4,228 Topics

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Member Avatar for jigoro

[COLOR=Black]im using a processor [/COLOR][COLOR=Black] Type : Intel Pentium 4 1400 MHz [URL="http://www.powerleap.com/servlet/InSPECS3_0#"]Processors Bus Speed :[/URL] 400 MHz and a motheerboard: [/COLOR][COLOR=Black]Manufacturer : Intel Corporation [/COLOR][COLOR=Black]Model : D850GB Rev. AAA48535-904 [/COLOR][COLOR=Black][URL="http://www.powerleap.com/servlet/InSPECS3_0#"]CPU Slot/Socket Type :[/URL] PGA-423 [/COLOR][COLOR=Black]Chipset Vendor : Intel i850 Rev. A2 [/COLOR][COLOR=Black]Bios Manufacturer : Intel Corp. [/COLOR][COLOR=Black]Bios Version : …

Member Avatar for brna

I am having huge problems with my laptop The laptop only runs on battery power and not charge the battery i changed the charger and opened laptop and tested power jack found out it good some body said to me this is IC or resistance in mother board please help …

Member Avatar for goldeagle2005
Member Avatar for tsmcbee

I am having problems with my computer. I recently moved and when I assembled my computer it was not working. As soon as I connect the power supply to the wall socket there is an electric current on the back of the computer..even though the computer is off. I can …

Member Avatar for goldeagle2005
Member Avatar for Nihilist

I just built my first computer, and I started it up, and it didn't recognize the hard-drive when I went to install XP. So I turned the machine off, checked the connections on the hard-drive and then turned it back on again. When I turned the computer back on, it …

Member Avatar for goldeagle2005
Member Avatar for almara

I was thinking of upgrading the RAM on my computer which I understood was currently 512MB. I downloaded a freeware programme - “Belarc Advisor” which does a complete scan of the computer and reports on everything which is installed. I did this to try and establish what scope there was …

Member Avatar for goldeagle2005
Member Avatar for timcclayton

Hello all. I have a colleague who bought all the components for a "home build" and got on with it very well. However, we have a problem whereby the BIOS is not listing his SATA drives and is seeing his Asus A8N-SLI Premium motherboard as an A8N-SLI E mobo instead. …

Member Avatar for vicec64
Member Avatar for Peanican

ok, [COLOR=#555555]Back in the day RAM ran at the same FSB as the CPU...but now with the CPU FSB getting to the 1024 mark and RAM only reaching around 533. What are the benefits of having a CPU capable of 1024?[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for vicec64
Member Avatar for kavi99

Hi, I just messed up with my RAM slots. I wanna know that if the slots are not functioning well, do I have to change the whole motherboard.... Hoping for an enlightning reply from d computer wizzies....

Member Avatar for vicec64
Member Avatar for DeViAnT\gAmEr

Quick note, can anyone recomend any good PSUs (preferably for around £60?) for this rig, which will be a dual core crossfire rig with 1 HDD

Member Avatar for vicec64
Member Avatar for mack

I have a new D850GB mobo with a 1.7 Ghz CPU.. 423 socket. got everything installed in it updated the bios and every driver that i could find but if i do anything like open IE or jsut a folder it locks up. if i jsut leave the PC on …

Member Avatar for vicec64
Member Avatar for Bwell

Well, I recently purchased this mobo and all my parts from newegg and have had multiple problems, and in the end realized the last thing I thought was the problem was actually the problem. My motherboard is the problem. I have tested everything and come to the conclusion that there …

Member Avatar for The Geeky Kid

I want to make my computer think that it has a little more RAM than it actually does, can anyone help me out?

Member Avatar for Kn10
Member Avatar for redeye66

Hi all, I'm having this problem with my newly rebuilt computer. It's the CPU, I think it's getting too hot, Speedfan reports it around 40C idle and on full load I've seen it hit 76C (the room ambient temp is around 25C). I haven't overclocked it, that's beyond my knowledge. …

Member Avatar for redeye66
Member Avatar for Scotty123

First my spec:- AMD64 San Diego 3700+ 2x1gb corsair xms 3200 c2pt HIS Excalibur x850xt turbo Asus A8N-E nforce4 ultra mobo. I built this PC just under a year ago. I noticed that in games such as WoW, during play the game would freeze then after a few seconds the …

Member Avatar for Arceon
Member Avatar for zinna75

[quote=dlenegan;237706]anyway guys you are the experts i m not really that good. listening to you guys ive learnt a lot[/quote] Thank you for your hints. I have now bought a New Graphics card, but have the same problem. I will be running the diagnostic tonight to see what it comes …

Member Avatar for zinna75
Member Avatar for lorry_11

im about to invest in an amd fx 62 with 4 gigs of ram around 600 gigs of hard drive space a dvd burner and an nvidia geforce 7950 1 gig vid card only problem is i need a huge power supply and i have no clue how big or …

Member Avatar for Arceon
Member Avatar for ingeborgdot@yah

Why would someone buy a ide external case instead of a sata one? Wouldn't it be faster with a sata drive?

Member Avatar for Arceon
Member Avatar for Thurston

[COLOR=Black]Around 18 months - 2 years ago I built my brother a home PC with the following components: ASUS A8V mobo AMD 64 bit 3000+ 2x Corsair 512MB Western digital 160GB ATI Radeon 9550 256MB DVD Burner Floppy I put it into a fairly standard case and, as deserved, the …

Member Avatar for Arceon
Member Avatar for DeViAnT\gAmEr

Basically, i have created a list of components which i believe to be compatable, and should build a nice system. Please would you take a look, and feedback with any comments/recommendations you would like to make, even if it is jus to confirm the parts will fit together and run …

Member Avatar for DeViAnT\gAmEr
Member Avatar for DeViAnT\gAmEr

hello everyone, this is my first post, and having searched the forums have not found the answer, hence a new thread... I am looking to update my VGA from a ATi Radeon X9250 (AGP) to a X1800XT (PCI-E) problem is, this means a new motherboard, which i dont mind, but …

Member Avatar for DeViAnT\gAmEr
Member Avatar for Trace--

My laptop processor is an Intel, and ive heard that they are not damaged by excessive heat. Is this true? ---------------------------------------- Second, my desktop CMOS was messed up by a friend who *thought* he knew what he was doing. He clocked the processor to 199 and set the multiplier to …

Member Avatar for 'Stein
Member Avatar for bek_pek

Hi I am a complete newbie to all this and this is probs going to sound v stupid...but here goes.. i have bought some ram to boost my laptops mempory a bit as it getting a bit pathetic... the laptop's meant to have 2 slots for ram but i can …

Member Avatar for abbate
Member Avatar for benoxph

i'm using an armada m700 laptop, i noticed that its getting hot whenever i am using it and it is also hanging. I also noticed that the fan is not functioning thus it hangs when it is used for 30 minutes or more. I disassembled the laptop and put thermal …

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Member Avatar for GriffIT34

inspiron 2200, bios protected password. How do I reset or remove that password. ultimately the cd rom has failed and I need to change the boot sequence to boot from usb device to install os

Member Avatar for GriffIT34
Member Avatar for halo434

Just a quick question really, if you wanted to go sli, say with a xfx 7900gt would you have to buy another 7900gt from the same manufacturer (xfx in this case)?? or does it not matter? thanks

Member Avatar for goldeagle2005
Member Avatar for GREENHOUSE

i currently have a amd 3000+ and am into gaming. should i upgrade to the 4000+ cpu if im into gaming or should i stick to my 3000+ until some great cpu comes out.??????

Member Avatar for Helltech
Member Avatar for Patate

I was wondering if anyone knew of a way of finding out what type of RAM you have on the computer? Finding out how much you have is everywhere but the type, I just can't seem to find it.

Member Avatar for Flame X900
Member Avatar for Seamus

Hi, I have the same problem on my Medion 2021 notebook, the center pin wiggled around and has now broken off. I can't find a repair guide for it and rather than risking further damage, will have to get someone out to fix it for me. When I do get …

Member Avatar for Goses85

Hello. I bought a new case and placed my older system in it. Dissapointingly, it shuts off at random and also shuts off when i attempt to play games, or use an graphically intensive programs. However, i reinstalled my old system back to my old case and everything is working …

Member Avatar for TheNNS
Member Avatar for Drowzee

Hello, all. About two years ago, I built myself a nice system. Last month, during record-setting heat, I turned it off one night, and it wouldn't work when I next powered it on. The first time, it got through POST then said that the registry was corrupt and rebooted. It …


The End.