10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for jrosh

I want to transfer data from mysql database to an msexcel sheet... Is it possible with java. how?

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Member Avatar for empoor

Hi. I tried looking for this problem on Google, and found a lot, but nothing that actually seems to work. I basically have a search script that works fine when using one keyword, but when one uses more than that, it returns every single row per keyword. So a search …

Member Avatar for dasatti
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I am trying to backup one of my Mysql database with a PHP script. [code] <?php $host="localhost"; $database="toy"; $username="root"; $password=""; $connection=mysql_connect($host, $username, $password); if(!$connection) { die("ERROR: Couldn't connect to the server."); } else { $dbSelect=mysql_select_db($database); if(!$dbSelect) { die("ERROR: Couldn't select the database."); } else { $mysqldumpPath="/usr/bin/mysqldump"; $backupFileName = "Desktop/toy-`date …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for cwarn23

I'm not sure if this is possible but I'm kinda stuck in the middle. For my script I need to calculate the server load and the mysql cache usage both in percentage. Does anybody know of any scripts I can use for this. There are probably open source things that …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for didyouthink76

Not sure if I have the right forum...but I am wondering....my employer has advised me that I am going to need to start working with an accountant as I am the DBA. Is this becoming more and more common that DBA's have to work with financials as most databases are …

Member Avatar for didyouthink76
Member Avatar for ankur02018

Hi i have table with following structure mysql> show create table proc\G; *************************** 1. row *********** Table: proc [code=sql]Create Table: CREATE TABLE `proc` ( `a` varchar(16) default NULL, `b` varchar(16) default NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1[/code] i want to insert values into table proc through procedure what should be the …

Member Avatar for ankur02018
Member Avatar for Enthused

Hi, I have created a php file to upload images i want this to store the image name in a mysql database. I created this php code but when it comes to storing the file name in the database it stores each file name in a new row. Can anyone …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for HFK11

I have been working on this problem for a few weeks now and everything I have tried will not work. I am new to working with PHP and MySQL and have never use a forum, so you can say I am new to everything right now. When I try to …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for carobee
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Topic The topic of this question is: db_Connect does not connect. Hello and Thank you in advance for any assistance. [b] System info:netbeans project,database attached or provided at: [url]http://cid-b5cb457363230793.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/school.zip[/url] [/b] [b] The purpose of this post is: Try to get a sql statement to work [/b] [b] The functionality of …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for dasatti

I had a code written long time ago which was working fine for small records but as the number of records begin to increase it completely failed. I am attaching the file with comments which will help you understand the problem. For fewer records you can see it working at …

Member Avatar for dasatti
Member Avatar for van2006

hi i am new to this forum. i am able to add image file(a.jpg) to mysql databse. when i see the file in a databse . i could see the file.but when i try to retrive that file ia m getting error.can anybody help me thanks

Member Avatar for nurnamira
Member Avatar for toasty52

I have the following PHP MySql query: [CODE=php]$query="SELECT * FROM hosts WHERE php='$isphp' AND asp='$isasp' ORDER BY asp $sort";[/CODE] The variable $sort is as follows: [CODE=php]$sort = "DESC";[/CODE] can anyone tell me where i am going wrong with the above query ? i know its somthing to do with the …

Member Avatar for toasty52
Member Avatar for bolter

I'm not a python programmer, I'm mostly a hobbist that lately is developing a project in php/Mysql. Now I find myself in need of sending two python variables to one mysql table. I found the wonderful MySQLdb module but unfortunately only supports 2.3-2.5, while to run this specific python script …

Member Avatar for jice
Member Avatar for digitaldancer

Poor database design I suppose, but never the less I need to retrieve FIELD -this-, -that-, -the other- from TABLE foo and FIELD -pphone- from TABLE -bar-. For example a record set of McDonalds restaurants in different cities. Where a particular restaurants phone# is not known, I pull the corporate …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for click here

i want the best php class to work with mysql hi i want the best and the simple php class to work with the mysql thanks

Member Avatar for smartness
Member Avatar for smartness

I need a mysql user authentication class with only 3 user "levels" 1. Admin 2. Registered (or normal) user 3. Guest I tried phpclasses.org but couldn't find a good one (maybe i didn't try hard enough :-O ) So any suggestion is welcome! :)

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for AdventDeo

Ok so I have two separate AJAX function that I want to combine but have no idea how. The first 2 files are to call up a table with cells in the form of text-boxes, and the last 2 files are linked dropboxes. What I want to do is to …

Member Avatar for AdventDeo
Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai

some body help me.I want to know how to put the dropdown list from database at my textbox cursor. full problem definition is like this. I want to create a Hint system for SQL which will give the structure of of Query. for example if user enters trigger he will …

Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai
Member Avatar for ned69

I have a joke script which currently displays a new joke each day and I want to change it to where it displays one every week. I keep getting the SQL error below but when I run it in phpMyAdmin it works just fine. Most likely some little thing which …

Member Avatar for ned69
Member Avatar for weblover

hi all ..how are u? i have a problem and i need ur help plz ...i downloaded Apache2.2 server and php 5.3 and now i'm downloading mysql5.1.37 ...but there is a problem ..when i start the Mysql Server Instance Configuration wizard it tells me to choose between 2 version ..and …

Member Avatar for vincent2085
Member Avatar for francis123

Hello! everyone out there! I am having a table that looks like this in phpmyadmin ....................................................................................................... . id . fname . lname . user_id . trackdate . country . ....................................................................................................... . 1 . Jonh . Mark . 10 . 21 . USA . . 2 . Frank . Yank . …

Member Avatar for mazeroth
Member Avatar for tulipputih

Dear All. 1. I need to select all related information from a table (lesson) that fulfill certain conditions. 2. the output (some of the fields from lesson table)are then need to be referred to several lookup tables.(a table for each field) 3. the lookup tables have three main fields, which …

Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, I have downloaded mysql, please tell me how to create database, and tables in mysql, .. just forward me the queries for how to create table, database, and how to make database connection in my jsp code...........reply me soon pls.......... give me example code,,,, i wil try to …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for jen140

Hello all. I have a small db, that has news. I want to update the field "content" to add the phraze "<br>Aproved by Admin" for every row in the database. A better explanation, i have table news, with 1 table that is defined : create table news (id int, creator …

Member Avatar for jen140
Member Avatar for dan_ord

Hi, I'm using Cron Jobs to set up an automated script which checks for jobs which were posted 7 days ago, which will then delete the record and send the customer out an email. I've got a bit of knowledge using php and mysql however i'm not sure on how …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for mstrlouis

I am trying to link one variable in the search results to its corresponding variable which is in the same row but on a different field result. For Example [B]title || lyrics[/B] father || am i so proud to be your son... If I search for father, I get father …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for rayarman

Hi, I have the following dates, either: - 07-09-09 (which is 7th September 2009) or - 07/09/2009 (which is again 7th September 2009) I need to reformat whichever one of these formats comes up so it is correctly inserted into myql db via php. Have tried strpos to find - …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for sandeep.m

Hi, I have installed "MySQL-python-1.2.2" in my CentOS 5.3 server using "python setup.py install" command. It is giving me the error as : Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 5, in <module> import ez_setup; ez_setup.use_setuptools() File "/home/installars/MySQL-python-1.2.2/ez_setup.py", line 85, in use_setuptools import setuptools; setuptools.bootstrap_install_from = egg zipimport.ZipImportError: can't …

Member Avatar for tiger86

Hey; I'm hoping some database wizards could help me out with this question. I have been trying to decide between MYSQL or MYSQLI. I would appreciate as much info from experienced database developers/deployers on which database offers the most security.

Member Avatar for mwasif

The End.