380 Topics

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Member Avatar for Emily Banks

The big mystery of what exactly Verizon and Google were talking about behind closed doors was solved this afternoon when about 1:45 p.m. ET, the two telecom companies issued a joint policy proposal, announcing a compromise on net neutrality. Their [URL="http://www.scribd.com/doc/35599242/Verizon-Google-Legislative-Framework-Proposal"]suggestions[/URL] are legislative framework for policymakers, they said. "Google and …

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16516[/ATTACH]On Thursday, Federal Communications Commission chair [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Genachowski"]Julius Genachowski[/URL] said the he found the idea of Internet service providers offering faster speeds for users willing to pay extra fees "unacceptable." His statement was in reaction to rumors earlier this week that [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story302325.html"]Google and Verizon were working on an agreement[/URL] that would …

Member Avatar for Emily Banks

Rumors surfaced today saying Verizon and Google are reportedly close to making a deal that could end net neutrality. The [URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100805/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_google_verizon"]Associated Press[/URL] reported that the two companies, which have been in talks for close to a year, may reach an agreement in the coming days. If such an agreement were …

Member Avatar for PCBrown
Member Avatar for AndyV101

Hi Guys/Gals, What could be the problem, my internet keeps cutting off, maybe couple of times per hour, only for 20-30 seconds, but all apps quit running and have to reconnect. I have windows 7, AT&T U-verse DSL 18 mb (never get more than 10)wireless from modem in the next …

Member Avatar for happyguy142
Member Avatar for bperegord

I'm trying to get my Wii online. I'm trying to enter my router. I have the address as When I enter that, the window comes up. When I leave the user blank and the password as "admin," it does nothing. After 3 tries a window pops up and says …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for weasel7711

I am trying to update the driver on an old laptop. I checked the device manager and all the information that I can siphon out of it is the following: Cisco Systems PCI Wireless LAN Adapter Driver date: 4/2/2002 Driver version: I have checked cisco's website but I dont …

Member Avatar for weasel7711
Member Avatar for rotorouter

We just got a wired internet connection set up in the house. We had a linksys router and tried to connect it to the modem. We can get on the internet through the wire, but when we try to connect wirelessly, it's not working. It askes us for the password, …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for skater_07

Hi, I recently bought a Wireless-N 300 Router with DSL Modem DGN2000 and I correctly hooked up all of the cables and made sure they were securely placed. When I started up the Netgear box the Power light, Port light and the wireless light came on but not the DSL …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for happygeek

Unless you are a techno-luddite of the first order, the chances are that you would agree the Internet has become an integral part of daily life for those blessed with decent access to the thing. But would you agree that broadband access of no less than 1Mbps is your legal …

Member Avatar for solartech-ir
Member Avatar for newsguy

There is absolutely no doubt that mobile broadband has been one of those recession bucking sectors which has enjoyed something of a boom in recent years. However, according to new figures from [URL="http://www.Broadband-Expert.co.uk"]Broadband Expert[/URL] that boom would appear to be over. Working on the basis that the number of people …

Member Avatar for Clanky
Member Avatar for coud_ren_26

hi! is it possible to chat or to talk to someone using "OPEN TERMINAL" in redhat if will take in to consideration that there is a LAN connection between them?

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for Ajantis

Hello there :) I am working a final lab in computer science course, and I have this following problem: We are said to use Wireshark, and ping a certain page with -l 3000. Then, we should check the IP Fragmentation - and in Wireshark the value was 3008 bytes. Where …

Member Avatar for smart176
Member Avatar for Keidi

I am running Windows xp service pack 2. I recently got a broad band connection via Wimax,I want to share this connection with 3 computers on my LAN I have already installed the extra NIC and configured it to(IP gateway:blank dns:Same as the one given by my ISP).The computer …

Member Avatar for Keidi
Member Avatar for happygeek

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, has just sat down after speaking for an hour to deliver the coalition Government's 'Emergency Budget' to a crowded and noisy House of Commons - and it's not good news for the games industry. Of interest to those in the IT industry in …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Martha Lane Fox, who co-founded lastminute.com, has [URL="http://www.number10.gov.uk/news/latest-news"]been appointed[/URL] as the new UK Digital Champion by Prime Minister David Cameron. As part of the coaltion Government's drive to increase transparency and accountability, the Internet entrepreneur will be tasked with encouraging as many people as possible to go online, and improving …

Member Avatar for d4n13l0930

hi so i set up my linksys wrt54g2 router to my desktop and the internet modem, and through all that the internet works fine on the desktop. and the router itself has a network "mikonek" with a passkey and all, but when i connect my laptop to the network, it …

Member Avatar for cc11rocks
Member Avatar for xenanovich

hi, (on a linux system) i wrote the following code snippet to 1. write to a serial port 2. read the data that i have just written to the serial port. the write is functioning, but the read is not. if i use just the read (without "write", but by …

Member Avatar for xenanovich
Member Avatar for xenanovich

Hi, i am trying to read the contents of a text file containing a single line into a string. i'm doing this in a while loop. the text file gets updated in each run of the loop and therefore the string should contain a new value in each run. but …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

At the State Opening of Parliament, the Queen has been giving her annual speech on behalf of the UK Government. Written by the new Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition Government itself, much of the speech was devoted to the inevitable cost cutting exercises, the 'Big Society' concept and reform in terms of …

Member Avatar for slfisher

All of the applications for the second round of broadband stimulus funding have been posted -- sort of. In the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the stimulus package, Congress appropriated $7.2 billion for broadband grants, loans, and loan guarantees to be administered by the USDA’s …

Member Avatar for EddieC

One might have titled this story "Beware of government bearing gifts." We should be exceedingly wary whenever law makers begin dabbling with something that's been working exceedingly well for decades. Today that thing is the Internet, perhaps the least-regulated industry in the U.S. today. This week the U.S. Federal Communications …

Member Avatar for Usernamex235
Member Avatar for fadi-ft

hey guys I don't know if this is the right place for my post subject I want to transfer my Fedora OS into router such that the PC has two NICs on it, so i want to connect two computers to this PC and let the Fedora OS acts as …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for danielwtn

I recently had to reset my router due to some malware issues, and upon completing a full reset I found that my computer would not connect the router. I then proceeded to check all of my settings: such as SSID, WEP key, and user settings in the actual router. The …

Member Avatar for happyrock
Member Avatar for lukegw

I am trying to make an IP chat using TcpServer. As many people are behind a router, how would it be possible to connect to them directly? I know how to call up my external ip, and how to find out my internal one assigned by the router, but how …

Member Avatar for lukegw
Member Avatar for gvkk

I have a desktop i am trying to get it connected with wireless adapter. iam able to configure wireless connection settings. once it connects it keeps dropping the wireless connection and connects back in few mins , this happens for ever. i have other laptops that are connected to internet …

Member Avatar for gvkk
Member Avatar for fusi0n423

So I have to connect to a server on a specific port but all I have to identify the server is its name, e.g. "students.ce.sinclair.edu" in a char*. How can I get the ip address to assign to a sockaddr_in? [CODE]struct sockaddr_in server; memset($server, 0, sizeof(server)); server.sin_family = AF_INET; //server.sin_addr.s_addr …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for galaris

Hello everybody! I have a game server (WoW). I want my players to download my custom patches to the game. I've done a program that checks for update/downloading things. I want my program to send a packet to my game server if player have all my patches. I dont need …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for slfisher

Awards from the first round of broadband stimulus grants are coming under criticism for duplicating existing infrastructure. "Now as the government awards the money, some phone and cable companies complain that not all of it is being used to bring broadband to places that lack it," said Joelle Tessler in …

Member Avatar for slfisher

In response to criticism of the way it was testing broadband Internet speeds, the Federal Communications Commission, following up a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story267741.html"]promise [/URL]it made last month, [URL="http://blog.broadband.gov/?entryId=359987"]announced [/URL]it had hired a vendor to help it perform more accurate tests. "In a couple of weeks, we will be asking for consumers from …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Well thanks for that O2, my iPhone was as much use as a chocolate teapot from lunchtime yesterday thanks to the pay monthly data network suffering a monumental failure. There I was, sitting in a (without wifi) Costa Coffee about to start an informal meeting with a potential client. I …

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The End.