10,944 Topics
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how to add record into my database mysql | |
Hi Building an e-commerce store, got a product table, with a price field got a discounts table with product_id, and an active field my query left joins discounts onto products, but I only want to pull in the discount if discount.active = '1'... but if I use 'WHERE discount.active = … | |
Hopefully someone can help me. Explaining this may be a pain for ya, but I would really appreciate any assistance that you may be able to give me. Here is my scenario. -I am trying to import a csv file into phpmyadmin. -The MySQL database is for Wordpress. -The .csv … | |
Ok what I am trying to do is submit changes. I have all the information being collected. I'm just having trouble with the proper query to run. I currently have: [CODE] $sql = "UPDATE anime_list SET anime_name = '$animename' rating = '$rating' episodes = '$episodes' WHERE id='$id'"; $result = mysqli_query($dbc, … | |
Dear Friends, I am a web designer hence i only know very little of PHP programming. I need help on the PHP script for me to post data from other server to my server. Due to my lack of knowledge in PHP so i'm using JetForm.com as a third party … | |
Hey friends, I have a page that I've been working on for HOURS and finally almost have it perfect except for TWO things: 1. Every time I load the page it automatically inserts a blank row of data into my MySQL database. (Submitting it after filling out the for works … ![]() | |
Hello I installed MYSQL and Apache via XAMPP. And I am trying some codes from a textbook while Apace and MYSQL are running. I am trying to connect MYSQL with this code :[CODE]<?php //connect to MySQL; note we’ve used our own parameters- you should use //your own for hostname, user, … ![]() | |
Hello I am trying to get a SELECT stament to work i Java. The staement has a parameter, but Eclipse gives me the following error message: You have an error in your SQL syntax, check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL version...... Is it possible to show me how … | |
Hello I've large data in a table in which one of the columns is description. in this column i'm to store description of materials and their tolerance which is a (+/-)ve value. for sample:18K 1/4W ±1%. while restoring the data on a test system i observed a special character before … | |
Hi I am using the following join query to get a list of stores that have sold policies during the day. But I need it to be distinct [CODE] $Query = mysql_query("SELECT tblpolicies.StoreId , tblpolicies.DateReceived , DailyGroup.GroupName , DailyGroup.StoreName , DailyGroup.PortfolioName FROM tblpolicies LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT StoreId , GroupName, … | |
i am writing something in php and i keep getting the error: mysql_fetch_array not a valid sql argument. here is the code: [CODE=php] <?php if ($_GET['goto']=='requests'){ ?> <table> <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM friends WHERE toid='$id'"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $query = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE … | |
Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me. I am new to mysql/php and I was wondering if there is a way that I can have php create pages for me. What I want is that I no longer need to create new page, so I will have a … | |
I have a database, that has a type_code in it. There are 3 types of products and certain numbers and costs associated with each type. The type codes are not present in sequential order in the database. they are random and i have a csv file with only 2 columns … | |
Hi webdevelopers, I am trying to INSERT INTO a table, a RETRIEVED gender SELECT FROM another table, but it misses a piece of code, to function: [CODE]$page_title = 'Register'; include ('./header2.html'); // Connect to the database. require_once ('./Script14.1_mysql_connect.php'); if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { if (!empty($_POST['types']) && ($_POST['types_id']) > 1) { $g = … | |
Hi guys, Does anyone know if it's possible to connect to the MYSQL database in wamp using C#. I basically want to take information from the COM port using C# and write it to the database. Any thoughts/tutorials/links would be greatly appreciated! | |
[CODE] DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `AddTranMast` $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `AddTranMast`(mDocDt date,mDocType CHAR(2)) begin declare mDocNo char(5); declare Code double; select max(docno) into Code from tranmast; if code=00000 then set mDocNo=00001; else set Code=(100000+Code+1); set mDocNo=substring(Code,2,5); end if; insert into tranmast(docno,docdt,doctype) values(mDocNo,mDocDt,mDocType); end $$ DELIMITER ; [/CODE] I … | |
Hey everybody. So I am just trying to write a script to delete a row in a MySQL database. Unfortunately I seem to have something wrong...even though I don't get any errors. Here is a snippet of the code on the page to send the request: [CODE] echo "<tr><td width='138px' … | |
Hallo daniweb!, Im new here *hehe* anyway I've been working on our companys website for a while now but I just cant get it to work... the error is @ the 26:th line. btw we're using: Cirtex hosting the defination "myusername" and "mypassword" is in the prev. .php file (main_login.php) … | |
hi, i am getting a "no database selected error" when i give the following command.. mysql>source company_data.sql ERROR 1046 (3D000):No database selected pls help me out with this error!! | |
Hi guys, Does anyone know if it's possible to connect to the MYSQL database in wamp using C#. I basically want to take information from the COM port using C# and write it to the database. Any thoughts/tutorials/links would be greatly appreciated! | |
Link to the page [CODE]<a href="http://xxxx.com/u/'.$_SESSION['loginid'].'/index.php?user='.$_SESSION['loginid'].'">test</a>[/CODE] index.php [CODE]<?php if (isset($_GET['user'])){ define("HOST", "xxxx.xxxxxxx.com"); define("DBUSER", "xxxxx"); define("PASS", "xxxx"); define("DB", "xxxx"); $conn = mysql_connect(HOST, DBUSER, PASS) or die('Could not connect !<br />Please contact the site's administrator.'); $db = mysql_select_db(DB) or die('Could not connect to database !<br />Please contact the site's administrator.'); $user = … | |
Hello good ITz This is my last resort,I've checked threads but saw no answer to my question,I blieve you good people will help me out This are my existing forms, i want to add a multiple file upload system to it for each user that signs up as shown below … | |
its value not valuo can u help me with this........ | |
Hi friends, In one of my table I stored some names of students . I need to select all the names starting letter "A" or "a" .... Please help me Thanks in advance Rajeesh | |
Hello i need to match a loginid from another label in my MYSQL database. I dont know how or what i should search to get to this. | |
Okay. I have a whole list of products. Some are the same thing ie: same titles I have a form where people search for the products. I organize the products by a rank I give each product when they are first created. I want to group up the products. For … | |
Hi, I am learning store procedure. my table structure is user_id int(9) primary user_name varchar(100) user_first_name varchar(100) CREATE PROCEDURE Sp1(OUT p VARCHAR(100),OUT p1 VARCHAR(100),IN p2 INT) SELECT user_name,user_first_name INTO p,p1 FROM pm_user WHERE user_id=p2; CALL Sp1(@Name,@Fname,2); SELECT @Name,@Fname; Output comes like @Name @Fname [BLOB - 0B] [BLOB - 0B] How … | |
i have this code: [CODE]<?php session_start(); $id=$_SESSION['uid']; include "dbconnect.php"; $query = "SELECT FROM members WHERE id='$id'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); ?>[/CODE] and it says mysql_fetch_array is not a valid argument. help please |
The End.