3,842 Topics

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Member Avatar for MickeyD

In an earlier Discussion post, I complained about MS changing my preference settings with each update. Since, I have found many more changes. One was, I had gone to CMD Properties and set CMD to always open with elevated privileges. You guesses it. It was switched back. With the 1909 …

Member Avatar for MickeyD
Member Avatar for Lincoln=1cent
Member Avatar for St3v3boy

Hi helpful people. Its been a while since Ive been here, ever since I employed someone who knew about IT to look after it for me. I'm back on my own again, and looking for a bit of guidance please? I run a small sales company and receive daily sales …

Member Avatar for ss125

Friends I have completed my engineering in India and now working as a software developer. I am now planning to undergo my higher studies abroad. But I am really got confused on the universities there and every one I asked told different universities as the best one. I want a …

Member Avatar for rajanraveendran
Member Avatar for MickeyD

What with limited formal education and an IQ score only moderately above average, I have no trouble discerning the manipulative tactics of Microsoft. Their kindergarten psychology used to keep you attached to, and dependent upon, their proprietary products is less than amusing. This tit for tat, childish approach Of MS …

Member Avatar for Palebushman
Member Avatar for chirag_11
Member Avatar for v.gangani

I have list of unique names of players in column A in sheet 1. And in sheet 2 I have data of cricket score of different matches for that particular player with same unique names. And in sheet 3 I have data of same players for football matches. Now I …

Member Avatar for MickeyD

Unless I've missed one, I have selected every combination of Sort By and Group By for displaying files and sub folders in a given folder. I cannot seem to get the default display as was in previous versions of Windows That default display was: All sub folders first, in numerical, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Beka_1

After installing malwarebytes my laptop's performance slowed down seriously. What's up?

Member Avatar for richarddhill
Member Avatar for Xozz

I have Windows 10 on a Lenovo T500. And no USB-stick works. How can this be solved? Thank you

Member Avatar for Ricky_9
Member Avatar for subhraakasuny

Hi Team, I have an excel which has multiple rows and each row can have multiple images associated with that , which are postioned on a specific cells of that particular row.I know while we are positioning a image on top of a cell, that is not associated with the …

Member Avatar for orichisonic
Member Avatar for Andrius_1

Hello. At work, I have to count about 5k in a day for products. When someone takes out or puts in products for example 450 I have to recount again. So I want to create a system that when someone puts some kind of product on the shelf they would …

Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for dave.wright

I am looking to create a database to record when students' work has been handed in to the office. I have created the form but it needs to be able to record who signed in the work. There are several people working in the office and will use the database. …

Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for amvx86

Hello Everyone, I'm trying to create / edit a binary value within the windows registry so far I have this: Dim data As Byte() = New Byte() {&H48, 96} Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue("hkey_local_machine\hardware\description\system\bios", "SystemProductName2", data, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.Binary) However, I want to set a product name say "Acer Stuff" to the registry and what is …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for dave.wright

I looking to create a database form for people to create receipts to issue to customers but I need to be able to lock the record so that it can't be edited once it has been printed and saved. How can I do this?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for sebastienrenaud

Hi, We want to make disappear the Outgoing Message Queues to be sure that our app wouldn't use them anymore. If Outgoing Message Queues are temporary, when does it disappear from compmgmt.msc when they are suspended and cleared, and the application only uses local message queues afterword? What is their …

Member Avatar for faizan_7

Hello to all. I am developing software in vb.net for sales invoices. Where i need to import invoice data from excel file to vb.net Grid Data View and then save into access db. I will use db data in future for creating customer invoices. I have code that import excel …

Member Avatar for Daniel11
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Because Microsoft will be removing vbScript in the next version of Windows, I have been busy converting my utility vbScripts into Python. Part of this is a library of functions that I keep in `D:\include`. I'd like to maintain this system in Python, but the import process is rather clumsy. …

Member Avatar for bangalore.webguru
Member Avatar for hyperion0

So, I created a program in VB.Net with Windows Form and I want the user to be able to create a new user, limited to 5 user accounts only. I also want to know if it's possible to change password and delete user accounts. Can I make it so that …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for hyperion0

Hi, I'm creating a project using VB.Net Windows Form and I want to create a Log-In form that can **Add New User (Limited to 5 User Accounts), Delete User Account, and Change Password**. I want to use Microsoft Access with it. What are the codes I should use to create …

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Member Avatar for alfredz

I am Alfred and passionated about technology, web, servers and hosting. I would like to share my experience and learn from others.

Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for acoustic24

Hi folks, please see the attached screenshot, there is no way to create a task. and no task library, Any ideas please ![Task_scheduler.jpg](/attachments/large/3/d441b6463bab59a396db2c013da31fe0.jpg)

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for banvari

private void OnCaptured(CaptureResult captureResult) { try { // Check capture quality and throw an error if bad. if (!_sender.CheckCaptureResult(captureResult)) return; count++; DataResult<Fmd> resultConversion = FeatureExtraction.CreateFmdFromFid(captureResult.Data, Constants.Formats.Fmd.ANSI); SendMessage(Action.SendMessage, "A finger was captured. \r\nCount: " + (count)); if (resultConversion.ResultCode != Constants.ResultCode.DP_SUCCESS) { _sender.Reset = true; throw new Exception(resultConversion.ResultCode.ToString()); } preenrollmentFmds.Add(resultConversion.Data); if (count …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for AndrewEscobar

I have a problem- and I don't know if this is the place to post for help, but I've found good info on here before. I haven't been able to find an answer after looking through several dozen forums and chats and help sites. Maybe someone here can give me …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for webinvest

Hi all, Now I have no programing experience, I know very little about this, so please bear in mind. I am trying to turn a particular excel spreadsheet I have made (the user inputs information and it creates a final answer(result)) and I want to be able to turn this …

Member Avatar for Getahun_2
Member Avatar for dongtrien

Compress and fix access data in C#, I have to look for examples on google network but it's not running examples, how to compress and fix data in C# ?

Member Avatar for rproffitt

Let me share how I began to understand Microsoft: A long time back when I went to Microsoft Redmond's campus for a seminar. I had two things I wanted to share since I thought Microsoft would want to look into this. 1. A CD that when put into the PC …

Member Avatar for Bllistic
Member Avatar for crazyvonzipper

Hi guys. I have two servers: 1. Client Facing Production Server 2. API Server. The Client facing sever (Server1) sends requests to the API Server (Server2). Server2 is hosted with one staric IP address and is accessible through three domain names, e.g. **www.domain1.com**, **domain1.com**, **test.domain2.com**. Often times the Server1 seems …

Member Avatar for Holger.HBB

Hello! I have a question and I don’t know whether the title is actually descriptive. For some background on the matter, we use Sage 50 as our merchandise information system and for our reporting and controlling tools we run Access queries. Since our database had been reset at some point …

Member Avatar for Holger.HBB
Member Avatar for vbacoder1962

This was a query raised by one of a forum members at another site, where he had a worksheet filled with random numbers, and I have already answered that query [at my post here](https://vbacoder1962.wordpress.com/2019/07/15/extracting-cell-phone-numbers-from-random-strings-of-variable-length/). You may go through that post and read the logic behind the code. ![vbacoder_Code_20190715.jpg](/attachments/large/4/160efbe4e4d0a8400d04653a6e420c7b.jpg)


The End.