1,765 Topics
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Hello what is the good soft/programm - paid program for effective search in computer under windows 10 / it s own serch Explorer is very very bad/ and DocFetcher don t know to search folders | |
My son is looking to buy a new gaming system. For reasons I have detailed elsewhere on Daniweb, there is no way in hell we will consider a Dell system. They were great once. They aren't anymore. And their service sucks big time. We would prefer a prebuilt system because … | |
So, my twin boys start college (sixth form) this year and as their birthday is coming up I thought I'd kill two birds and buy them the laptop they need. I'm used to speccing out my own laptops for the office here, but when it is my money rather than … | |
I got a new laptop and I didn't have enough money to buy Microsoft Office so I got Kingsoft Office instead. I'm trying to copy and paste a questionnaire that I completed online for a quiz for class. The questionnaire has the question and a box where you select true … | |
PLEASE HELP ME!!! I was trying to lock a folder with the cacls command, but accidentally typed this: cacls "C:" /e /p everyone:n but when I type this : cacls "C:" /e /p everyone:f It gives me access denied!!! How can I fix this???? | |
Laptop Details: Asus Windows 8.1 64-bit Hi. Im having issues with my laptop lately, I kept getting BSOD with error PNP_DETECTED_FATAL_ERROR. I tried uninstalling softwares which I had previously installed but I still kept getting it so i did a reinstall of windows instead and now im having driver issues(with … | |
I frequently find myself looking for files on my computer. 99.9% of the time I am looking for a file by name rather than by contents. Typically there are two ways to find a file when you don't know what folder it is in. You can do it from the … | |
I have a home lab I am trying to configure multiple subnets on and use Routing and Remote Access LAN Routing to get everything talking. I have two hosts w/ 5 physical NICS running Hyper-V. I have the NICS configured on each host so they each are in a different … | |
I'm having issues with my TrendMicro anti-virus software where my disk activity hits 100% for 10-15 minute periods randomly throughout the day. TM tech support has made a few suggestions but in order to track their effectiveness I have to monitor my disk activity in such a way that I … | |
once i was try to exit the set up its always restarting and back to the set up, how to exit and booting the System Opration? | |
Friend Module Program Public Declare Function SetConsoleTitle Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetConsoleTitleA" (ByVal lpConsoleTitle As String) As Long Declare Function ShellExecuteA Lib "shell32.dll" ( _ ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, _ ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, _ ByVal lpParameters As String, _ ByVal lpDirectory As String, _ ByVal … | |
How to encoded personal image and generate qr code for personal image ? I work in visual studio 2015 using c# windows form application . I need to encode personal image to qr code . Meaning when i select personal image then click to generate it will generate qr code … | |
How to check for Windows Installer 1603 errors, how to check for the causes and solution for these errors. Can we check for these kind of errors in Microsoft.Net programming. | |
Hello. Please help me to stop an Excel error message. Every time I try to open the file, I get this error: "The file is unknown". Has anyone any experience in this and if so could you help point me in the right direction? How to repair Excel file? Any … | |
i installed on windows python 3.5.1 latest version on windows but i am try to fail on set up module django. any body help me, to set up django and how to open sample program on browser | |
Hello i had a datagridview with data in it and i wanted to display the selected row in textboxes here's the code i tried by i think its totaly wrong [code=vb.net] Private Sub DataGridView_CellClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellClick Dim i As Integer i = DataGridView.CurrentRow.Index … | |
Hi Dw. Long time ago I think late last year my computer was infected and I had installed a VM from Oracle and had a number of OS(VMs) installed one of them was with Win7 but I don't know what happened one day, when I open the VM it was … | |
Hi DW. How can one read a file or change a file bits without reading the entire file. But first of all how can I read a file in such a way that I get it's bits. I want to read MP3 file and change it bits but I don't … | |
i am very keen to learn how to develop mobile apps, but i want to master one programming language. i hear you can design mobile apps for android, windows & ios using Java. Is this true, if you can someone explain the details of doing this in each platform | |
We have a client who needs to make the cash withdrawal option of their ATM's Inactive once the ATM runs out of cash or if there is a cash jam. Can anyone help with this? | |
It would be good for some people to help me out on putting sounds in my application without Pygame, because it doesn't work on my PC. If you can then it would be highly appreciated for your help. If you could not reply then you could do a download for … | |
I have created an aplication in C# windows application version 1.1 to display some records in a datagrid. The datasource of the datagrid is datatable and not any database.I want tht when we edit any cell of a particular column and press "Enter" it should show a Message Box let's … | |
import requests import pandas as pd import csv from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from pandas import Series,DataFrame import unicodecsv def name1(): url="https://www.agoda.com/zh-tw/pages/agoda/default/DestinationSearchResult.aspx? asq=%2bZePx52sg5H8gZw3pGCybdmU7lFjoXS%2baxz%2bUoF4%2bbAw3oLIKgWQqUpZ91GacaGdIGlJ%2bfxiotUg7cHef4W8WIrREFyK%2bHWl%2ftRKlV7J5kUcPb7NK6DnLacMaVs1qlGagsx8liTdosF5by%2fmvF3ZvJvZqOWnEqFCm0staf3OvDRiEYy%2bVBJyLXucnzzqZp%2fcBP3%2bKCFNOTA%2br9ARInL665pxj%2fA%2bylTfAGs1qJCjm9nxgYafyEWBFMPjt2sg351B&city=18343&cid=1732641&tag=41460a09-3e65-d173-1233-629e2428d88e&gclid=Cj0KEQjwvve_BRDmg9Kt9ufO15EBEiQAKoc6qlyYthgdt9CgZ7a6g6yijP42n6DsCUSZXvtfEJdYqiAaAvdW8P8HAQ&tick=636119092231&isdym=true&searchterm=%E5%A2%BE%E4%B8%81&pagetypeid=1&origin=TW&cid=1732641&htmlLanguage=zh-tw&checkIn=2016-10-20&checkOut=2016-10-21&los=1&rooms=1&adults=2&children=0&isFromSearchBox=true&ckuid=1b070b17-86c2-4376-a4f5-d3b98fc9cf45" source_code=requests.get(url) plain_text=source_code.text soup=BeautifulSoup(plain_text,"lxml") for a in soup.find_all("h3",{"class":"hotel-name"}): b=a.string.strip() print(b) csvfile=open('hotel.csv','w') wr=unicodecsv.writer(csvfile,encoding='utf-8') for item in b: wr.writerow(b) csvfile.close name1() I use python3 and win10 to write this code. I … | |
I wrote and run this code in Windows, in DEV C++ but I am keep getting a Segmentation fault on Ubuntu's terminal when I try to run this program. Here is my whole code. #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<fstream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int Str2NumByAscii(const string& str); // convert string to number … | |
Please tell me ,How to retrive value e.g(textbox,picturebox,combobox..) in one form to another form.. | |
Hello, I'm totally new to programming and wanted to make a text-based game based on what I know, but I've met a problem I don't know how to fix. Also this code is not finished, I'm just trying to get it to work first. Basically, I want the loop to … | |
This is my xml parsor class: public class DataHandler { static XmlSerializer serializer; public static void Initialize() { serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( dataset ) ); serializer.UnknownNode += new XmlNodeEventHandler( serializer_UnknownNode ); serializer.UnknownAttribute += new XmlAttributeEventHandler( serializer_UnknownAttribute ); } public static void ReadXML( string filename ) { FileStream fs = … | |
I was playing Dying Light and just paused the game for a bit and was eating. when come back the game had freeze, mouse too, nothing moved. Tried to collapse the screen of they laptop with the hope that it probably would resume the laptop in normal state of work. … | |
.... **dilemma**! my 6 month old dell inspiron series 3000 laptop windows 8.1 won't boot up? it gets to the black screen with the windows logo on and at the bottom of the screen it says "Preparing Automatic Repair" but it sticks there...? It hasnt got a built in cd/dvd … | |
I dont know why but my young brother laptop (Dell) keeps turning the FN button back to default, I mean, the buttons fn+F1 fn+F2 fn+F3 (mute, volume down and volume up). turn volume just by pressing them, not the FN button. It used to work the vice versa. I changed … |
The End.