10,932 Topics

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how to store image in a folder and database using php and mysql and how to retrieve that image.

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Busy this weekend? President Barack Obama and his IT staff are [URL="http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/09/05/21/Opening/"]asking for ideas[/URL] through June 3 to help make government more open. The call for ideas first went out on May 21. So far, there's [URL="http://opengov.ideascale.com/"]1171[/URL]. People can vote thumbs up or thumbs down on the ideas. "Then on …

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Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://blogs.zdnet.com/perlow"]Jason Perlow[/URL] and I had the pleasure of interviewing [URL="http://www.kickfire.com"]Kickfire[/URL] CEO Bruce Armstrong for the May 22nd episode of [URL="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/frugalfriday"]Frugal Friday[/URL] to discuss the Kickfire appliance. The Kickfire appliance is a Linux-based, rack-mountable, database appliance tuned for Data Warehousing. Here's the real scoop: Starting at a mere $32,000 US, you …

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As you probably have heard, Oracle bought Sun for $7.4 billion today. I'm no Larry Ellison fan, because frankly, I think he's a few cards short of a full deck but I think in the long run, this is good for Sun. Not all of Sun but a lot of …

Member Avatar for rackserverdeals
Member Avatar for newsguy

Just as the excitement started to hot up, first with the news that the controversial and increasingly popular legal free streaming music service Spotify was to open up with the release of a third party developer API, and then with the actual announcement of the availability of [URL="http://developer.spotify.com/en/libspotify/overview/"]Libspotify[/URL] itself, so …

Member Avatar for khess

Everyone from techie bloggers to technical journalists to stay-at-home moms are talking about today's big news: [URL="http://www.ibm.com"]IBM[/URL] is trying to buy [URL="http://www.sun.com"]Sun Microsystems[/URL]. Big deal. What's in it for Linux? As a matter of fact, it is a big deal. And an even bigger deal for Linux. Sun owns MySQL, …

Member Avatar for Jens Staal
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Seems every time I write a piece suggesting open source as an option, I get a couple of comments warning readers about the scary complexities of open source licenses. So I decided to ask a guy who knows free and open source (FOSS) exactly what the deal was regarding FOSS …

Member Avatar for putTheGinGnome
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

A few years ago, small businesses just needed a telephone line and maybe a single computer with a dial-up connection to set up shop. Now that technology has exploded, nearly every company needs a reliable phone system, a Web site, and maybe even a whole network of computers to stay …

Member Avatar for seamallowance
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

In a report on enterprise open source usage released this week, Gartner research director Laurie Wurster stated in rather strong language that companies could face a big intellectual property issue because they are using the software without understanding the IP implications of the licensing language. But is she exaggerating the …

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

If you've been clinging to the interoffice email and calendaring capabilities of Microsoft Exchange as your company's last vestige of proprietary software, it's really time to consider giving up the ghost. Open source collaboration software vendor [URL="http://www.open-xchange.com/"]Open-Xchange, Inc.[/URL] announced recently it now offers its flagship product, Open-Xchange, as an [URL="http://www.open-xchange.com/en/products/open-xchange-appliance-edition-en"]appliance …

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There's plenty of speculation that the current state of the economy will [URL="http://ostatic.com/158388-blog/recession-a-boon-for-open-sourcess"]greatly benefit open source technology[/URL], and you know an idea is taking root when mainstream IT conferences include presentations about implementing FOSS solutions in enterprise. Desmond Atkinson, with UK-based capacity planning firm [URL="http://www.metron.co.uk/"]Metron Technology Limited[/URL], plans to lead …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

There's a kerfuffle brewing in the Sunshine State over who owns the rights to the software that powers certain alcohol breath-test machines. The outcome may mean the difference between a valid or false DUI charge on your permanent driving record. The machine in question, the Intoxilyzer 8000, contains proprietary software …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Microsoft announced a new program the other day called [URL="http://www.microsoftstartupzone.com/BIZSPARK/Pages/At_a_Glance.aspx"] Microsoft BizSpark[/URL], where they give away a boat load of software and services to young startups and presumably lock them into Microsoft long-term. For a small start-up with little capital, this has to be a very attractive offer. Microsoft not …

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

If the state of the economy has got you down and you're ready to stop throwing money at commercial software vendors, you might be overwhelmed at the amount of open source options that exist. Buck up, IT soldier, here are three applications that let you dip your toes in the …

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

There's an old and tired theory that open source solutions in enterprise are risky because there's no "single throat to choke" if things go wrong. It's time to retire that worn out idea. The process goes something like this: The IT department gets into a discussion with the big bosses …

Member Avatar for EddieC

It’s a new day for open source developers. A U.S. Federal appeals court yesterday ruled that someone releasing code under an open source license can control future use of that code using copyright law. That’s important because copyright laws carry stronger remedies—including court injunction—along with the monetary remedies available for …

Member Avatar for newsguy

According to ChannelWeb a federal judge sitting in the US Court of Appeals has ruled that open source software licenses are [URL="http://www.crn.com/software/210004167"]legal under copyright law[/URL]. This is a complete u-turn on a previous ruling which had thrown the not so small matter of open source licensing into something of a …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Community journalism encourages members of the community to participate in the news process, not just as passive readers, but as active producers of the news itself. This direct connection to the product is similar in many ways to the kind of community building that goes on in open source development. …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Alfresco released [URL="http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Alfresco_Labs_3"]Alfresco Labs (Beta) 3[/URL] today and with it announced a new capability that enables businesses to leverage Microsoft Sharepoint functionality without buying additional Sharepoint licenses. Sound too good to be true? It’s not, and what has allowed Alfresco to do this is the 2004 EU Commission order for …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

A year ago last week, Facebook released the Facebook Platform, enabling users of the social network to create their own applications. Today, 400,000 developers and 24,000 applications later, the company introduced the [URL= http://developers.facebook.com/fbopen/] Facebook Open Platform[/URL], which releases much of the Facebook Platform source code to the development community. …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Here’s a new twist on the open source craze. Fabless chip and system designer Via Technologies has released to the community OpenBook, a reference design for a low cost ultra portable laptop that runs Windows or Linux at up to 1.2 GHz and includes WiFi, BlueTooth and high-res 3D graphics …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

The new version of the [URL="http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html"]GNU Affero General Public License[/URL] has been published by the Free Software Foundation, based upon the existing GNU GPLv3 license but with one important difference: support for on-demand software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. By publishing this license, the FSF aims to foster user and development communities around …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.qualcomm.com/"]Qualcomm[/URL] is best known for two things: making mobile phone chips and owning the once hugely popular Eudora email client software. Or perhaps I should say once owning the once hugely popular Eudora email client software as Qualcomm stopped selling it back in May and handed over the codebase to …

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Member Avatar for Kelicula

Ever had to fix auto-generated dates retrieved from MySql databases? I made a really quick fix that displays the date in "human readable" format. Just replace "CST" with GMT, or EST etc... Whatever time zone your mysql server is located. it takes one argument, the date from the database. [B]Usage:[/B] …

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Member Avatar for stervyatnik

The Paradigm I recently was finally given a computer for work, which runs on Windows XP. I had previously been working using my personal Linux laptop, and had developed several MySQL/PHP applications to aid in data entry and SQL reporting, all of which ran on localhost. I use an "include" …

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Member Avatar for mark2326l

I'm trying to upgrade my server from Mac 10.4.11 Server, running Apache 1.3; PHP 4.4.9; and mysql 5.0.45 (all pages work fine) to Mac 10.6 server with the latest (default) Apache, php, and mysql. Any page with a mysql connection is blank I can connect to mysql through mysql admin. …

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Member Avatar for arkaitsolutions

I'm using mysql as database . I use odbc connector to use the database , it's working fine with select statements ,but when I use insert statement with parameter it is not working. may I know if the command parameter property works with mysql or it only works with mssql.

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for AdventDeo

Hello, I've read on how to insert properly into two linked tables using mysql_insert_id() function from: [url]http://www.webproworld.com/web-programming-discussion-forum/87197-php-insert-different-records-into-multiple-mysql-tables-same-unique-id.html[/url] now how about if i want it to be from 4 linked tables? can I still use the function? and I want some to be a dropdown lists. My tables are: Client(clientID, Name, …

Member Avatar for AdventDeo
Member Avatar for mmrhl

This has puzzled me for more than a week now. I have been trying to develop a web site for managing a sports league. On of the pages I have is used for changing things like scores and dates and times for games. It is very simple stuff. I have …

Member Avatar for agrarian
Member Avatar for rajuchacha007

Hello, I am working on a code which should execute any *.exe file in java. I have used a sample code which works for UI based application but do not work for command prompt applications like cmd.exe or mysql.exe. Please advise for the improvement. Thank you in advance. Here is …

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The End.