380 Topics

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Member Avatar for masterjiraya

I have a project that must have centralization of databases that will have access to the web on a PHP script. I can merge MSSQL and MySQL databases if and only if they were both: 1.) On a same server or 2.) Of the same server type The problem is …

Member Avatar for masterjiraya
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is becoming the crowbar of the online criminal. In the past we have got rather used to DDoS attacks being one of the favoured approaches of hacktivists, with perhaps the Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) and later the High Orbit Ion Cannon (HOIC) …

Member Avatar for robert02
Member Avatar for Tjmahone

I am trying to help a customer restore their connectivity to their server. earlier this week, a power outage wiped out thier servers' internet connection and the connection to 2 computers, I'll call them 1 and 2. We advised them to replace the wireless usb adapter they were using to …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for admiralchip

Hi, I hope I'm posting this in the right place. :) I've also posted the problem I was facing on the Mikrotik forum, but it takes a while for a reply to be approved and I really want to solve this problem quickly. I'm trying to set up a remote …

Member Avatar for himlamq7
Member Avatar for mwian

My son wanted an Nintendo DSi, so he can play games with his friends. The Nintendo can't.won't connect to the Internet. I emailed Nintendo support. Their advice was for me to enable DHCP. I checked that and it is enabled. Next on the list is to configure the Nintendo manually. …

Member Avatar for sean.dumler
Member Avatar for My2cents

I have ATT U-verse i-net runnung a 3800HGV-B. I would like to run my SOHO thru my linksys 160N router. I've read numerous articles about how this can be done, but this 3800 has put a hex on me. Has anyone done this successfully, AND, do you have a clearcut …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for srinivas88

Suppose I have a set of machines whose ip addresses are changing, say every 10 mins, then before making the tcp connect call (from a client) how do I make sure all the switches and routers have updated their mac Address and Ip Address mapping correctly and that it is …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for Tobyjug2222

Hi there, I'm currently hosting my website on my own computer, and I'm using http://www.no-ip.com to allow me to do so as I have a dynamic IP. (updates the pointers, when my IP changes.. for the domain name). I have now set up my webcamera to have a have stream …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to use some kind of local server such as Wamp, Xampp, easyPHP etc... something like that and set it up so everyone on the same network can access the database on the server. The server will be running on a …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for scissorcrow

This morning I awoke to find all the lights on the router off. My mum says the internet was fine earlier. We tried a few things and in the end got a new power adaptor, lights back on. We're using a Cisco Router 800 series and an Aironet 1110 Wireless …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

Hi, In Virtual Box I've installed Fedora 17 and setup LAMP development environment. I've set the static ip to access the localhost and the applicaions/projects. Now I would like to configure it as to access them using the static IP from the host machine (Windows 7 OS). How can I …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

Hi, Please suggest a best free software for simulating a linux web server and internal netwrok in a organization connected in LAN to test a web application for the organization. I would like to test everything in my laptop before getting to the location and setting up the routers, switches, …

Member Avatar for ronaldpaul
Member Avatar for rifasmzm
Member Avatar for mc.sQr
Member Avatar for Dani

My Linksys Dual-N Band Wireless router is not assigning IP addresses to my wireless devices. I accidentally reset the darn thing and now I forget what my settings were for the type of security mode and encryption. It says it can connect to the SSID with WPA2-Personal and WPA-TKIP or …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for gsam777

This thread I am starting is a carry over from this thread http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/web-design-html-and-css/threads/205959/getting-ip-address-into-a-contact-form-field **In the thread above BBQKAREN and ALMOSTBOB was able to resolve her issue wich is the same issue I have but I have no way of contacting THEM here.** I have a form field (no PHP) code …

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Member Avatar for asharsit
Member Avatar for Lethugs

hi we have an office chat messenger in our office, it is executable, and ofcourse cannot modify the codes already. i dont know exactly how this messenger save history, looking from its root folder, i cant see something related from its conversation or message history. I just need to save …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi.. Any PHP code to display the IPaddress of all systems which are connected in a LAN ? Thanks in advance

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Member Avatar for actfray

A few weeks ago, I noticed that when I went to Yahoo Maps to look for directions, the site had me listed as a resident of Herndon, VA. I live in Sherman Oaks, CA. When I attempted to changed this default (that I did not apply), Yahoo told me that …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for nishad_forums

Hello, I trying to create a **messenger**(just for practice, so nothing fancy!). I created the server and client programs. Suppose a client(user A) initiated a connection with the server, so it's online. Now, another user(user B) wants to chat with that user(A). How do I give User B the IP …

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Member Avatar for gbhs

Hi To All, I am a newbie. I have 4 computers that I want to connect together as a LAN. I have a switch and ready cables. One of the computers C1 will have a sqldatabase to be accessed by the other computers C2,C3 and C4. 1. How do I …

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Member Avatar for Burton96hd

Hi, I have a big problem with slow Internet on one computer. This problem started to occur about 2 weeks ago now. The problem I am having is that I am getting really slow speeds however it is only on my main computer. Every device in the house Is run …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for rayidi

I'm looking for a process I don't know weather it will work or not. I want to connect a computer to a website using `HTTP Protocol`. Is this possible ? How we can communicate a system having a `static IP Address` from a `HTTP Protocol` ? Is there any way …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for opman234

1) I want to make a windows service that simply pings the IP address 2) The IP addresses is located in a simple text file 3) If the service cant ping the IP's (unreachable) it sends a simple e-mail to an email address located in a simple text file.

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for reedone816

hi I have a question regarding my situation in our LAN, when I ping local address by hostname (to any computer) (I'm using it result in stange ip, even though after I check in the other pc the address is in 192.168 range. but if I ping using …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for happygeek

Wednesday 6th June 2012 is [URL="http://www.worldipv6day.org/"]World IPv6 Launch Day[/URL] (no, seriously, it is) and, we have been continually reminded in a Chicken Little fashion, the IPv4 address space sky is falling. The fact that the media obsession with Internet addresses running out has been on-going for at least a decade …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Fedhell

Hello everybody, Im using datagrams to send a DatagramPacket, however, unless the router has ports forwarded, the clients dont recieve the packets. Is there a way to set this up so that my clients dont have to port forward on their router? How to main stream gams like LOL or …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jkon

First of all let me clarify that I am programmer and that my knowledge in system administration are limited ( I know more than that limited spectrum but I wouldn’t trust me on those ). This idea arose out of two deferent needs , I have a dedicated server in …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ryandemacia

I Saw that others Posted similar problems but mine still does not work after reading solutions. I Installed a new hardDrive and naturally lost my drivers. I downloaded my LAN driver and my chipset driver for my Asus M5A 88-V EVO and installed theM on my PC and still no …

Member Avatar for starfireone
Member Avatar for bornwith

I am trying to change a computer's IP address from inside a VB project using netsh. I can get the cmd prompt to open but it doesn't pass the arguments. Any thoughts? Thanks Private Sub BtnTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnTest.Click Dim IPmsg As String Dim …

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The End.