4,228 Topics

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Member Avatar for kingkee101

gday.i have an asus an8 (gto i thinks) MB, it has 4 slots for ram and can run dual channel. dual channel activates in slots 1/2 and 3/4.i have 4 x 512mb matched ram in atm. i have a spare 1GB stick, so would there be any advantage by replacing …

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Member Avatar for ndeniche

i have a Toshiba Satellite M20 running an Intel Pentium M @ 1.3GHz in an Intel 855GM chipset @ 400MHz, is there a way to know the maximum ram compatibility? sorry... i'm not very experienced in hardware...

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for 5*sTuNNa

Hi everyone! I got a HP Pavilion 700. Pretty sure the motherboard got fried. Doesn't turn on. Was wondering what I can Replace it with? Was going to use same HD, OS, CPU, case, power supply, ETC. What info do I need to know which will work? Thanks everyone!

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for shadysoldier

Im building my dad a pc and i found these parts but will they work together perfectly? His pc is for stock trading. ANTEC P182 USING A SPARE PSU 250G 32 MB CACHE HDD A RANDOM DVD/CD BURNER 8600GT [url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231122[/url] [url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115018[/url] [url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835186134[/url] [url]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128059[/url]

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for 666ogre666

I have a laptop with an Intel T7200 Core 2 Duo @ 2.00 and i was wondering if that meant that it had two 1.0 Ghz. cores or two 2.0 Ghz. cores. I feel like my computer is always going slower then it should and I didn't want to break …

Member Avatar for willcomp
Member Avatar for natakudragoon

i had a 512mb pc3200 ram. my uncle replaced his computer and gave me two 512 DDR pc3200. i've installed both of them in but now it only reads 1 gig of ram. i went on crucial.com and it only reads that i have 2 slots filled. and 2 slots …

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Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for ynnyytty

Hello everybody! I am in need of your advice. I have been building computers for the past 2 years, and I do understand the most of it. ;) I have however not kept up with the ram market. At the moment, I am building a gaming rig, and I need …

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for ndeniche

i have this really old laptop, a toshiba satellite M20, which has become obsolete over the years... it's got 223 ram, 30gig HDD, centrino... so i was thinking in upgrading the pc's motherboard, processor and ram... is that possible? and if it is, is it adviceable?

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for 729099

Hello...first post here. I should preface this by admitting I am just a regular layperson who really knows very little about computers. Also I did post this in the "Trouble Shooting Dead Machines" but haven't had a response yet. Last night I was using my laptop and it suddenly went …

Member Avatar for mechbas
Member Avatar for jermaghs07

i'm tired of everyone asking should they go to quad core. Here is my answer NO! Quad core is a waist of money right now, we don't have any need for it. quad core was developed for server use. it was designed to be able to run a massive ammount …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for volhokhoo

Hello, I have a Dell Inspiron 600m. It has started to slow down on me, which I can deal with. I have done all the usual recommedations: check starting programs, defrag, etc. Sometimes my CPU spikes to 100%, slowing things down as well. Annoying, but not the end of the …

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for banisters_mind

I am looking at upgrading the RAM in a Dell Dimension 8200. The product specs on this rig state that it comes with PC800 RDRAM (256MB) as standard. Ideally I would like to beef it up considerably but a quick web search shows that this kind of RAM is not …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for haveibrokenit?

I had 256MB RAM DDR PC2700 in my PC and I installed a 1GB stick. I had run a memory needs check from Crucial.com and it told me what I needed and I also checked the actual label stuck on the RAM in the PC. The connections on the RAM …

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for Brkn67

I just bought a Gigabyte GA-73VM-S2 motherboard along with a Pentium E2200 processor. I checked the website and the E2200 is not on the CPU support list. The last CPU supported in this line of CPU's is the E2180. Is there any chance I can get the E2200 to work?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for jermaghs07

I have an older dell inspiron 1130. need to replace the motherboard ram and hdd. what are your suggestion? I know the MB will probably have to come from dell.

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Member Avatar for melbsurfer13

Hey guys don't know much about motherboards and cpus and wanna know. Can anyone tell me to upgrade my computer am i able to just upgrade the motherboard and cpu or do i need more? Also i want to do low end video editing store music burn dvds and play …

Member Avatar for Michael_Knight
Member Avatar for sonu637419

I have sony vaio pcg k45 with 512mb Ram, I am planing to upgrade my ram to 1gb, ( after I increase the ram will it effect my note book speed? and one more question I have DDR ram, with one slot, and I saw one ram DDR2 with one …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for tones1986

Hey folks. I am looking to get a new motherboard that can run all my current specs but is a board i can buy new parts for in 4-6 months. Currently: P5NSLI 2 gig G.Skill PC6400 Dual Core Duo 2 E6400 PCI-E BFG Nvidia 8800 GTC OC 312mb I would …

Member Avatar for The New Normal
Member Avatar for avee_kothari8

I dont know if this is the right place to start this thread. My desktop PC config is : Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz, 1.5( 1 + 512 MB) GB DDR1 RAM, Samsung 80 GB hard disk, Samsung Writemaster DVD-RW, Nvidia Geforce 128 MB graphic card I have a …

Member Avatar for mb523
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

i have a dell dimension 8300 with xp how would i overclock it. The processor is a pentium 4 ht 3ghz (and something about 2 cpu's it said in dxdiag but i do not have 2 processors).

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for RanipaKeyur

i have 80GB hard-disk sata port when i boot my os(windowsXP) i am getting message[B] disk read error[/B]and press clt+alt+del to restart when i got this msg first time i reinstall os sucessfully but after some time ,i got the same msg again now i can not reinstall os again,becase …

Member Avatar for The New Normal
Member Avatar for chrisbean

I'm working on a friends W2646 computer..just checking it out since it was S-L-O-W! 2.6 cpu 256 ram. I was wondering if or what CPU upgrades will work? I know it's a intel 845GV board but I'm not sure if it will take a 478 533 P4 hyperthreading CPU? Also …

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for BILL S

If I am installing a newly setup old PC, using hardware from a dead mobo, as an actual example...where's the easiest/quickest way to find a driver to mate the drive and hardware? I've found this is still a bit of a hassle when XP is not using it's builtin online …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Jicky

I decided to add two more fans to my cabinet ,when I discussed with my friends they said that it will only rise the temperature . is that true ,does more fan icrease the motherboard temperature?

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for Soral 3.0

Howdy all, A year and a half ago, I made my first [I]real[/I] custom pc. Back then I played lots of FPS games, so my priority was power over productivity. But now, more than ever, I find myself being ever so frustrated with the noise of my pc. It's quieter …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for preacherptl

I need to solder the power supply jack. I have removed all the screws and the laptopl is loose all around the edges but something is holding it near the middle, around the space bar or letters m,n. There are no more screws visible to remove. What do I do …

Member Avatar for Michael_Knight
Member Avatar for jim999

Hi i have an old Compaq Armada 1120 running win 95. I know its old but its used just for word processing. > >I tried to install a larger hard drive but i got theis error: 304 Keyboard or system unit error. I put the old hdd in but it …

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Member Avatar for aussteve

Gooday to you all, I am a new user of this site on my daughters pc which is so slow i've aged significantly posting this thread, My problem is I have just upgraded my cpu to the amd quad cor phenom, which runs well in my asus m232-sli deluxe motherboard, …

Member Avatar for The New Normal
Member Avatar for its.romi

Hello everybody I have an assignment related DMA so I need some information about Direct Memory Access and ISA, EISA How peripherals uses DMA? How new microprocessors uses DMA for high performance?

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The End.