3,842 Topics

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

What "Hello World" is to the console, the "Bouncing Ball" is to the Graphical User Interface. Nothing fancy, the ball is created via a call to the API function ellipse() and then bounced within the confines of the windows form. For the DEV C++ crowd: Let me know if you …

Member Avatar for laheg
Member Avatar for Nikita_14
Member Avatar for Xozz

Hi. I'm trying to set up an AMP system on my machine. It's called UwAmp. Anybody there to tell me how to setup the MySQL in this thing? Thank you

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for Nikita_13
Member Avatar for z.smart

How can read line in file that line have recordor examplethe file: date new_cases new_deaths 2020-07-30 665 10 2020-07-31 590 9 2020-08-01 - 0 2020-08-02 - - 2020-06-04 738 8 2020-06-05 779 - 2020-06-06 770 5 4 line it is not record new_cases or new_deaths so wae ignore the line …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for kanugula

Petya loves lucky numbers. Everybody knows that lucky numbers are positive integers whose decimal representation contains only the lucky digits 4 and 7. For example, numbers 47, 744, 4 are lucky and 5, 17, 467 are not. Petya has a number consisting of n digits without leading zeroes. He represented …

Member Avatar for kasraneni2003
Member Avatar for Debasis_1

I am an intermediate in VC++ and trying to accomplish the following:- 1. Dock a timer created using Windows forms to the extreme right of the taskbar (and to the left of the notification area or system tray). 2. Make it responsive (match its height with that of the taskbar, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for shankaria

Hi I I have a Lenovo ideapad and numbers 5 and 6 don't work on either the top row or the right hand side and I need these numbers for my system password to start windows so an external keyboard is no good either. Pls help.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for dave.wright

I have a database form in Access 2016 with a field, with a pulldown menu of standard issues, that have been fixed then a field for Notes. If the issue in non-standard then the user picks "other" from the pulldown menu and makes a note of the fix in the …

Member Avatar for LowTds

Hello, I have been trying to get this robot to work out and be able to move around. I am just so confused as to how to get my arrow to get even displayed and moved when pressed by one of the directions to go. One area that I struggle …

Member Avatar for arafay83

Dear all i want to know how to show particular records from database by select any record from combobox what is the coding and how to display record in another textbox by selecting from combobox like if you choose any record from combobox it will appear in textbox, in image …

Member Avatar for Talwarkumo76
Member Avatar for tempa4643

Hi, I'm curious on how and which tools are used to develop an 8 ball pool game. The one I'm referring to is that you play online with strangers, and friends for coins and tournaments.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for George_38

Dear sir, i got a TFT device attendance 3.5 inch and iam using SDK iam using windows 10 LTSC Enterprize 64 bit when running , i created a windows service on it when i try to run it, it does not work and cause an error 1053 :Error 1053: …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for elton_2

Hello, My company is using Windows Server 2012 and we got attacked. My users lost their permition to enter in some repositorys and they cant change their passwords in some PC's. What I should do? Create a entire new AD? Recovering AD? I rlly need help

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for riahc3

Trying to get the last row inserted from a Excel sheet. The sheet is called clientes. I have id, name, description Since ID is auto incremental, I can sort by ID: My idea is: oledbcmd = "Select top (1) * From [CLIENTES$] ORDER BY id desc"; but it does not …

Member Avatar for rogerwigaa
Member Avatar for orangsunita728
Member Avatar for 652yokohoma
Member Avatar for ymh07900

Hello, It appears we started receiving errors similar to the one below since last week on our Exchange Server 2016. A staff member stated he was receiving emails normally on his PC but not on his phone. This server has been set up since November 2019 without any issues. The …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for nyla.79

Hi, I'm curious on how and which tools are used to develop an 8 ball pool game. The one I'm referring to is that you play online with strangers, and friends for coins and tournaments. Can anyone point me to the right direction. This will be my first attempt in …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for cicice1743

Williams said she doesn't hold Zelle responsible for the fraudulent activity, but she does believe they're responsible for having no telephone number to call and inadequate customer service and support. And she had a hard time getting a response from the company through email and Twitter. She said she did …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for iveusername

I have a problem with creating multiple file short url which is served by [Umuly](https://www.umuly.com). When I try to create one, I get 400 Bad Request error ( "type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.1", "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.", "status": 400,"traceId": "|49f91b7b-422e99e9f726b0df.", "errors": ("Urls[0].File": ["" ] )) Can you help me =? …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for BreighA

Looking for directions. Where would one go to find a downloadable excel sheet, listing the streets of Algeria city?

Member Avatar for BreighA
Member Avatar for davindasingh74

I have smart TV and a Lenovo Laptop, I do I connect from Laptop to TV. I tried bluetooth by turning on, but it's failed.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Excellent_1

Hello guys, It my frist topic in this forum so i hopeI hope you like it?? In this topic we w'll learn how to check internet connection using a simple code. frist make a new project And add a label and timer . second Double click on timer to type …

Member Avatar for Emmason
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I just bought a Figo Nitro 4X cell phone (Android 8.1) phone for my son. When I connect my cell phone (Figo Android 6) to my Windows 10 laptop it displays in file manager with an icon that I can open to see all the folders on my phone. From …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for SpiffyCS

Is there a way to search a drive's files only for a specific file format, then display them to the user (and stored somewhere to be used later)? Maybe with the Shell, but I don't know how to use it very well. At the moment, I have a dropdown to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for C_Oleyers

Is their a program in which it will determine if a letter in a textbox is uppercase? This program is for Password checker as it will only be granted if the first letter is uppercase. ![Annotation_2020-08-05_120208.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/3cfd7918ee048298773e5dfbb71a3c64.png) char[] v = Password.Text.ToCharArray(); //i want to check the first letter if its uppercase …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for NuGG

Ok this is a weird one and its been ongoing for many months, wondering if anyone has any ideas. We have 10-15 office 365 exchange email accounts and they all work perfectly fine apart from one account on one device. This particular account has intermittent issues with sending and emails …

Member Avatar for NuGG
Member Avatar for johnnysnowman38

Hi there, Not sure if I am in the right place, but I wanted to ask where I can access a csv file for all the streets in Belgium?

Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.