll

hello folks, its Aritra here, a newbie in daniweb as well as in code world.. i am a student of BCA, and doing my major project now.. and facing enormous difficulties.. don't know sufficient php.. but studying through different tutorials. i have been told to redecorate an intranet website and …

Member Avatar for slfisher

Announcements for the first round of broadband stimulus grants and loans have slipped a bit; while all the announcements were supposed to be made by March 1, they are now expected to be made by March 15, according to an [URL="http://www.stimulatingbroadband.com/2010/03/broadband-stimulus-pipeline-usda-says.html"]article [/URL]on the Stimulating Broadband website. In the first round …

Member Avatar for mordicaii

I have a Verizon FiOS router. I need to be able to forward port 5900 (VNC) to a specific machine, is there any way to do this over SSH? I can't just use Lynx because the router config page uses JavaScript for [I]everything[/I]. Is there any way I can forward …

Member Avatar for mrclark

I am trying to make a TCP chat program, but instead of having people enter in the ip of the computer they wish to talk to everytime, i would like the program to be able to listen on all ip addresses, so that it will provide for a better user …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, I need a php script that gets the IP address of a user entered website, something like this: $site = 'www.google.com'; $ip = ping($site); obviously replacing ping with a command that actually exists! Thanks in advance. MAX

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for BxHxDLSB

I'm installing this wireless access point (router Linksys WRT54GS) and everything seems to be working fine, and it connects to the router via wireless network adapter. On the network connections page, it shows that the Computer connection to the router is excellent, But the router connection to the internet is …

Member Avatar for sacredfaith
Member Avatar for beefstick720

alright, so i'm running snow leopard i have a wnr2000 netgear wireless n router and a late 2008 macbook pro. ever so often i get a self assigned ip error and when i shut the modem off and back on again things are jolly until it happens again. i tried …

Member Avatar for parkeyparker
Member Avatar for slfisher

The Federal Communications Commission asked Congress this week for a one-month extension to its Feb. 17 deadline for a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220560.html"]report[/URL] on a national broadband plan, according to an [URL="http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20100107-707117.html?mod=WSJ_latestheadlines"]article[/URL] in the [I]Wall Street Journal.[/I] The agency said it needed more time to fully brief commissioners and key members of Congress, …

Member Avatar for slfisher

A recent [URL="http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1448/latinos-internet--usage-increase-2006-2008"]survey[/URL] by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that the percentage of Latinos who use the Internet has jumped, and that a larger percentage of Latinos than blacks now use the Internet. From 2006 to 2008, Internet use among Latino adults rose by 10 percentage points, …

Member Avatar for josiahfoster

One day i was messing with my DNS settings so i can have a NAT type 2 on ps3. in the process i messed up and this is what happened: everything shut down and i cant reset my router settings. its says access currently denied. i can e-mail you a …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for x0RiAm

Hello, I'm having big problems while configuring new router/firewall box. There's old box which is working fine, but it's 10 years old (P1, 133Mhz, 16MB Flash Disk, 64MB RAM) :$ I Have: WiFi Orinoco 5v 16bit PCMCIA adapter. Old rusty external WiFi antenna. Brand new router/firewall box (an old PC …

Member Avatar for x0RiAm
Member Avatar for slfisher

The federal government today [URL="http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/vice-president-biden-kicks-72-billion-recovery-act-broadband-program"]made[/URL] the first awards aimed toward improving broadband access in the U.S. In the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the stimulus package, Congress appropriated $7.2 billion for broadband grants, loans, and loan guarantees to be administered by the USDA’s Rural Utilities …

Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, I built a chat application that uses sockets and TCP/IP protocol. The client is an applet. The problem is I cannot connect the applet client with the desktop server application. [I]If I run the applet inside the applet viewer in NetBeans it works perfectly[/I]. I even tried the applet …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for mfadel

Hey all, I am new user here, thanks for all of your efforts, Network Description: We have a 4 floor building, We want to implement a network, The number of computers is about 22 PCs, expected to reach 28 , [B] We want to implement Exchange Server, Share Point server, …

Member Avatar for geoffairey
Member Avatar for newsguy

IBM today announced that it has opened a Cloud Computing Laboratory in Hong Kong to support its LotusLive cloud services and the numbers are pretty impressive whichever way you look at them. From the 18 million seats in year one that LotusLive has amassed, to the $126 billion IBM expects …

Member Avatar for saadikhan

Hello guys, I have a TCP Listener Server which listens to requests and replies them. It is working fine in a particular network. But what if i would need to make it available for everyone (my clients) over internet to connect to it and send receive messages/data? My current code …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for happygeek

Jumping the queue for BT Broadband is possible, it would seem. Possible, but not easy - unless you happen to be the Chairman of BT that is. Imagine you've been living without broadband for years because BT cannot supply it to your rural residence. Now imagine if the chairman of …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Pretty much anywhere you live, it would appear that the iPhone consumes at least 50% of all mobile data traffic. Whereas the Android has a little catching up to do with just 11% of that mobile data bandwidth consumption. Of course, the iPhone entered the restaurant first and is already …

Member Avatar for johnroach1985

Hi there, Trying to write a small script in python. What it will basically do is this; 1- A SSH user initiates the python script (from SSH remotely) 2- The script gets the connected users IP (the user is connected through SSH) 3- The connected IP is sent back to …

Member Avatar for johnroach1985
Member Avatar for slfisher

In addition to funding [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story231771.html"]broadband projects[/URL] in the states, particularly in rural areas, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the stimulus package, includes funds for [URL="http://www.ntia.doc.gov/press/2009/BTOP_mapping_090701.pdf"]collection of state-level broadband data[/URL], as well as state-wide broadband mapping and planning. The project, which will also help create …

Member Avatar for Alex_

Hello everybody. I'm trying to get the current directory, save it, changing the current dir, then coming back to the previous one. My code so far [code=asm] TITLE ep1_7 .MODEL SMALL .STACK 10h .DATA msg DB 'Current directory:',0h msg_l equ $-msg buff db 64 dup('$') ;f_handle dw 1 dup(?) .CODE …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for slfisher

In the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the stimulus package, Congress appropriated $7.2 billion for broadband grants, loans, and loan guarantees to be administered by the USDA’s Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). The deadline for …

Member Avatar for forzadraco

how to detect ip that converted to a region name.. any free code? coz i found it's commercial code while i'm trying to googling.. thanks

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.