4,228 Topics

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Member Avatar for bobroberts

I just changed my power supply and when I boot it says till i use 40 conductors wire and not 80 cond. w. it will be switching from d2 to ultra33 mode what does it mean and what should I do

Member Avatar for )BIG"B"Affleck
Member Avatar for f575gtc

I have 256MB on a 2.20GHz Intel Celeron. The 256MB is (PC2100) I was planing on installing a 512MB stick,but I need to know can I install (PC3200) memory when the other 256MB is (PC2100)? and what is overcycling and will it happen to me in doing this?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for need help

i got a new computer an my cousin tought me a lot about them mostly the basics but im learning more an it is very very slow an it skips alot when u play music like when u go on the web it starts to skip . neway i would …

Member Avatar for )BIG"B"Affleck
Member Avatar for Sudox

I was given a laptop from a friend and it is in great shape. But when it powers on, after it does it's memory tests, it says "External Cache: Not Found" and it just sits there. I've looked around in CMOS and there isnt anything about disabling the external cache. …

Member Avatar for feigned
Member Avatar for Morgan

I have a Quantex Machine (Company went out of bus.) My Green System Light blinks (Short) constantly and makes a Clicking sound. I saw that my fan on the power supply was moving very slowly so, I got a new power supply for it. installed it the fans work as …

Member Avatar for whipaway
Member Avatar for philpotrebel

i have a case fan 80mm and the ends of the wires were torn off to cinnect it to get power and i now theres a way for it to get power without the ends so can some one tell me how to hook it up?

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for PenTaGon

I am buying parts to build a new PC. I am not sure on which mobo is best. ABIT NF7-S ,nForce2 SPP chipset Support AMD Socket A with 200/266/333 FSB ,8X AGP,SATA 150 ATX motherboard or Asus Motherboard for AMD Athlon XP/Duron Processors, Model# A7N8X Deluxe The Asus is like …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for I_Know_Nothing

Maybe I just can't google very well, but I am having a hard time trying to figure out which chipsets are compatible with an Athlon 2600 XP, let alone which one would be best? Any info would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for I_Know_Nothing
Member Avatar for I_Know_Nothing

I'm eventually going to build a computer for home use, mostly for the intenet, MIDI music applications, and maybe some games later on. I'll probably buy a pentium 4 chip, although I'm not sure, and will be using widows XP, more than likely. I'm wandering which type of RAM to …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for darkshadow

i'm thinking about buying a new processor and i seen a amd athlon xp 2500+ with a barton core for a good price and i was wondering is the amd athlon xp 2500+ with barton core are good or not?

Member Avatar for rkato99

Hello all..I am not very handy with computers but here goes. I have a 900 athlon and I am having problems with my computer freezing. I have purchased many types of pc133 ram and many of them make my computer freeze VERY often while others don't freeze as often. I …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for iamnoob1234

Ok basically.. im a noob.. a friend is helping me build a somputer stup online and i ran into some trouble.. [url]http://compuplus.com/insidepage.php3?id=310&sid=tz9szpo1n3ik84g[/url] My friend says that (in the link) the p4 cpu can also be used as a motherboard.. i dont know if this is true but if it is …

Member Avatar for jinx
Member Avatar for Column

Ok heres the story. Yesterday I tried to turn my laptop on and nothing happend so I looked it over and it turns out my 13 yr old brother decided to take it apart for a better look inside. Well I noticed that he took the CPU out and when …

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Member Avatar for motech

I've run into 2 motherboards in the last month that had bad capacitors on them (Bulging, Leaking or both) that was causing wierd power problems, and startup problems. I heard about this one on the web about 6 months ago, yet haven't seen anything personally until just now. One mb …

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Member Avatar for motech

The system has been degrading in performance over time (as I've been told) Lately it won't boot or takes a long time to boot, yet I've watched it also do a perfect boot into Knoppix. The odd thing I've noticed is that it says 1.60A Ghz P4 some times and …

Member Avatar for mitchman55

Ok, i have a Dell Dimension XPS from like '97 or '98 its got a 6 gig hd right now and an intell pentum 2 with like a 500mhz mother board, also it was made for windows 95 but i have windows 98 on it, now i need to know …

Member Avatar for subtronic
Member Avatar for jabberwock486

I was working on a system this week and i cam upon something i had yet to see. a dual BIOS system. Why would u have a dual BIOS system, i have never seen or even heard of it. i guess i should also find out who made the board …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for syx

I have connected (temporarely) my old 200W AT PSU in my computer to power everything except mobo and everything is powering up normally, i have some questions! My power ok (AT PSU) isn't connected to anything, to what i connect it? 12V 5V ground?? I want to put a relay …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for MseeSquare

Hi, Be gentle with me, I'm new here. So, my CPU has died. It was a PII 400MHz. The motherboard is a P2BXL rev.D. Can I upgrade the processor? Can I get a PIII? How fast can I go? Am I limited to a PII 450MHz CPU? or limited even …

Member Avatar for Lynn
Member Avatar for fakespike

hey gusy i'm out shopping for a new mother board thing is i want it to be compatible with all the new cards such as the nvdia fx(5900 i think). i also want it to be fast in terms of processing speed i heard of a 8 lane bus thing …

Member Avatar for Lynn
Member Avatar for Bobafett

Hi, I need some help with this motherboard. first - The bios do not detect my 2 SATA disk drive. I try all the setting in the bios, but I still got NONE in the detection section of the boot. I try to boot in SATA Only mode and in …

Member Avatar for Xelfinn
Member Avatar for Paladine

I found this interesting post for all those who are considering upgrade their computers and or cases. .....Power supply: How big a PSU do I need? AGP video card - 20-30W PCI video card - 20W AMD Athlon 900MHz-1.1GHz - 50W AMD Athlon 1.2MHz-1.4GHz - 55-65W Intel Pentium III 800MHz-1.26GHz …

Member Avatar for Tekmaven
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Gatorman

I was wondering if it's possible to change a celeron 366 mmc-2 with a celeron 500 mmc-2? or even to a p3 mmc-2?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for MAD_DOG

1GB of PC 133 is 150 bucks over here which is expense but I'm talking about 1 Stick of ram now 4 lol. Ram in Los Angeles at one time was 20 bucks for PC-133 512MB Just an update :)

Member Avatar for MAD_DOG

64Bit OS's Intel Itanium 2 64bit AMD Hammer 64bit QDR Ram AGP 8x USB 2.0 No more Serial Port/Par Port/ISA Slots/USB 1.0 and who knows maybe say good bye to PS/2 Finally there dropping all the old BS and finally steping up and completely changing the Architecture/Design It only took …

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Member Avatar for MAD_DOG

A lot of people over clock there systems. Most dont know that there hurting there system. Processor/Motherboard and Chipsets are all working extra hard. One reason you overclock is so your system runs faster. Overclocking does not do much if your smart. Instead of Overclocking. *RAM Speed *Hard Drive Speed …

Member Avatar for AlPhA
Member Avatar for MAD_DOG

Hey gang if you guys know any PC MOD sites that you think nobody has seen send them over. Post them here I would love to see them. I thinking about starting a company Online and Offline selling PC MOD's fully built. If you guys have some sites you would …

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The End.