10,940 Topics

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Member Avatar for beginnerpals

I wanted to give my admin the power to search professors by name and provide them with a corresponding checkbox for each search result returned to help them select entries that he wants to delete (like we have in phpmyadmin for example). I'm posting the prof_name from a form that …

Member Avatar for beginnerpals
Member Avatar for fheppell

I'm trying to find the errors in this sql statement INSERT INTO images(user, server, img-name, download, download-url, image-loc) VALUES(test@test.com, 3, Penguins.jpg, no, GaNfT, 69Z8PwE0uJLfRNDijPenguins.jpg) I also have an auto increment column but as I understand it you shoudln't supply a value It comes out with this error You have an …

Member Avatar for fheppell
Member Avatar for ehpratah

Hi to all just wanna ask how to achieve something like on show all data if a certain field on the table is equal to **2**. basically what im trying to make is a search form by the way the searching part is working it just that its showing all …

Member Avatar for ehpratah
Member Avatar for ScarWars9

Hello, I have been working on a time clock application, and I'm trying to be able to select an employee from the DataGridView and populate their information into text boxes. I have done some research and what I have found works . . . sometimes. So sometimes when I click …

Member Avatar for ScarWars9
Member Avatar for TMacFarlane

This is a very complicated problem. I have an existing web page with multiple drop-down fields-- now I want to add a keyword search text field. I have managed to create a page with the text input only, and that works fine. The trouble comes when I try to add …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for gogs85
Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754

Hey guys, I was wondering if you could tell me if this is even possible or if it can be done another way??? So i have a database with 6 tables all the databases have the same columns except for the tables name ahead of the generic headers pub_name, Hotel_name, …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for Nirmeen Ased

$sql="select *, (select Faculty from userinfo where Faculty=$college) as category from award where HonoringYear=$year"; $rs=mysql_query($sql); return $rs;

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for Joemeister

Hey everyone! I have a members.php page/file in which i want logged in users to see the other users registered in the database. I'm not exactly quite sure how to do this and I'm struggling quite a while now with this so your help will be VERY much appreciated. I …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for sarovarc

Hello, I am look for some help with a query where the query changes on the basis of input parameters. Like $variable = 'abc'; $rs=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE `column`='$variable'"); But what about a scenario where this variable is not assigned or is null or blank. In that case I'd …

Member Avatar for bops
Member Avatar for RaeesIqbal

I'm completely a newbie and I have this problem drilling into my head. Any fast help will be highly appriciated. I have a table "peoplebase" and there's a column "alias_switch". Now I want a script to act as a switch, if "alias_switch" is "1" then it should make it "2", …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for Fiorentino01^

Hi guys I need some help again.I am designing a web site for a small hotel.The site is done I have a form to check room availability.When I click on a small calendar img the calendar pops up and I can insert dates of arrival and departure.I also have some …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for denikov

I would really like for someone to take a little time and look over my code. I'm parsing some news content and I can insert the initial parse into my database which contains the news URL and the title. I'd like to expand it farther, to pass along each article …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mrexp21

` <script type="text/javascript"> function category(cid) { if(cid !="") { $('#process').show('slow'); $.post('<?php echo BASEDIR ?>/ajax.php',{action:'search_subcategory_by_category_for_advsearch','cid':cid}, function(data) { $('#process').hide('fast'); // $('#process'); $("#scid").html(data); } ); } } function subcategory(scid) { if(scid!='') { $('#process2').show('slow'); $.post('<?=BASEDIR?>/ajax.php',{action:'select_template_by_subcategory_for_refine','scid':scid},function (data) { $('#process2').hide('fast'); $("#specification").html(data); }); } } </script> <div class="lftpanel"> <div class="fl"><img src="<?=BASEDIR?>/images/browse_left.jpg" width="7" height="36" /></div> <div class="brow_bg">Refine Your …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for rajqpt

Let's say you've got a form with check boxes like below: <form method="post" action="path to script"> <input type="textbox" id="text[]" value="" /> *** <input type="textbox" id="text[]" value="" /> *** <input type="textbox" id="text[]" value="" /> **** <input type="textbox" id="text[]" value="" /> **** </form>

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Chesico

I'm using the statement insert into Oscar.MenuItem (idMenuItem, name, description, price, idCategory, code, sortIndex) select * from menItem; The result is: Error: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`Oscar`.`MenuItem`, CONSTRAINT `fk_MenuItem_Category1` FOREIGN KEY (`idCategory`) REFERENCES `Category` (`idCategory`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

Hi I have a site built on Wordpress which has a over 4,000 posts all with the suffix -2 at the end of the post name (due to me forgetting to clear the trash) before running an import). I would like to remove the -2 from the post names with …

Member Avatar for magicmarkuk
Member Avatar for beginnerpals

This is the php code i have in my logout.php file: <?php session_start(); session_unset(); session_destroy(); header('Location: index.php'); exit(); ?> While starting the session, I set the variables username and password. My logout file isn't working properly. When i click logout, it leads me to my home page (index.php), but on …

Member Avatar for imBaCodes
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hello I have databse in MySQL with 21 fields which are listed below Field Name Data Type NULL status text No roll_no text No branch_id int(5) No student_name text No father_name text No phone1 text No phone2 text No email text No dob date No city text No course_id varchar(5) …

Member Avatar for KamranArshad
Member Avatar for mehnihma

Hi I need to change number ordering in table: This is original: SELECT MAX(`number`) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_invoice` It selects max number from column. Now I need to change Invoice number to start from 1 again, now it is on 110. Should I create new table and start from one or what …

Member Avatar for mehnihma
Member Avatar for Baradaran

I have created a page which is supposed to pull some information from a mysql database and display them. Another page is supposed to save the data to the database. The problem is, that I am not even able to get the data in Persian or Arabic displayed correctly, instead …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Daniel Claff

hey everyone, actually i am creating a website in which data is queried from mysql. in mysql table one of the attributes is in form of hyperlink. When i am displaying the result it is in normal text but i want a hyperlink as the result is displayed so please …

Member Avatar for masterjiraya
Member Avatar for branding4you

Ok so I saw the few posts here, none do what I need mine to do, and for some reason it does not work. I upload CSV files to webserver (bank statement) 5 fields - it inserts into a MYSQL DB. Numbers dates are all formated correct etc etc. This …

Member Avatar for branding4you
Member Avatar for Daniel Claff

hey please help me actually i have used the command as part of program <?php echo "<a href= echo '$Geneprocess'>$Geneprocess</a>";?> getting a hyperlink bt when i am clicking over it it gives an error for all the hyperlink.... the error is Object not found! The requested URL was not found …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for ehpratah

Hi need some help suggestion I am trying to search data form two date range but it seems not working properly when i search for $from_date = "2013-04-01"; $to_date = "2013-04-04"; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM date WHERE Date between '" . $from_date . "' AND '" . $to_date . …

Member Avatar for ehpratah
Member Avatar for Gloak

I am designing my very own first web page. It's a real estate page where some users will add open house information while others can pull the info out. The code for the database and the web is very good (after two months...) and inserting and getting data is sweet. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for shahai.ali

hi i wan to add my `.xml` files into `database` and into the directory `uploads` . i have following done into the `php` if(isset( $_FILES["f_name"]) { $path = ""; if(file_exists("uploads/" . $_FILES["f_name"]["name"])) { echo $_FILES["f_name"]["name"] . " already exists. "; } else if($_FILES["f_name"]["type"]!= "text/xml") { echo "invalid type is tried …

Member Avatar for Daniel Claff
Member Avatar for aisha.edris1

hi everuone i have website but i cant connect to database for login & register how can i connect? here my code <?php $connect=mysql_connect("","ahmedhay_royal","xxxxxxx") or die("couldnt connect to data base:".mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("ahmedhay_login",$connect) or die ("couldnt find data base"); ?>

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Member Avatar for dalilice

Hello, I'm tring to develop a mysql news scroller for my website. The problem that i'm facing is that i need to have multiple mysql querys joing together beceuase i have multple categories like: select * from news where category LIKE '$cat1' order by id desc limit 1 select * …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

What kind of security measures I have to take to develop Core PHP and MySQL projects ? I used session and encruption, which are basics, there are any security technologies for Core or advanced PHP ?

Member Avatar for broj1

The End.