10,944 Topics
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I am starting a new website.I want a best Login Logout Php mysql script with for get password fearutes.Where i can get it. Please help me | |
Hi, I'm kinda new to using MySQL,I just downloaded sqlite3 for my Linux. Can anyone give me some links to tutorials/sample codes that use MySQL and C as a programming language? Thank you | |
Hi, Can anyone tell me if two databases of the same schema were to be merged what potential problems would arise? Thanks Shephard | |
Hi Guys, I'm having an issue with my sum() function on my queries. My DB has 3 tables 1. plans 2. handset 3. matrix [B][U]plans;[/U][/B] - planNum - planCode - planName - planLength - simRebate - commission [B][U]handset;[/U][/B] - handset - RRP [B][U]matrix;[/U][/B] - planNum - handset - subsidy The … | |
This trigger is making me nuts! I've written about a dozen triggers before but nothing where I have ever pulled data from another table. What this is supposed to do is make sure that any inserted rows have a latitude/longitude (lat/lon) value. The users table has the lat/lon and these … | |
I successfully configured MYSQL with VS2008, i executed the following code, and no errors were thrown. [CODE] #include <mysql.h> #include "stdafx.h" void main() { }[/CODE] Now i need to write a C++ code to retrieve some values from a Database, therefore i used the following code; [CODE] #include <mysql.h> #include … | |
I'm having problems creating the following trigger as I keep getting the syntax error listed below the sql code and well, that error is about as clear as mud! LOL Two things to note: users is a valid table name and it does contain fields called lat & lon (latitude … | |
Ii have been working on a shopping cart, the way my cart works is that for each item in a users cart the data is stored in a database. So if the users has a hat and a glove there are 2 rows in my table, the rows are joined … | |
Hi i'd like to know how to store dynamic string into MySQL database from c#.net desktop application. I was able to store only fixed data . Help me pls as i 'm new in database . thanks | |
Table name: upload [B][U]Id[/U][/B] [U][B] Name[/B][/U] [U][B]Email[/B][/U] [U][B]File[/B][/U] 153 Jegan [email]jeg@yahoo.com[/email] id.doc 154 Alex [email]Alx@gmail.com[/email] de.doc Consider the above table, I want to delete the [email]Alx@gmail.com[/email] in 154. Plz give the idea. | |
Hi, I am designing a new db for my website. It is a database of events with the following tables. Events Category Owners Countries Regions Subregions I am left with the following dilemma, I use foreign keys to ensure fast links between the table Events and other tables (category, countries,...) … | |
Hey, I have a problem in my database. I have these two tables: [CODE] Table "File": +----------+--------------+-----+----------------+ | Field | Type | Key | Extra | +----------+--------------+-----+----------------+ | idFile | int(11) | PRI | auto_increment | | path | varchar(255) | | | +----------+--------------+-----+----------------+ Table "Media": +----------+--------------+-----+----------------+ | Field | … | |
hello guys i hav db as to store firstname,lastname,email,addr,city. if i select any id i want that particular row and also at that same page i click next button next row want to preview. please help for this by send code as possible soon | |
I have a search where I want to be able to search a string of words. The search is going to be looking in 2 different table joined by a left outer join. The tables are "quotes" and "categories". <?php $sql="SELECT q.id, q.username, q.quote, q.by, q.voteup, q.votedown, q.servtime, c.label FROM … | |
I have an update statement which should update a product using information the user has submitted from a form The error being that nothing gets updated, the sql code does nothing, and changes nothing in the database Can anyone see an error in the code? [CODE] $user_id = ($_SESSION['user_id']); $product_id … | |
I'm sure this is stupidly simple, but I havent been able to figure it out with lots of Google searching and pouring through tutorials. I'm building a simple computer trade-in value calculator PHP app. Using a form to select the type of computer and the various specs, I need it … ![]() | |
I'd like to make standalone desktop application which is connected to mysql. i mean my app will be used in different network rather than mysql DB . DB will be set up in other network. Is it possible to build this kind of application? If so, how can i implement … | |
hi there [CODE] #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <mysql.h> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { MYSQL *con; mysql_real_connect(con, "localhost", "alakazam","username","password",0,NULL,0); } [/CODE] Error IntelliSense: identifier "SOCKET" is undefined in file mysql_com.h how should i fix it?!! | |
Hi Guys, I am looking to query a db having multiple brands of cars then from those results I want to further filter it based on the type of oil they use. I have written the below but it does not work and I am not sure how I can … | |
Hi, I need to find a correct approach to do database process. Please have a lot at my code below, I am sure it is not good practise. I'll be happy if you can help me avoiding many connections to mysql db once there is a connection already established. Also, … | |
hello all i have allready created table and wan to add Composite primary key into that so for that i am using following statement [CODE] ALTER TABLE pqrimasterdetail ADD primary key (PQRIMasterID,Type,Year,PhysiciansID);[/CODE] but in not executed successful it gives the query could not be Executed. Multiple Primary key Defined if … | |
Hi all fri, i'd like to know how to pro-grammatically insert variable data to MySQL database . I m succeed in fixed data insert only. i wanna import variable data which might be generated by user on run time. Here's my code. I use MySQL Command Line Client . It … | |
Hello friends. I need a good article or book that compare storage engins _such as MyISAM, InnoDB, Falcon and etc_. if any one know a good source please introduce me. Tanks if help me. | |
I have learn to make website using php and mysql from tutorial book And I have some problem and I don't know how to do with it. :X If anyone know about solution to fix it please help.... Here is my code [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> … | |
Im having trouble importing the text file from my desktop into the database,i tried it both ways but it doesn't seem to work, does the file have to be somewhere specifically for it to import. please help [code] load data local infile 'userdata_import.txt' into table tags fields terminated by ',' … | |
Hi All. I am building a project assuming that there is a mehtod for intercepting incoming and outgoing mail from a mailserver. If it is not possible please let me know, I am new working with mail servers, so any material that you could provide would be greatly appreciated. I … | |
Recently I found this project: [url]http://www.ralpharama.co.uk/item.php?itemid=387&page=TPF[/url] it is a forum script with no mysql I know this can be dangerous but what are the advantages of a forum with no mysql? will it load faster? less robust? Thanks | |
hey i have a mdf file which i made an application in visual studio 2008 and i want to migrate all the data and the tables in to the MySQL server, can someone help me in this thanxxxxx appreciate a lot | |
Hello all, This isn’t a strictly MySQL issue, it has to do also with PHP Apache and cPanel but I believe the core is MySQL so I decided to post it here. Recently I had a SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections issue. I use PHP PDO for the connection and … | |
Hi, we are running mysql 5.0.16-nt in windows 2003 server... we are getting frequently some warnings in the event viewer like "Changed limits: max_open_files: 2048 max_connections: 450 table_cache: 794" Once this warning arise, then the site has broken indicating "too many connections".. I have gone through many of the threads … |
The End.