3 Topics

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16281[/ATTACH][URL="http://www.unwiredview.com/2010/07/30/apple-starts-patenting-mobile-app-ideas/"]Apple's filed three patent applications[/URL] that mobile app developers are raising eyebrows at. The three patents involve design ideas rather than hardware, and cover high end fashion, hotel, and travel shopping via mobile device. Here's what each application is designed to do. The [URL="http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PG01&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=%2220100191578%22.PGNR.&OS=DN/20100191578&RS=DN/20100191578"]high-end fashion app[/URL] is aimed at luxury …

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We seem to have reached one of those pivotal moments that come along every so often where the big three--Google, Microsoft and Apple-are fighting particularly hard to gain a dominant position. Of course, this is a constant battle, but for some reason it feels more acute to me lately. Maybe …

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Business intelligence (BI) software vendor [URL="http://www.actuate.com/home/index.asp"]Actuate[/URL] announced plans recently to make BI data available to its customers right on their mobile phones. While most companies are scrambling to jump on the iPhone bandwagon, Actuate hasn't forgotten that plenty of businesspeople still use BlackBerrys and, yes, even Palm devices. Actuate has …


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