10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for cjoyce

hi guys... i can connect now to the mysql database and is able to display the database names (because i have 3 databases) in a combo box.. i was stuck up in displaying tables from mysql in a listview.. please help me solve this.. here are my codes: [code] Public …

Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi, I have started a new app in my current Django project and I want to make the new app use its own database. I have found this solution on the web: [URL="http://www.eflorenzano.com/blog/post/easy-multi-database-support-django/"]Django Multi-Database support[/URL] but it seems more like a hack than a supported solution. Do you think this …

Member Avatar for jonnypixel

Hi, I have 2 tables i am querying. The first table has 2 columns, one for folder ID and the other for Category ID. I want to query that table to get a loop of all the folder ID's based on the category ID chosen. Then i query the second …

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Member Avatar for helpfullProgram

Hello everyone! I need to be able to check if a "username" exists in one table in the database, and if not then create a row with that "username" and various other bits and bobs. I have it so I can input a username into a database but when I …

Member Avatar for helpfullProgram
Member Avatar for vaskar

Hi ALL, When i run this query it's take too much time to execute. SELECT ptnt.*,ptntF.familyName FROM -> (SELECT ptntPatientDetails.*,ptntPatientDetailsLang.occupation,ptntPatientDetailsLang.notes,pracStatusMasterLang.statusDesc, -> IFNULL((select countryName from genCountry where ice_global.genCountry.countryID = ptntPatientDetails.country),'') as countryName, -> IFNULL((select stateName from genState where ice_global.genState.stateID = ptntPatientDetails.state),'') as stateName -> FROM ptntPatientDetails,ptntPatientDetailsLang,pracStatusMasterLang -> WHERE ptntPatientDetails.patientID = ptntPatientDetailsLang.ptntPatientID …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for iWarrior

I'm having some problems with the UPDATE statement in VB.NET. Not the UPDATE statement directly, but when it comes to incrementing a field's value by 1. Below is the code that I'm using for writing to the database, as well as the two UPDATE SQL statements that I've tried. Any …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for mrhankey

hi, i need to do a query which joins multiple tables but i need to join the same 2 tables multiple times. is that possible? [CODE]SELECT timeline.TimelineID, timeline.SIPPorCASH, timeline.clients_ClientID, timeline.UserID, timeline.IFAID, timeline.RegionalSalesManager, timeline.AreaSalesManager, timeline.AgencyTradingAgreementSigned, timeline.DateOfClientMeeting, timeline.EstimatedPensionFundAmount, timeline.DateAuthorityMandateSentToIFA, timeline.DetailsOfPensionFunds, timeline.ProductID, timeline.PropertyRef, timeline.NPW, timeline.CaseComplete, clients.ClientID, clients.App1FirstName, clients.App1LastName, clients.App2FirstName, clients.App2LastName, users.UserID, users.FullName FROM …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for derozza

Dear all. I need help regarding on my error.. this is the sample code: [CODE] Private Sub GetDetails(ByVal id As String) Dim conString As String = (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.Item("ItemListing").ToString) Dim objConnection As New MySqlConnection(conString) objConnection.Open() Dim sdr As MySqlDataReader Dim sSQL As String = " SELECT i.SuppCode,s.SuppName,s.telno,s.Faxno,s.email,s.Salesman,s.Mobileno,s.add1," & _ " i.masterefno, i.invoicerefno,a.remarks, …

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder
Member Avatar for benjaminFowl87

Hi there I'm having trouble a with a forum query here are my 3 tables [B]categories[/B] [U]category_id[/U] category_name category_description [B]threads[/B] [U]thread_id[/U] [I]category_id[/I] thread_title thread_text [B]posts[/B] [U]post_id[/U] [I]thread_id[/I] post_text I want a query that selects all of the top level categories and displays them however in that query I am aware …

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Member Avatar for Joe34
Member Avatar for Joe34
Member Avatar for jjemphoung

Good day! I'm a newbie in java and I'm using Netbeans 6.9.1 as my IDE. I want to connect the system that I'm developing to the MySQL 5.0 database in the WAMP installed in my computer. I already configured my MySQL by following several steps I found in netbeans.org tutorial. …

Member Avatar for datavirtue
Member Avatar for davehere

hello, I need to display contents with their tags, and in same page all the tags of the page contents the problem is having a limit on contents doesn't work if join tags on them (the number of tags change the number of select contents) [B]THE TABLES ========== [/B] I …

Member Avatar for davehere
Member Avatar for robotnixon

Hey everyone. I have a mysql project that requires only some basic queries except one. Nothing more challenging than some really basic select/insert statements. No problem there. But the one complex one isn't working out. I typically work a little with SQL server and wrote the following at work in …

Member Avatar for robotnixon
Member Avatar for rpandia31

Can we call a single trigger for multiple tables.... say I have two identical tables a and b. now we have a trigger that is needed to be called by each table. It is possible in POSTGRESQL using Triggers function.... these functions allow to call a single trigger function from …

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Member Avatar for shinsengumi

Hello all. I created a C program that used MySQL in Linux and now I'm transferring the program to Windows. I would like to ask what software do I need to download/install in Windows to be able to compile and run the program there? Also, when the program is already …

Member Avatar for shinsengumi
Member Avatar for anler

Hi guys, I'm doing a web app that will be available in various countries and I need it to be quick enough. That's why I'm wondering if keeping a separate database for each country would be faster than using a common database and filtering the results by country?

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for eelyak

I’m trying to pull athleteid, firstname, lastname, rushyards, teamname …while athletes.athleteid = ‘200’ My main goal besides getting this data out is that some athletes may move teams. So like atheleteid = ‘200’ may be on team 10 during weeks 1-4 but on team 15 for weeks 5-16. I’m trying …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for ade92uk

Hi, this is what i've got so far: [CODE]$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$_SESSION[dbprefix]."users, user_skills WHERE user_skills.userid=users.id AND ((users.username LIKE '%" . $queryString . "%') OR (users.email LIKE '%" . $queryString . "%') OR (users.firstname LIKE '%" .$queryString . "%') OR (users.lastname LIKE '%" . $queryString . "%') OR (user_skills.skill …

Member Avatar for ade92uk
Member Avatar for mbarandao

I'm wondering if it is possible to skip certain fields in the mysql table in a sql statement. Here is what I mean: I have a table that has the following columns: firstname lastname phone dob Suppose I write the following statement: $[CODE]mysql_query=("insert db_table (firstname, lastname, phone) VALUES ('$firstname' ,'$lastname', …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for sanchow

Hi, I am trying to use AJAX to do a simple thing of displaying the results in the same page. Clicking on the <a href tag should display the results in the same page. This is working correctly in IE but the onclick() function is not working in firefox and …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for charvie

is it possible to create an index using substr ? say for example i have a field called num which has char(8) as its datatype and length. an example of num's value would be something like 09092010 now what i want is to create an index using the last 4 …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for LianaN

Hi! Could someone tell me please how to configure MySQL DB for storing both latin and cyrillic data sets in the same table? Thanks!

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for nickles

Hi, I'm getting the error Warning: mysql_numrows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\******\include\Database.php on line 294 when I try to run this [CODE]function calcNumActiveUsers() { $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TBL_ACTIVE_USERS; $result = $this->query($query); //just uses mysql_query var_dump($result); $this->num_active_users = mysql_numrows($result); }[/CODE] As far as I …

Member Avatar for nickles
Member Avatar for MixedCoder

[CODE] #include <Windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <mysql.h> using namespace std; int main() { MYSQL *conn; char names; names= mysql_query(conn,"select * from names"); return 0; } [/CODE] error: Error 1 error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'char *' i want to set a varuable for the query so …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for LianaN

Hi! I have a Java application that works with MySQL DB. Until today I used latin alphabet, but now I would like to extend my application to working with cyrillic alphabet. As far as I know, it is possible to use UTF-8. But I don't know the way, in which …

Member Avatar for LianaN
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello: Here is an interesting question. I have a client payment recording form which retrieves data from a table that has clients balances and other. My task with this form is to take payments (which can be payments in full or partial payments). I need to be able to update …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for Dante2

Ok, I am trying to access my table via php. I have a successful connection to the server and a successful selection of the right database on the server. But I keep getting this error message when I try to run my query line through the mysql_fetch_array() finction: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): …

Member Avatar for Dante2
Member Avatar for Shephard

Hi, I'm new to mySQL and I've got to run a bunch of queries on a database that I've been designing for a hypothetical record company. If anyone could check my queries, I would appreciate it greatly as they don't seem to be returning the correct results and I'm not …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for phpcode

Good Evening: I am making a transition from ColdFusion to PHP, and I am curious about a code situation I encountered. I am playing around with adding two drop-downs with two different fields from the same query. Wish CFML, it is [CODE=coldfusion] <cfquery name="queryName"> SELECT * FROM food </cfquery> Please …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for Haz425

Users, I have a slight problem, because I have little experience and wisdom in the art of PHP I need someone to help me who does have knowledge of such. My problem is this: I am wanting to create another website, however, the website I want to create needs to …

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The End.