10,944 Topics
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I am looking for ideas of projects I can do to further develop my PHP and MySQL skills. I did Business IT university and have a good knowledge of PHP and MySQL as I did my dissertation in it. I would like to develop these skills further but I have … | |
Hi, I am trying to design a website, where we have a table containing the days of the week and hours. The idea is to populate this table by its connection to the database. So two pages: Make appointment: 1. I insert into the database via php website selecting time … | |
I know this contains actionscript, but the server side is Java. I am trying to get a red5 server to insert into mysql, but I can't get eclipse to compile this client side code. Could someone tell me if this tutorial is up to date with galileo, the new version … | |
Okay, I'm a little confused - this code works perfectly fine in mysql; however, in php it keeps repeating the first person for about 15 rows. Can someone point me to what I'm missing here. [code] $queryUsers = "SELECT user_id, zipcode, gender, housing_status, active, username FROM users WHERE user_id != … | |
I use MYSQL 5.0 I have a table with a field named ArticlePrice. The content of the ArticlePrice field looks like this [COLOR="red"]10.50[/COLOR] My question is: is there an environment variable or system variable MYSQL who can change the locale currency in to Europe setting . So that the content … | |
Hi! We have a database that stores vehicle's gps position, date, time, vehicle identification, lat, long, speed, etc., every minute. The following select pulls each vehicle position and info, but the problem is that returns the first record, and I need the last record (current position), based on date (datagps.Fecha) … | |
Hello everyone! I searched the site already to see if this question has been addressed already and found no results, but if it has then I appologize and if you can link me to that thread I'll refer to that to solve my problem. I am trying to save a … | |
Hello all, I have the following SQL statement. [CODE]SELECT a.airport_code AS AIRPORTCODE, a.airport_name AS AIRPORT, u.usr_id AS USERID, u.usr_fname AS FIRSTNAME, u.usr_lname AS LASTNAME, u.usr_email AS EMAIL,u.usr_airline AS AIRLINE, u.usr_airline_iatacode AS IATA, t.title AS TITLE FROM users u LEFT JOIN userairportservices uas ON uas.usr_id_users = u.usr_id LEFT JOIN airport a … | |
i am new in Jsp please tell me how to connect MySql to JSP ? | |
![]() | Sorry for posting this in this forum, but there is no forum for PostGreSQL. I am currently attempting to optimize a function that uses up to 3 seperate SELECT queries, by using a CASE conditional in my query. Right now my function does an initial query, then if no results … ![]() |
Hi, i am using vb.net2008 and mySql 5.1.36 to do an assignment. I need to count the number of seat available in a table in my database. When i run my code, the error [COLOR="Red"] MySQL :: invalid attempt to access a field before calling Read()[/COLOR] occurred in the code … | |
[CODE] EXPLAIN SELECT post FROM `table` WHERE id = '123' LIMIT 1[/CODE] There are 411 records in table for id=123, even though limit of 1 is forced in the syntax, explain syntax shows that there are 411 rows in the table for the above query. Does that mean mysql will … | |
Hi, I'm developing a VB6 application connecting to a MySQL database. I'm getting run-time error 3001: arguments are of the wrong type, are out of an acceptable range, or are in conflict of each other. I'm using the ODBC driver from MySQL. I would appreciate if anyone could spot where … | |
Hello guys, i been searching this for a month still cannot find anything. is there any way to copy mysql table to ms access? Best Regards | |
Hello to all, Being in a pretty much international company, I have come here to ask a few things about ETL tools and their different languages. We have offices in the US, in Europe (Italy, France) and in China. We think English is fine but our European team and Chinese … | |
Hey all - I did a bit of searching and read up on the "..not a valid MySQL result resource" error.. but I can't seem to fit any of the solutions to my code. Can I please get some help? Here is the error: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not … | |
Hi , I have MYSQL version 4.1 to get size [code=sql]SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name", sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "Data Base Size in MB", sum( data_free )/ 1024 / 1024 "Free Space in MB" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema ; [/code] But there is no … | |
pleaseeeeeeee hepl meeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! i have 2 tables : time1 (noo integer,days varchar,times varchar,Tindex integer,primary key (noo,Tindex)) timetable1_1(COn integer,coursename varchar,dayss varchar,timess varchar, primary key(COn)) i have created a new table temptime1 and tried to fill it with the rows in time1 which their days and times are not available in timetable1_1 … | |
I am new to programing and am impressed with the ease of python/wxpython. I have written useful wx programs to enter data into MySQL databases, but am stuck on making a useful wxpython MySQL query progam. I have had success writing query apps in python. I'm hoping to find a … | |
Hi everyone! Im actually doing my final year project which is an ecommerce application for a specific business. there is another student who is working on the MIS part of this business. we have to use the same database. I am using PHP and MySQL and he is using ASP.net … | |
I have a table with 15,00,000 rows which has a column PERMLINK which is used in 'where' clause of my select queries. To speed up query I have used it as INDEX. What size of index is optimum for names.? and I have a new idea but don't know how … | |
i already have a running code regarding this, however, when i embed the database, it cannot access the next records...help pls.. ![]() | |
Hello I want to update a table with ID from another table, where the companyname field within the tables match as below ABC LIMITED Would Match AST BIRCH CONT LIMITED I basically want to take the 1st letter of each word Can someone help me | |
I need to format PHP to use with one of my date field (DATETIME). I want to get current time and format it. I have checked some googled articles but I cannot get far. Please help me! | |
Hello, Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer this question. Can I record a users ip address without them logging into my site? I have a list of documents that I would like to make available and would like to get an idea of who may be viewing them. … | |
Hello, I'd like to create a basic html form where a user can submit their email address for a cooking class. There would only be room for 20 people so I'd like it to accept the first 20 user and display a "check back next month" to anyone past 20. … | |
Hello, I am working on a website using a MySQL database, certain pages contain tables from the database. Also there is an admin where someone can edit (replace) values in the table. Everything is working, but I have one problem. A row in the table is named 'Best Moment' which … | |
I got a problem when using mysql connector with wxWidgets my program crashes right when I start debugging, but it gives no compiler errors. Main.h [code]#ifndef __MAIN_H #define __MAIN_H #include <wx/frame.h> #include <wx/textctrl.h> #include <wx/button.h> // Mysql #include "mysql_connection.h" #include <cppconn/driver.h> #include <cppconn/exception.h> #include <cppconn/resultset.h> #include <cppconn/statement.h> class MainApp: public … | |
I have been searching the web for this but cant find it anywhere, i want to search my mysql database with php but i want it to find records if just one of the search term word are met. eg. Search term from form = "one two three" My database … ![]() |
The End.