10,944 Topics
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What are the top 3 most important things to consider for a successful ecommerce website? | |
I am having trouble showing the export buttons, it works perfectly if the data is not fetched from database with the basic example however they are not showing with my php code, I have included the script and necessarry files from https://live.datatables.net/kugajayu/1/edit. Please help, below is my script. <!DOCTYPE html> … | |
Hi Wanted to utilize the php/mysql insert into the FPDI pdf export tool. I have it working just as plain text which is nice. But, i'd like to to have mysql place db entries into it. I've declared my sql connection, just using dreamweaver at the moment. I'm struggling to … | |
Hiya, It seems to me that if I put a condition on ```` mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt); ```` to check if user credentials was ok enough for the data to be fetched, then the whole purpose of using the following function is defeated. ```` password_verify() ```` This is what I mean .. ```` … | |
I have a database which contains authors and books. Some of those authors and books contain slashes in the name or title fields. When I query the database for authors, it matches just fine, with or without slashes. When I query books, however, it only finds books without slashes in … | |
I need to check db for matching user credential on login script. There must be atleast one matching row. Else, script should alert user not registered. Need to check the db using the function ````mysqli_stmt_num_rows()````. Assignment is to list all the various valid ways this function can be used to … | |
Helle Fellow Programmers! Unlike last time where I was checking for matching rows count using mysqli_stmt_rows_count(): https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/threads/539306/login-with-prepared-statements-mysqli-stmt-num-rows-function On this thread, I am checking for matching rows count using Sql's COUNT function. This means, both threads are not same so mods do not close them. Issue is, on both threads, no … | |
Hiya, Which of these IF CONDITION codes are valid ? And can you rank the valid ones according to your choice by giving reasons to your choices ? Thanks! 1. ```` $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","buzz"); $sql = "INSERT into users (username,email) VALUES (?,?)"; if($stmt = mysqli_prepare($conn,$sql)) { mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt,"ss",$_POST[username'],$_POST['email']); if(!mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt)) //FIRST CHOICE … | |
What are some essential skills every web developer should have? | |
I want to populate report in browser, i prepare this report in i-net clear report, and report file having extension of rpt. I also want to pass parameter | |
Hello, I do not see $data defined, so what is it ? ```` function prepared_insert($conn, $table, $data) { $keys = array_keys($data); $keys = array_map('escape_mysql_identifier', $keys); $fields = implode(",", $keys); $table = escape_mysql_identifier($table); $placeholders = str_repeat('?,', count($keys) - 1) . '?'; $sql = "INSERT INTO $table ($fields) VALUES ($placeholders)"; prepared_query($conn, $sql, … | |
Howdy once more, Just got another question on Sql and Php Prepared Statement. How would you confirm a successful row insertion to a mysql table ? Which one of the following lines would you add the IF condition to in order to check insertion successful or not ? 1). mysqli_stmt_execute() … | |
I am not that much of an expert in PHP as it has been few months since I started playing with it. Currently I am working on creating a basic CRUD operation in PHP. I follow this tutorial on CRUD in PHP (https://www.cloudways.com/blog/execute-crud-in-mysql-php/ ) to create it on a local … | |
create table customer ( cname char(20) not null, street char(30), city char(30), primary key(cname) ) create table branch create table account ( bname char(15) not null, bcity char(30), assets integer, primary key(bname), check(assets>0) ) ( account # char(10) not null, ( bname char(15), balance integer, primary key(account#) forigen key (bname) … | |
Thank you for looking at this problem, details are all below. Below is the code <form style="overflow: hidden;" method="post"> <input type="checkbox" aria-label="Checkbox for following text input" name="kursus[]" value="<?php echo $row['IDKursus']; ?>"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between mt-3"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" name="daftar_kursus">Daftar Kursus</button> <button type="reset" class="btn btn-primary">Reset</button> </div> </form> if (isset($_REQUEST['daftar_kursus'])) { … | |
Hey everyone, I have started a new position as an HR recruiter in a Website Development Company, can you guys suggest to me some questions I can ask fresher as well as experienced candidates? | |
I have a programming code problem, I need help to solve the problem. How to explode data array using MYSQL and using NOT IN. The program code is below <form style="overflow: hidden;" method="post"> <div class="table-responsive"> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM kursus WHERE KodKursus NOT IN (SELECT kursusList FROM pensyarahkursus … | |
hii, i want to ask how to loop this array for menu like in images public $list = [ [ 'id' => 'dashboard', 'text' => 'Dashboard', 'icon' => 'feather-home', ], [ 'id' => 'data_tables', 'text' => 'DataTables', 'icon' => 'feather-layers', 'children' => [ ['id' => 'basic', "text" => "Basic"], ['id' … | |
Good Evening People, No matter what I do in mysql, why I get this following error where the rows do not get deleted ? **Error SQL query: Copy Edit Edit DELETE FROM `phpmyadmin`.`pma__column_info` WHERE db_name = 'buzz' AND table_name = 'submitted_links_index2' AND column_name = 'title' MySQL said: Documentation #1142 - … | |
Hi, first of all let me thank anyone willing to help out with this. Jquery / Ajax update Span or Div by ID without refreshing page <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60"> <!-- Esta lÃnea hará que la página se actualice automáticamente cada 15 segundos--> <meta charset="utf-8" /> … | |
So I'm new to php but I've managed to create a drop-down that fetches products and displays them, I want to display quantity in the drop-down below it and I have set that up too it fetches other data if the query is modified. The problem is I don't know … | |
Hi, Are these MySql queries (with Php) correct ? Wild Card match. Fuzzy Match query. Imagine there are 7 columns in the Mysql table. $sql = "SELECT * from $tbl WHERE $col_1 LIKE ? OR $col_2 LIKE ? OR $col_3 LIKE ? OR $col_4 LIKE ? OR $col_5 LIKE ? … | |
> Hi, this should be simple but I'm having trouble and need help, please. I just want to update the "expiry" value in the "ctltbl" and relocate depending on the value. The update doesn't happen and it goes to sysnav even when expiry is 0. "ctltbl" is 1 row. <?php … | |
Work with visual basic 2019 and Mysql database Save and edit record with a imge in picturebox is ok but when i scroll the datagrid i get a datagrid error so i can not show the picture when i scroll picturebox1.image blocking my program | |
Hi, I am trying to create a login page using the sql's mysqli_stmt_num_rows() function. Issue is, no matter if I give correct password or incorrect, I always get message 'Incorrect user Credentials'. Why is that ? The details on Mysql Looks like this: id|domain|password 0|gmail.com|373b29d2837e83b9ca5cec712a5985843df271cc Obviously, password is hashed using … | |
Php Programmers, Getting to build a login page using the php's password_verify_() function. Issue is, no matter if I give correct password or incorrect, I always get message 'Incorrect user Credentials'. Why is that ? The details on Mysql Looks like this: id | domain | password 0 | gmail.com … | |
Help me! I have this number 1726.16723958045672098127. How Can I register in my db MySql. Why is the number truncated? | |
how to display a record from mysql database list with php | |
What is best way to get one row from a mysql table (with many columns) so I can use several several fields from that row for calculations in a C program? After executing a succesful SELECT command using mysql_query, is there an alternative to using mysql_store_result? |
The End.