10,940 Topics

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Member Avatar for Melanie22

Dear Friends, I am a web designer hence i only know very little of PHP programming. I need help on the PHP script for me to post data from other server to my server. Due to my lack of knowledge in PHP so i'm using JetForm.com as a third party …

Member Avatar for grayceworks
Member Avatar for devinodaniel

Hey friends, I have a page that I've been working on for HOURS and finally almost have it perfect except for TWO things: 1. Every time I load the page it automatically inserts a blank row of data into my MySQL database. (Submitting it after filling out the for works …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for newbiecoder

Hello I installed MYSQL and Apache via XAMPP. And I am trying some codes from a textbook while Apace and MYSQL are running. I am trying to connect MYSQL with this code :[CODE]<?php //connect to MySQL; note we’ve used our own parameters- you should use //your own for hostname, user, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for fugmag

Hello I am trying to get a SELECT stament to work i Java. The staement has a parameter, but Eclipse gives me the following error message: You have an error in your SQL syntax, check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL version...... Is it possible to show me how …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for kvskchaitanya

Hello I've large data in a table in which one of the columns is description. in this column i'm to store description of materials and their tolerance which is a (+/-)ve value. for sample:18K 1/4W ±1%. while restoring the data on a test system i observed a special character before …

Member Avatar for kvskchaitanya
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I am using the following join query to get a list of stores that have sold policies during the day. But I need it to be distinct [CODE] $Query = mysql_query("SELECT tblpolicies.StoreId , tblpolicies.DateReceived , DailyGroup.GroupName , DailyGroup.StoreName , DailyGroup.PortfolioName FROM tblpolicies LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT StoreId , GroupName, …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for tcollins412

i am writing something in php and i keep getting the error: mysql_fetch_array not a valid sql argument. here is the code: [CODE=php] <?php if ($_GET['goto']=='requests'){ ?> <table> <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM friends WHERE toid='$id'"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $query = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for AMADH

Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me. I am new to mysql/php and I was wondering if there is a way that I can have php create pages for me. What I want is that I no longer need to create new page, so I will have a …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for scorpio222

I have a database, that has a type_code in it. There are 3 types of products and certain numbers and costs associated with each type. The type codes are not present in sequential order in the database. they are random and i have a csv file with only 2 columns …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Masks.be

Hi webdevelopers, I am trying to INSERT INTO a table, a RETRIEVED gender SELECT FROM another table, but it misses a piece of code, to function: [CODE]$page_title = 'Register'; include ('./header2.html'); // Connect to the database. require_once ('./Script14.1_mysql_connect.php'); if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { if (!empty($_POST['types']) && ($_POST['types_id']) > 1) { $g = …

Member Avatar for Masks.be
Member Avatar for peck3277

Hi guys, Does anyone know if it's possible to connect to the MYSQL database in wamp using C#. I basically want to take information from the COM port using C# and write it to the database. Any thoughts/tutorials/links would be greatly appreciated!

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for debayanmitra

[CODE] DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `AddTranMast` $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `AddTranMast`(mDocDt date,mDocType CHAR(2)) begin declare mDocNo char(5); declare Code double; select max(docno) into Code from tranmast; if code=00000 then set mDocNo=00001; else set Code=(100000+Code+1); set mDocNo=substring(Code,2,5); end if; insert into tranmast(docno,docdt,doctype) values(mDocNo,mDocDt,mDocType); end $$ DELIMITER ; [/CODE] I …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for UzuNarU

Hey everybody. So I am just trying to write a script to delete a row in a MySQL database. Unfortunately I seem to have something wrong...even though I don't get any errors. Here is a snippet of the code on the page to send the request: [CODE] echo "<tr><td width='138px' …

Member Avatar for UzuNarU
Member Avatar for holmiboii

Hallo daniweb!, Im new here *hehe* anyway I've been working on our companys website for a while now but I just cant get it to work... the error is @ the 26:th line. btw we're using: Cirtex hosting the defination "myusername" and "mypassword" is in the prev. .php file (main_login.php) …

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Member Avatar for indr

hi, i am getting a "no database selected error" when i give the following command.. mysql>source company_data.sql ERROR 1046 (3D000):No database selected pls help me out with this error!!

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for peck3277

Hi guys, Does anyone know if it's possible to connect to the MYSQL database in wamp using C#. I basically want to take information from the COM port using C# and write it to the database. Any thoughts/tutorials/links would be greatly appreciated!

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for malipia
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Link to the page [CODE]<a href="http://xxxx.com/u/'.$_SESSION['loginid'].'/index.php?user='.$_SESSION['loginid'].'">test</a>[/CODE] index.php [CODE]<?php if (isset($_GET['user'])){ define("HOST", "xxxx.xxxxxxx.com"); define("DBUSER", "xxxxx"); define("PASS", "xxxx"); define("DB", "xxxx"); $conn = mysql_connect(HOST, DBUSER, PASS) or die('Could not connect !<br />Please contact the site's administrator.'); $db = mysql_select_db(DB) or die('Could not connect to database !<br />Please contact the site's administrator.'); $user = …

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for bluetoot

Hello good ITz This is my last resort,I've checked threads but saw no answer to my question,I blieve you good people will help me out This are my existing forms, i want to add a multiple file upload system to it for each user that signs up as shown below …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for malipia
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi friends, In one of my table I stored some names of students . I need to select all the names starting letter "A" or "a" .... Please help me Thanks in advance Rajeesh

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Hello i need to match a loginid from another label in my MYSQL database. I dont know how or what i should search to get to this.

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Joe34

Okay. I have a whole list of products. Some are the same thing ie: same titles I have a form where people search for the products. I organize the products by a rank I give each product when they are first created. I want to group up the products. For …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi, I am learning store procedure. my table structure is user_id int(9) primary user_name varchar(100) user_first_name varchar(100) CREATE PROCEDURE Sp1(OUT p VARCHAR(100),OUT p1 VARCHAR(100),IN p2 INT) SELECT user_name,user_first_name INTO p,p1 FROM pm_user WHERE user_id=p2; CALL Sp1(@Name,@Fname,2); SELECT @Name,@Fname; Output comes like @Name @Fname [BLOB - 0B] [BLOB - 0B] How …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for tcollins412

i have this code: [CODE]<?php session_start(); $id=$_SESSION['uid']; include "dbconnect.php"; $query = "SELECT FROM members WHERE id='$id'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); ?>[/CODE] and it says mysql_fetch_array is not a valid argument. help please

Member Avatar for lyrico
Member Avatar for Shanti C

Hello All, My problem is, i have one database and application in web server, another application in local server which is having another database . But some tables are same in database server and in my local database. I want to update these particular tables from data base server into …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for jrosh

Please can anyone explain me how I can connect a mysql database with a j2me application. I would be great full if you can give me some code samples or tutorials. thank you.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for paullanesra

hi i am having a problem with a php script. i have 3 files index.php, home.html.php, form.html.php. home.html.php is working fine, if has a form that is submitting fine but when it submits i get a problem. maybe someone can help me out please i would be grateful as i …

Member Avatar for EricIskhakov
Member Avatar for pritesh2010

How to recover data from .ibd file if innodb is corrupted I have one test database and many table with the extension of .frm and .idb file. from frm file i got strucure of database but how to restore data from individiual file of .idb file.

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi friends, I had a database table as follows ... Id | Film Name | Director | Cast | ---------------------------------------- 12 | Dhoom | Name | 123,128,125,458,12 12 | Dhoom 2 | Name | 129,158,147,455 ------------------------------------------------ I need search by cast column For eg : If I select :- [ICODE]select …

Member Avatar for smantscheff

The End.