578 Topics

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I have a simple math problem.. But what I would like to do is not have zero display if it equals out to zero... `<? echo $_POST['x'] * $_POST['y']?>` If this equals anything below zero I do not want the number to display.

Member Avatar for xbat
Member Avatar for germainelol1

I have a Java class called Term holding polynomials like below public Term(int c, int e) throws NegativeExponent { if (e < 0) throw new NegativeExponent(); coef = c; expo = (coef == 0) ? 1 : e; } I also have an equals method in the same class like …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for vicky30312

I cannot get the math right for the higher option. When you run the program, the program will go lower, but it wont go go higher. What is it i need to change? this program is due by the end of my class today and i can't figure it out. …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ThatJamaican

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char word[50]; int wordLength, i, reverseCount; reverseCount = 0; system( " color F5 " ); printf( "\n How many letters does the word have? : " ); scanf( "%i", &wordLength ); printf( " \n Enter word, letter by letter " ); for( i …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for xikhari.some1behindu

I need help with this http://codepad.org/FNUci22s I am posting the ling of code pad because it has a way to execute it, so long story short. I use two different functions seno, sen (both for sin). When using the printf and adressing both to compare results I get from the …

Member Avatar for xikhari.some1behindu
Member Avatar for arieszbby

.class public Contest .super java/lang/Object ; ; Team members: Bianca Cutler ; ; ; ; ; Your assignment is to fill in the fibs method below ; so that it creates (exactly) the output you see in ; fibsgolden.txt ; ; The contest will be won by those entries that …

Member Avatar for mark.cueva1
Member Avatar for jalpesh_007
Member Avatar for phphit

I have two tables (points, pointsmatch) Table 'points' have following fields id (int) seriesid (int) team (varchar) points (int) id seriesid team points 1 9 Chennai 4 2 9 Delhi 0 3 9 Kolkata 0 4 9 Mumbai 0 5 9 Bangalore 0 6 9 Mohali 0 7 9 Rajasthan …

Member Avatar for phphit
Member Avatar for francis.deladurantaye

Here is my code. I have a problem with the decimals when it comes to "temp /= 100.0". montant = 61; for (int i=0 ; i<7 ; i++) { if (i != posCreancier) { temp = montant/7.0; (temp == 8.7142857142857135) temp *= 100; (temp == 871.42857142857133) temp += 0.5; (temp …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng

For any integer n > 1, if Al, A2, A3, ... , An, and B are any sets, then (A1 -B) (A2 -B) ... (An -B) = (Al A2 A3 … An) -B. I was able to prove for all sets A, B, and C, (A -B)(C -B)= (AC) - …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for babi.meloo

I need to create a palindrome tester program that ignores spaces, punctuation and uppercase/lowercase to determine if the string given to the user is a palindrome (same beginning to end as end to beginning). HERE'S WHAT I HAVE SO FAR: String str, another = "y"; int left, right; Scanner scan …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for somjit{}

**the code works perfectly, just i got something i dont understand...** i'v been trying to get a hold of recursion and sorting for about 3-4 days now, im getting some of it, but still not happy enough.. i searched for some good code for binary search and merge sort on …

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Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I have this code: mysql_query("UPDATE users SET BasicLevel = BasicLevel +1 where username='Admin'"); but its not increasing the integer. The field names are correct as well as the username. Can anyone help me? And yes, I am connected to the database.

Member Avatar for moneeshot
Member Avatar for superchica08

Combining queue and stack link list? hello so here is my question i ave to connect a link lists together, one who behaves like a stack the other like a queue.the numbers used are 11 22 44 77 33 99 66. so the stack link list looks like this 66 …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for phfilly

Hi guys! So I need help with a small problem. I'm using a char pointer array which contains a mathematical expression. For example: "sqrt 25" Now I want to use the inbuild c++ function `sqrt(int))`. I'm first searching in the array for the letters 'sqrt' so that my custom function …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi I'm been trying to enter numbers into the <input> so I can calculate **Add** - **Subtract** - **Divide** - **Multiply**. This is the equations: <?php $number = 20; $number += 10; print "\$number += 10;<br /> The answer is <b>$number</b>. <br /><br />"; $number -= 12; print "\$number -= …

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Member Avatar for marius2010

So I'm beginner starting software enginering studies here condition: Given number n ( n<=9999) need to identify if this n is palindrom(ex. 7777,8228,0220...). Need to write in c++ language.thanks

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng

Prove that there is a positive integer that can be written as the sum of squares of positive integers in two different ways. For some reason this is not clicking in my head and I can not figure it out. Any help will be greatly appreciated and I would appreciate …

Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng
Member Avatar for dasdsaasd
Member Avatar for tabj

I need a help? I m designing a webpage. I have used <**div**>s everywhere, from header to footer, moreover I have used **relative** **positioning** with **top** and **right** tag. Somewhere top value has gone -1200 and so. At last I m left with about 800px of useless area below the …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for Fedhell

Hey guys, its been quite a while since ive posted here :-( Im making a game in java (nope not for school, just for fun) Anyway, ive created some logic for an enemySuicideBomber(spaceship game, prolly not what your thinking) to select the closest location. It works for the most part, …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for yog1

hello world! I would like to get tutorials and lecture notes for designing a time management software where a print option is also included for the user to print out a weekly planner. cheers.

Member Avatar for dantheman4

public static void sumOfSquareRoots() { Scanner scan = new Scanner( System.in ); double value; // read in a double System.out.print ("Enter a double:"); value = scan.nextDouble(); // calculate its square root double result = Math.sqrt( value ); // write out the result System.out.println("square root of your number is " + …

Member Avatar for delta_frost
Member Avatar for daniel.krishnasamy

Please Help me with this Date Operation Program. I think that this works....yet! Thanks #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int a[7]={1,3,5,7,8,10,12}; int b[7]={4,6,9,11}; class manipdate { int date; int month; int year; public: int d,m,y; void getdata() { cout<<"\n\n Date : "; cin>>date; cout<<"\n Month : "; cin>>month; cout<<"\n Year : …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for abdulnawaz
Member Avatar for 03Mach1

So I am trying to write a program that will tell you the lowest grade and the highest grade out of the 3 wthat you put in and also tell you the current average you have in the class. I got the lowest and highest part taken care of but …

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for icedome

Hi guys, Does anyone knows a way to, in .net websites, monitor how long does a user stays in your website, and how does a user stays in certain page of my website? I'm thinking of making frequent ajax calls, but I'm not sure on this. Any ideas? Cheers

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Here is slow brute force way to find the largest palindromic product of three digit integers. You could do loop and break out of it if you go under the smaller number (the second one) of best solution found so far to be more efficient etc.

Member Avatar for hughesadam_87
Member Avatar for mcgarcia

This is an old trick my dad taught me 23 years ago, this is not popular though and I don't know if many of you knew this already. It is multiplying numbers 6 to 9 using your fingers. Here's the link for step by step guide. **http://sassymomonthego.hubpages.com/hub/multiply-using-your-fingers**

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Member Avatar for nobuts

I have some line of javascript which is works well if it gets value from the same series of names. But I have a problem later when each values passed to another page which I'd like to break down which value is belongs to. So the question is how can …

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The End.