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About Me

Personal Info: I have been married to my wonderful wife for five years and we have a two year old daughter. Professional Info I am a computer technician for the London Transit Commission, and I am also a professional writer. I write for Families On-Line…

35 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for OneMaxPower

Ok, if your dad's never disconnects and yours does then the problem is definately not your ISP or the router, at least you can eliminate that, and if you have switched the cabling you can eliminate the cabling, the only things left are your Network Interface Card aka NIC (the …

Member Avatar for RTFMID10T
Member Avatar for sabret00the

Ok, first off you would probably want to go with a router to serve your internet connection rather than the server. The Cisco SOHO series would probably give you enough of a router for 20 employees, I currently have a Cisco SOHO 71 at my work place and we have …

Member Avatar for masimk2003
Member Avatar for Tresh

I would first off recommend against using access for this type of application. You would be much better off using MySQL, it is much better suited for your needs.

Member Avatar for compusolver
Member Avatar for Atomic Banana

If nothing has changed but your physical location and your provider I would be tempted to think it was one of those two things. I would call your provider.

Member Avatar for goyalindia2
Member Avatar for actfray

I agree with aeinstein, Linksys is a good name thier routers are normally really excellent. If your landlord is also experiencing problems it sounds like he has made a change to the router that is causing your problems. If he has not made any changes a firmware update may do …

Member Avatar for Fix My Computer
Member Avatar for Diluted Thought

Do you have a firewall program running? I would say that either your firewall or your router are blocking certain requests, or the MTU settings are not correct. Are you able to get to at all, or just unable to get into the actual mail, basically the same question …

Member Avatar for JOHNNYHUMBLE
Member Avatar for ian_tec234

There are several top notch tutorial sites out thier for ASP. I would suggest you start with a search on google for "asp tutorial" and start looking for what fits your needs best. As a quick starting place I looked through my old notes from when I started playing with …

Member Avatar for bsvnhll
Member Avatar for viperman224

I recommend [url=]Symantec PC anywhere.[/url] I have used it in the past and was very happy with it.

Member Avatar for MAD_DOG
Member Avatar for TheComputerGeek

[size=2]By: Jeff Johnston [b][i]IO Scheduling Improvements [/b][/i]Thanks to a new IO scheduler in Linux Kernel 2.6 it is possible to achieve speed increases on standard desktop style workloads of up to 1000% according to Andrew Morton of Open Source Development Labs (OSDL). The speed increase is thanks to the wait-before-seek …

Member Avatar for servertweak
Member Avatar for TheComputerGeek

**Intro** PHP-Nuke comes preloaded with a lot of metatag information, however the keywords pre-installed are not likely to be very useful for your site. The keywords are keywords that are for a PHP-Nuke information site so unless that is what you are creating you will want to change the metatag …

Member Avatar for Ignite
Member Avatar for Dani

A lot of newbies really don't realize that links don't have to be underlined, so unless there are underlines they don't know where the links are. I know this because it took my wife quite a while to learn that one. It didn't matter how many times I told her …

Member Avatar for carlino
Member Avatar for server_crash

Have you checked your modem settings? The other possibility is a problem with your phone line.

Member Avatar for jackster
Member Avatar for drblbaqker

I have seen this before, try removing the IP protocol and putting it back in. Remember to make sure you know what settings you need first. I never really figured out the cause, but the reinstall of IP fixed the problem.

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for dtanis18

After a quick google search I came up with the following thread at another board: [url=""][/url]

Member Avatar for dtanis18
Member Avatar for STP72
Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for pickle

A reinstall of Internet explorer would probably fix this, although I would highly suggest upgrading your OS to XP or even going down to Win98, ME has alot of problems like this.

Member Avatar for pickle
Member Avatar for rbk25

Now I don't know how things work there, but here you can get DSL service from pretty much any ISP, not just your telcom, you might try looking around. Also have you actually priced DSL internet from Iowa Telcom? They may be picing DSL at a much more reasonable price …

Member Avatar for TheComputerGeek
Member Avatar for pravesh18

I agree with KC and alc, download accellerators are useless 99% of the time now a days.

Member Avatar for Ludootje
Member Avatar for dvr
Member Avatar for MYSTery

Hidserve is Win98's Human Interface Device Service, not something that should be causing you problems. What was your son's CD? A CD drive, a program? If it was a program what was it?

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for kiler

Do you have advanced folder sharing active? If not try going to start>my computer>tools>folder options>view tab>advanced settings list>and uncheck "use simple file sharing"> Click OK.

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for Darren070902

I would guess that your router is configured incorrectly, I can't say for sure though, or what could be wrong. Anyone else out there have a good suggestion for him?

Member Avatar for Darren070902
Member Avatar for eltororelajo

Without further information this would be tough to diagnose unless someone happens to have recently come across the exact same issue. You were probably infected with some spyware, and one of your programs attempted to clean it but did not manage to restore some of the registry entries (guessing there, …

Member Avatar for 4kelly
Member Avatar for TheComputerGeek

Mar 26, 2004 14:34 ET [img][/img][b]TimeSys Demonstrates Industry's First Linux Development and Testing Tools to Work with Any Linux Kernel [/b] PITTSBURGH, March 26 /PRNewswire/ -- At the upcoming Embedded Systems Conference in San Francisco, TimeSys(R) Corporation, a leader in embedded Linux(R) development tools and products, will demonstrate how its …

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for Khiladi420

[QUOTE=Khiladi420]The problem seems to have come back again, the cable modem crashed & this time when i go to re-boot it comes up with a blue screen saying some sort of error in ntfs.sys, i dont know if that had caused the crash this time round, should i re-install XP?[/QUOTE] …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for ren451

This is tough to call, it could be any number of things, I can possibly give you a few places to start. 1. Have you tried downloading a newer version of the video card driver? 2. If using a new driver doesn't help, you could try removing the ram you …

Member Avatar for ren451
Member Avatar for bk_raavi
Member Avatar for TheComputerGeek

[size=2]By: Jeff Johnston A new version of the Bagle virus family uses a different infection method then older versions. Bagle-R and Bagle-Q have both been reported to spread via email without an attachment. [/size][url=""][size=2][color=#800080][u]Sophos reports[/u][/color][/size][/url][size=2] that this is an attempt to bypass virus protection at the email gateway. Bagle exploits …

Member Avatar for Yzk
Member Avatar for TheComputerGeek

By: [URL=]Jeff Johnston[/URL] Talks between Steve Ballmer, CEO of the software giant Microsoft, EU Competition Commissioner, Mario Monti, collapsed on Thursday. Monti stated that “a settlement on the Microsoft case has not been possible.” He stated that while Microsoft had been cooperative they were “unable to agree on commitments for …

Member Avatar for TheComputerGeek

[size=2][b]By: [email=""]Jeff Johnston[/email][/b] [i]Q: How secure are wireless routers for sharing internet between computers? - Carol in London Ontario[/i] A: Wireless routers have received a lot of bad press lately. I have seen a number of reports on different news programs about the insecurity of wireless routers. The fact is …

Member Avatar for TKSS

The End.