1,765 Topics
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Hi. When I startup my windows 10 and log into my account, my desktop doesn't seem to be visible. It's just a black screen. There are no icons and no taskbar. When I try to open task manager, I can see it cursor loading for a split second meaning something … | |
Hi everybody, A friend has given me, almost 2 years back, a splitted parts for a couple of PCs. Almost 2~3 monitors, 3 PC cases, and some other PC-related components which I'm not aware of. 2 days back, I decided to check them, assemble, to bring them back to life … | |
Hi again, i'm really confused between Product Id and Product Key. It is good when you're Product Id changed when you reinstall the OS?but still the same Product Key? Is Product ID really important when it comes in Legal Issue. | |
Hi, i would like to ask if i reinstall my Windows 7, does the product Id & License key change also??I'm not really familiar with software. ^_^ | |
Hi Guys. I'm trying to suspend a process by it name, but I found the sample that demontrate this using ProcessId. The problem is that I don't know the process ID of the process I want to suspend/resume. [Here is a sample I used.](https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/cdde6cef-3971-40a6-b4dd-02db963868ce/suspend-an-application?forum=vbgeneral) | |
Hi Dw. If there is anyone who knows how and which languagies are used to develop software's like word processing, Excel, Access, basically things like Office suite. I know Linux has their own different tools for office, as well as Microsoft as well and other OS have different Suites for … | |
Hello, I was hoping for assistance in figuring out an issue I have been having ever since upgrading my machine to Win10. Most of my BSoD are in the form of PFN_LIST_CORRUPT (0x0000004e) and another new one recetnly whcih was IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (0x0000000a). They seem to be caused by driver ntoskrnl.exe … | |
While I'm trying to instal windows 7 on my computer it restarts automatically with an error code. And even sometimes it happens while using win xp also. The error code is 0xC00000e9 | |
| have been looking at MSDN for onenote, but most of it , is over my head :-( i did find this https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/hh377180(v=office.14).aspx have been trying to get it to work, but on luck so far.... do not have MS Office installed. the idea is to get the data(mostly text) from … |
I'm volunteering for a non-profit organization based in Chicago that collects community support for global initiatives through the collection of digital signatures and related supporter created profiles & data. We often have to transfer large files, more than several gigabytes, to organizations located throughout the world. The problem is some … | |
Okay, I am trying to learn Windows programming and there are all sorts of new data types that I am running into and need to learn. I'm trying to understand the point of it all and failing. If there is no point and it's just Microsoft making things difficult for … | |
Hello, I have to install Oracle Developer 2000 R2.1 on a Windows 8.1 (x64) machine to run an application developed by a third party developer, but my installation keeps on crashing. Tried running in Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode still same result. The error is as follows: "D2KQT10.ins(54): 'Statement' expected … | |
Hello. I've recently upgraded a Windows 8.1 Pro (OEM) to Windows 10 using the Media Creation tool since I was not getting the GWX icon. Activation has been successful from the OEM key. However, there were some registry issues from the Win 8.1 install itself, and these are still present … | |
Hey there! I have a problem with my computer. When I start my pc, it loads fine, I can go to the BIOS, it passes the POST successfully and so on. I can run the Hiren's Boot CD with no problem and it doesn't lose signal or shuts down, but … | |
I have a project that uses DirectSound to play streaming sound. I use SetThreadpoolWait to get a threadpool callback every time the notification (AutoReset) events are signalled. (To fill the streaming buffer with more audio). The new Win7 threadpool API requires you to use SetThreadpoolWait to schedule a new wait … | |
Hi, I want to write a python program for connect to remote server (using ssh) and execute the command and return back with output. Here is my code: import sys import os from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from time import sleep from os import waitpid, execv, read, write #Ports … | |
I'm tring to do something called "Port Forwarding" using UPnP Com assemply in c# , the following code works fine and map new external ip and port number to my device , but it seems that the ip is not my correct external ip number , because it is different … | |
Hi guys i'm trying to do a programm for school.I have to create something using " semaphore " and i solved it using "#include <sys/sem.h>". Now i'm trying to make this work on Windows 8.I have done many exercises here and they worked,but now there is a message of error: … | |
I have an HP 7600 tower. When I try to commect a microphone, the Recording tab on the Sound window says "No audio devices are installed." Right clicked to show hidden and disconnected devices. None found. Troubleshoot recording could not find the trouble. Speaker Driver tests as the current driver: … | |
Hi Dw. I have a timer that in every 600 interval access the database and the database I'm using is MS Access database. The problem I have is that with this being said, the MS Access database has a limitation of 64 connections on each thread so this 600 interval … | |
how do i create a splash screen on windows phone 8.1 | |
Hello, I am running an Asus Windows 8.1 64bit lappy and I can't connect to the internet. I clicked on the internet connection icon in the tray and the green menu slides open and usually it shows the Airplane mode and below it the Wifi connections but instead it says … | |
so I had quite a few word docs open. (about 10) and a lot of folders open and google chrome, task manager ect. and when I opened one more word doc the screen went black for about 5 seconds. it went back to normal then closed everything and shut it … | |
Hi. I'm wondering if someone would be kind enough to answer a question that I have. Recently, I added a new piece of hardware to my gaming PC that was running Windows 7. All of a sudden, Microsoft comes back telling me that my operating system was not valid. I … | |
Hello I am getting the following message when trying to boot from a Windows 7 DVD on a PC: "BOOTMGR image is corrupt the system can not boot". The PC is currently running Windows 8.1 x64, and I tested the drive with another DVD (non-windows), and it opened the contents … | |
Is there a way to prepare 80GB HDD (SATA) in such way, that it boots from ISO on itself? I'm delivering this to an old grandpa who doesn't know a lot about software (he's electrical genius though). I will create steps on how to get through installation. But I need … | |
are there simple templates to use? | |
Hi Dw. I have a MS Access database that has 9 columns what I want to do is to retrieve all data from a database only on 5 columns. I think I have to use the `select * from data` but I don't know how to select the columns I … | |
Hi, When I use the code below, the data is written to the detail section, but only shows in the design mode. How do I get the data to display on the report? Dim stDocName As String Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Dim rs2 As Recordset Dim … | |
Hellow : I hope u will be all Wright ; My qoustion is "when,I install any window in any system from booted usb .The working of system is so slow And as same steps,when , I install window from CD system working not perfect but avg" The Steps is : … |
The End.