4,228 Topics
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I just changed my power supply and when I boot it says till i use 40 conductors wire and not 80 cond. w. it will be switching from d2 to ultra33 mode what does it mean and what should I do | |
I have 256MB on a 2.20GHz Intel Celeron. The 256MB is (PC2100) I was planing on installing a 512MB stick,but I need to know can I install (PC3200) memory when the other 256MB is (PC2100)? and what is overcycling and will it happen to me in doing this? | |
i got a new computer an my cousin tought me a lot about them mostly the basics but im learning more an it is very very slow an it skips alot when u play music like when u go on the web it starts to skip . neway i would … | |
I was given a laptop from a friend and it is in great shape. But when it powers on, after it does it's memory tests, it says "External Cache: Not Found" and it just sits there. I've looked around in CMOS and there isnt anything about disabling the external cache. … | |
I have a Quantex Machine (Company went out of bus.) My Green System Light blinks (Short) constantly and makes a Clicking sound. I saw that my fan on the power supply was moving very slowly so, I got a new power supply for it. installed it the fans work as … | |
i have a case fan 80mm and the ends of the wires were torn off to cinnect it to get power and i now theres a way for it to get power without the ends so can some one tell me how to hook it up? | |
I am buying parts to build a new PC. I am not sure on which mobo is best. ABIT NF7-S ,nForce2 SPP chipset Support AMD Socket A with 200/266/333 FSB ,8X AGP,SATA 150 ATX motherboard or Asus Motherboard for AMD Athlon XP/Duron Processors, Model# A7N8X Deluxe The Asus is like … | |
Maybe I just can't google very well, but I am having a hard time trying to figure out which chipsets are compatible with an Athlon 2600 XP, let alone which one would be best? Any info would be appreciated. | |
I'm eventually going to build a computer for home use, mostly for the intenet, MIDI music applications, and maybe some games later on. I'll probably buy a pentium 4 chip, although I'm not sure, and will be using widows XP, more than likely. I'm wandering which type of RAM to … | |
i'm thinking about buying a new processor and i seen a amd athlon xp 2500+ with a barton core for a good price and i was wondering is the amd athlon xp 2500+ with barton core are good or not? | |
Hello all..I am not very handy with computers but here goes. I have a 900 athlon and I am having problems with my computer freezing. I have purchased many types of pc133 ram and many of them make my computer freeze VERY often while others don't freeze as often. I … | |
Ok basically.. im a noob.. a friend is helping me build a somputer stup online and i ran into some trouble.. [url]http://compuplus.com/insidepage.php3?id=310&sid=tz9szpo1n3ik84g[/url] My friend says that (in the link) the p4 cpu can also be used as a motherboard.. i dont know if this is true but if it is … | |
Ok heres the story. Yesterday I tried to turn my laptop on and nothing happend so I looked it over and it turns out my 13 yr old brother decided to take it apart for a better look inside. Well I noticed that he took the CPU out and when … | |
I've run into 2 motherboards in the last month that had bad capacitors on them (Bulging, Leaking or both) that was causing wierd power problems, and startup problems. I heard about this one on the web about 6 months ago, yet haven't seen anything personally until just now. One mb … | |
The system has been degrading in performance over time (as I've been told) Lately it won't boot or takes a long time to boot, yet I've watched it also do a perfect boot into Knoppix. The odd thing I've noticed is that it says 1.60A Ghz P4 some times and … | |
Ok, i have a Dell Dimension XPS from like '97 or '98 its got a 6 gig hd right now and an intell pentum 2 with like a 500mhz mother board, also it was made for windows 95 but i have windows 98 on it, now i need to know … | |
I was working on a system this week and i cam upon something i had yet to see. a dual BIOS system. Why would u have a dual BIOS system, i have never seen or even heard of it. i guess i should also find out who made the board … | |
I have connected (temporarely) my old 200W AT PSU in my computer to power everything except mobo and everything is powering up normally, i have some questions! My power ok (AT PSU) isn't connected to anything, to what i connect it? 12V 5V ground?? I want to put a relay … | |
Hi, Be gentle with me, I'm new here. So, my CPU has died. It was a PII 400MHz. The motherboard is a P2BXL rev.D. Can I upgrade the processor? Can I get a PIII? How fast can I go? Am I limited to a PII 450MHz CPU? or limited even … | |
hey gusy i'm out shopping for a new mother board thing is i want it to be compatible with all the new cards such as the nvdia fx(5900 i think). i also want it to be fast in terms of processing speed i heard of a 8 lane bus thing … | |
Hi, I need some help with this motherboard. first - The bios do not detect my 2 SATA disk drive. I try all the setting in the bios, but I still got NONE in the detection section of the boot. I try to boot in SATA Only mode and in … | |
I found this interesting post for all those who are considering upgrade their computers and or cases. .....Power supply: How big a PSU do I need? AGP video card - 20-30W PCI video card - 20W AMD Athlon 900MHz-1.1GHz - 50W AMD Athlon 1.2MHz-1.4GHz - 55-65W Intel Pentium III 800MHz-1.26GHz … | |
PC Mod Kingdom 3.0 is going gold on Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 12:02 AM EST! | |
I was wondering if it's possible to change a celeron 366 mmc-2 with a celeron 500 mmc-2? or even to a p3 mmc-2? | |
1GB of PC 133 is 150 bucks over here which is expense but I'm talking about 1 Stick of ram now 4 lol. Ram in Los Angeles at one time was 20 bucks for PC-133 512MB Just an update :) | |
64Bit OS's Intel Itanium 2 64bit AMD Hammer 64bit QDR Ram AGP 8x USB 2.0 No more Serial Port/Par Port/ISA Slots/USB 1.0 and who knows maybe say good bye to PS/2 Finally there dropping all the old BS and finally steping up and completely changing the Architecture/Design It only took … | |
A lot of people over clock there systems. Most dont know that there hurting there system. Processor/Motherboard and Chipsets are all working extra hard. One reason you overclock is so your system runs faster. Overclocking does not do much if your smart. Instead of Overclocking. *RAM Speed *Hard Drive Speed … | |
Hey gang if you guys know any PC MOD sites that you think nobody has seen send them over. Post them here I would love to see them. I thinking about starting a company Online and Offline selling PC MOD's fully built. If you guys have some sites you would … |
The End.