10,944 Topics
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Basically. I have this query that is executed on a form submit. [code] $add_proc = mysql_query(" INSERT INTO `proc` (active, title, desc, notes, link, tags1, tags2, tags3) VALUES ( '".$_POST['add_proc_active']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_title']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_desc']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_notes']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_link']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_tag1']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_tag2']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_tag3']."' ) [/code] Now. The form doesn't require you to enter all 3 tags. … | |
Hi Daniweb, I am confused, how to explode the numbers from database. Simply I can Explode, but after explode I have to relate the numbers to another table. If any one not clear abt my problem, pls reply Eg: 1, 2 Relate to Basket, football [CODE] $sql1=mysql_query("SELECT impid FROM customer … | |
Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how to stop MySQL errors being displayed to the user. I have turned off all the necessary options in php.ini such as [CODE]display_errors = Off log_errors = On error_log = /path/to/log/[/CODE] I have even tried to override these settings using ini_set() in my … | |
I cannot get this mysql update query to work. Please help. I am new at this.:) <?PHP session_start(); ?> <?php //it's getting the data from the post fine. I know this part is working. $ud_id=$_POST['ud_id']; $ud_fname=$_POST['ud_fname']; $ud_lname=$_POST['ud_lname']; $ud_type=$_POST['ud_type']; $ud_used=$_POST['ud_used']; $ud_sdate=$_POST['ud_sdate']; $ud_edate=$_POST['ud_edate']; if ($ud_id == "") echo " No record ID … | |
am using MySQL database. When I execute a query which the main table(20 thousands of rows) is joined with the other 5 tables, it takes 90 seconds to return me the result. I then added indices into each of the criteria(where clause). Then the execution time drops from 90 seconds … | |
Let's say that I want to retrieve rows from just one table and exclude rows with certain ID's. Hypothetical table: [CODE] +----+-------+------+ | id | value | type | +----+-------+------+ | 1 | foo | cool | +----+-------+------+ | 2 | bar | cool | +----+-------+------+ | 3 | lor … | |
So I received awesome help from here before but forgot to ask at the time about one small thing. He taught me how to exclude my "ID" field displaying and about the implode function in PHP but if I display my data using it is there a way to make … | |
[CODE]$wordpress_user_db_query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO cedsite_wrdp1.wp_users (`user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`, `user_url`, `user_registered`, `user_activation_key`, `user_status`, `display_name`) VALUES ('".$username."', '".md5($pass)."', '".$username."', '".$email."', '', '".$date."', '', 0, '".$username."');");[/CODE] Using PHP I am trying to do that, but it isn't working. Can someone help? | |
Hi this is my first post on DaniWeb.... the information has helped me in the past but im seriously stuck.... Help would be very much appreciated.. Im trying to create a form where the user can upload 5 pictures to a mysql database (members) field names are img1, img2, img3, … | |
Hello, I have a mysql field that is a blob and I use encode to encrypt the values for that field. One of the values is: 62756d7069886d66 When I use the salt: ulabula to decode it via phpmyadmin, the correct value returns: 62756d7069886d66 However when I do the exact same … | |
Hello! I run SQL queries from JAVA program (an example is shown below). My question is: Is it possible to run SQL query, if column names are defined in an array and the array size is not known apriori? Thanks! [CODE] public void setQuery(String query) { try { int rs … | |
I have this code: [CODE]$sql=mysql_query("select distinct one.ime_kategorije AS ime_kat,count, two.kategorija_g AS kategorija_g FROM (SELECT *, COUNT(DISTINCT kategorija_g) AS count FROM galerija_slik LEFT JOIN kategorija ON galerija_slik.id_kat=kategorija.id_kategorija GROUP BY id_kat) AS one JOIN ( select * from galerija_slik group by kategorija_g) AS two WHERE one.id_kat = two.id_kat;"); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $kategorija=$row['ime_kat']; … | |
Hello)) I have a text file with a script that can be used to create an Oracle database, but I want to use this script to create MySQL one) Unfortunately, not all commands are similar. I've already changed the commands for creating tables. And now I can not understand how … | |
Hi guys! I can not understand - what is wrong with this simple line - [CODE]create table SUBJECT ( SUBJ_ID NUMERUC not null, SUBJ_NAME VARCHAR(100));[/CODE] error message -[QUOTE]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to … | |
Hello! I’ve got three tables that I want to link together. When I try to upload images and text throught a form, the web browser show this error message: [QUOTE]Error, query failed 1452-Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`mn000532_almacen`.`images`, CONSTRAINT `images_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`itemID`) … | |
[CODE]<?php include("includes/connection.php");?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <?php echo $sql= "SELECT * FROM forms WHERE today >= CURDATE() - INTERVAL 30 DAY"; $result=mysql_query($sql); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {echo $City= $row['City']; echo $Name=$$row['Name'];} ?> </body> </html> [/CODE] i just … | |
[CODE]$wordpress_user_db_query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO cedsite_wrdp1.wp_users (`user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`, `user_url`, `user_registered`, `user_activation_key`, `user_status`, `display_name`) VALUES ('".$username."', '".md5($pass)."', '".$username."', '".$email."', '', '".$date."', '', 0, '".$username."');");[/CODE] Using PHP I am trying to do that, but it isn't working. Can someone help? | |
Hi friends , I had a table which contains tourist information of a country. the table structure as follows state | place | placeid | activities ============================================================================== state1 | palce 1 | 12457 | swimming,trekking,hillstation,waterfall | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ state2 | palce 2 | 12458 | beach,backwater,ayurveda,fishing | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok now I … | |
Hi, i have made a form in which people fill out their details and its gets saved in database with [CODE] $today = date("F j, Y");[/CODE] now i want to make a search for that forms with date , like Search with in last 3 days or Last 6 months. … | |
[CODE]<cfquery name="Sort" datasource="JD8989776555"> SELECT * FROM ResMenuItems ORDER BY "ItemOrder" ASC </cfquery> <p>Output</p> <cfoutput query="Sort"> #ItemOrder# - #ItemName#<br /> </cfoutput> <p>loop</p> <cfloop query="Sort"> <cfoutput>#ItemOrder# - #ItemName#<br /></cfoutput> </cfloop>[/CODE] I am honestly not joking :S That code there, is here : [url]http://jadedragon-co-uk.securec12.ezhostingserver.com/admin/MenuManager/TEST.cfm[/url] | |
Hey! I've got a SELECT query which fetches rows based on a search string using LIKE command. I was wondering, how could I make it to skip "The " from the beginning of the value? For example, I have TV series listed in the database, like "Futurama", "The Office", "The … | |
hai, friends i have problem in inserting image into mysql database using a small java program.... here is my code for inserting image into database............ [CODE] import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; class ImageUpload { public static void connection() { Connection con=null; Statement st=null; PreparedStatement pst=null; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); System.out.println("driver is loaded"); … | |
hey guys i m new in mysql can u tell tat how select data through a store proceedure in mysql or how i hvae to put a select query in store proceedure of mysql pls help me........ thanks | |
[CODE]DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `uniqueId`; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `unique`(IN deepak VARCHAR(100),OUT UNIQUEID INT) BEGIN SELECT UNIQUEID FROM products WHERE PRODNUM='deepak'; END$$ DELIMITER ;[/CODE] how to select uery work in this procedure.............help me | |
![]() | Hi all, i decided to try and make a php shopping cart with sessions and manged to do so with the help of online turorials and references. However, i decided to try and pass over multiple items form a table, but i must have gone wrong somewhere, as some of … ![]() |
Hi, i have four tables: books info autor publisher ---------- ------------- --------------- -------------- id id id id bookname type name publisher name autor_id year second name quantity publisher_id autor year country I tried with this relations but it did not work (is this normalization ok) relations: `autor.id = books.autor_id` AND … | |
This SQL operation will get the desired Proposal_ID. [CODE]SELECT P.Proposal_ID, AVG(c.Task_Good_Idea) AS Average FROM proposals P, proposal_appraisal c LEFT OUTER JOIN users b ON (c.Evaluator_ID = b.User_ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN submission_status d ON (c.Primary_Evaluation_Status_ID = d.submission_status_ID) WHERE (P.Proposal_ID = c.Proposal_ID) AND P.Proposal_ID >= 931 AND d.Submission_Status_ID = 2 GROUP BY … | |
Hi All, Another roadblock on my way to fame and fortune... LOL I am attempting to convert a csv file to a mysql table, and am using a converter that takes the csv and converts each line into an insert statement. that part works fine. But the issue I run … | |
Hi, I need help to insert multiple checkbox data into MySQL using PHP. I'm new here, any code I can refer? I have a database name called subject_name and there is only 2 column in the table which is id and subject. I would like to insert multiple checkbox data … |
The End.