10,944 Topics
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Hello to everyone, I´m having problems on retrieving data from mysql to a textfield in html, the data appears with queston marks inside of a "black diamond"! I researched and followed the steps like putting the database charset utf8, the table too! When I insert for example Alimentação its goes … | |
Hi, Can you set auto increment in phpmyadmin to be 2? So that it goes 1, 3, 5, 7etc? Thanks............... | |
I have written a code which used to send data that was saved in my mysql database, through ethernet using UDP protocol, everything worked fine until i sent fewer data(25 rows), when i started sending data in huge amount(100 rows) it used to display Java Result: -1073740791 and would stop … | |
Hi friends! I got one puzzle. I wonder if there is a way I can create a table but get a table name from a value of the textbox/combo box control. Does anyone have an idea? I mean something like "CREATE TABLE (TextBox1.Text) (".....)" I wonder if that is really … | |
Ok I am working something that I have seen others do and that is to echo out a form table and what I am trying to do is to get the data that is not assigned to a user and allow the admin to assign it to the user. I … ![]() | |
[CODE] $query1 = "SELECT tblpatient_pass.RelationMR_no, tblpatient_pass.username, tblpatient_pass.password, tblpatient_pass.email_address, tblpatient_info.lastname, tblpatient_info.firstname, tblpatient_info.mname FROM tblpatient_pass INNER JOIN tblpatient_info ON tblpatient_pass.RelationMR_no=tblpatient_info.MR_no "; $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query1); if ($numrows!=0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query1)) { $username = $_SESSION['username']; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblpatient_pass WHERE username =".$username); $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while ($patient = … | |
Hello, Could you please assist me i want to deploy this application as an executable file with the MYSQL database embedded. I have clean and build the application, the jar file is there but nothing happens. The database is stored on local host. Thank you | |
hi... i have 1 jsp form. my form includes 6 text boxes and 8 dropdowns. I want to insert the data of these textboxe and dropdown to Database. I am using mysql server 5.1.The problem is that when I insert, a blank screen appears. (Data in dropdown is retrieved from … | |
hello, ive recently created a login in and register page for a website im working on and when using the register.php page to sign up, then entering the details into the login.php page all the login page seems to be doing is refreshing and removing the entered information and not … | |
trying to buld gllery.php page. where i want to print all user image with 4 cols. and infity rows. all in one page gallery.php <?php session_start(); include("connect.php"); $user = $_SESSION['username']; if($user) { $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; //get user_id who ever is loged in $image = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM image WHERE user_id … | |
Hello to everyone, im having trouble getting the value of a combobox in HTML to php! Frist I import data from a mysql collum into the combobox, being this the value of the combobox! I want to be able to get the selected value when I submit my form. I … | |
Hi I am running phpMyAdmin 5.6. I have created a table as described in a tutorial. This table is supposed to have a null value in a text field, I cannot do it, I tried everything.The examples on the web refer to older versions and I keep getting error.I even … | |
Hello, I have been making an employee timeclock and have run into a bump in the road. Here's what my setup is like when an employee (who is not an Admin) loggs on they get a simple screen telling them the current time current date and two button that allow … | |
hi i am trying to, on a button click, display data retrieved from mysql database in a text area but having no success. Below is the code i used. All help given is appreciated [CODE] print "<center><TEXTAREA NAME=news ID=news COLS=70 ROWS=10>".$news."</TEXTAREA></center>"; if(isset($_POST['show2'])){ $cn = connect_db(); $cn_sql = "SELECT message from … | |
hi, i was wondering is someone could give me an example of how i could do this in sql query. basically the application has a product table and when they are inserting they have the option to select monthly payments. put in the start date so say 30/3/2013 what i … | |
I have two fields in table, (i) section_from & (ii) section_to, both fields has Date datatype, these fields tells us that this law section is enforced From(section_from) this date To(section_to) this date. The problem is, the latest law sections (active law) which are issued by the government has no specific … | |
I am using a java program to read lines from csv and insert them into mysql database. Whenever i run my program i discovered i could not insert values into a date field insert mysql if the value comming from the file is null. However if i change the field … | |
Hi All, I am uisng Mysql DB and i have a task for suggesting Categories based on User keyword input. I have written the query as below but i need to ignore white spaces while matching, how can we achieve it SELECT search.*, MATCH (name) AGAINST ('black' IN BOOLEAN MODE) … | |
I am designing a software with front-end **VB.NET 2010** and back-end **MySQL**. Please assist me i want to deploy this application as an executable file with the MYSQL database embedded. How can i do this. if anyone with step by step procedure i will be grateful. im a newbie. | |
Hello and thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with my array problem. I've always struggled with arrays, and now I Need to understand how I can use them to solve my latest problem. I've created a test scenario to recreate what I'm trying to do in real-life. … | |
hello i want to creat script "most viewed" so i want to select most topic that have been wached between two dates for instance from date 10,10,2012 to current date i mean from 10 days ago untill current time | |
Can anyone help me.. Im trying do create a nested table.. The code i did was is just showing the table created and the data inserted but that is only when i click on tables and then data.. I need to create a nested table which shows the following: Deptarmentid … | |
In MySQL I wan't to alter a table to insert the new column before the first existing coloumn. Can someone tell me the command,as I only saw the AFTER keyword in ALTER.Also is it possible to do so in the first place? | |
I need help creating a specific query, The following is an example of my paycheck table, empId is a foreign key that refers to the primary key of my 'users' table which is 'userId' mysql> SELECT * FROM paycheck -> ; +------------+---------------+---------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------+ | payCheckId | jobId | payRate | jobLocation … | |
# I need help understanding how to pull data from a database # *(The database i have) & insert data into fields on my webpages. So I can edit the site from a mysql database.* *As far as I think understand, I have commented the code below...* Q-0= Please help … | |
im trying to convert my date from MySQL to a textbox.text and its giving the msg unable to convert MySQL date/time value to system.datetime dim tempdate as date TempDate = dr.Item("dob").ToString txtDate.Text = TempDate.ToString someone please help | |
Hello, I am trying to populate a listbox.here are my codes which works fine. <?php echo "<select name=name value=''>Exten Name</option>"; while($nt1=mysql_fetch_array($result_users)){//Array or records stored in $nt echo "<option value=$nt1[name]>$nt1[name]</option>"; /* Option values are added by looping through the array */ } echo "</select>";// Closing of list box ?> These data … | |
I have limited knowledge in coding. can anyone tell me what is worng with my code? the firstrow result in the database is not updated, but it is updated in datagridview. For i As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1 DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(11).Value = "true" Next SmsdDataSet.AcceptChanges() | |
I want to use this- insert into sales(year1) values('344'); query to insert the value '344' into the column where the month column values in January. However I cannot do so by using the WHERE CLAUSE like this: insert into sales(year1) values('344') where Month='January'; This is the existing Table data: 'January', … | |
I need to create a database for a simple website with films collection. I decided I need following columns in the table: [Click Here](http://www.flickr.com/photos/94148478@N06/8564036143/) I made some reading and after getting familiar wit normalization rulez I decided to divide this in four tables: 1st table "Basic info"with columns: movieID,titleID, directorID, … |
The End.