10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for qwertpink

dear all i have 2 tables, one is project table and another replies table. [ICODE]"SELECT * FROM project, replies WHERE replies.member_id=$_SESSION[member_id] AND project.project_id=replies.project_id ORDER BY project.project_id "; [/ICODE] the above code gives me all , but I need the latest updated replied in each project id I tried [CODE]SELECT * …

Member Avatar for qwertpink
Member Avatar for drsmith

I have heard that AJAX is a way to get a page to refresh when a MySQL db has changed. Basically we have a log (that several users at a time could be looking at), when data is submitted it posts to the MySQL db. Instead of having the page …

Member Avatar for twoclicks
Member Avatar for kingofnothing

hi everyone when i tried to import my web site database to local sql server myphpadmin show me this errors i dont know why ?? please help me [QUOTE]Error SQL query: -- -- Database: `hakaek10_alqemaalhakaek` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `rafia_admin_menu` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT …

Member Avatar for kingofnothing
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I got one table as the tblMasterData then I left join it with another table like this tblEventAlert. So what I want to do if there is a match between tblMasterData and tblEventAlert then for that tblEventAlert I would like to match it with tblDevice to to get …

Member Avatar for newbie14
Member Avatar for 1stoptutorials

Hey Everyone hope all well. I have this code that works perfectly on a mysql database [CODE]<?php // visit http://php.net/pdo for more details // start error handling try { // connect $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=name', 'name', 'password'); // enable error handling through exceptions $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); // create safe query $query …

Member Avatar for mlesniak
Member Avatar for leechyeah

Dear, I am new to PHP and MySQL. I have a simple order form on my site: 1 column with "member" and one with "comment". I am able to Insert rows when a user submits the form. But when a user wants to modify that data, the form inserts another …

Member Avatar for leechyeah
Member Avatar for oldezwe

Below is what I have been attempting to do. [code]retrive number of rows from MySql table; for(int i = 1; i <= numberOfRows; i++){ retrive userID, level at position(i) in table; // next i need to insert userID into array, level amount of times (ex. userID = 4, level = …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for 54uydf

my table has 2 fields, both are Keys. I save similar items in that table , like if 2 items are similar but have different Ids (in another table) I use this table to know that they are similar. so if items 1111, 1112 are the same and 1000,1002,1004 are …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Psyho

Hello all. I have a bit of a problem. I have a few php pages all encoded utf-8. A MySQL database, where it is possible to have characters like: 'á'é'ú'ő'ü' and so on, i have set with phpmyadmin to be utf8_hungarian_ci character encoding. Funny thing is, that when I write …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for oldezwe

I am attempting to take 2 integers from a MySql table. X represents a number that will be stored into an array. Y represents the number of times that X will be put into the array. I am attempting to make a loop that will go through, find all the …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for towerrounder

Hi all. I come from an MS SQL background and a newbie in MY SQL. Im trying to run a simple query to populate a table: [CODE]Declare @I As Int Select @I = 1 While (@I < 100) Begin Insert into tbWhatEva Select @I Select @I = @I + 1 …

Member Avatar for towerrounder
Member Avatar for |-|x

I was just about to post asking how to do this when I stumbled across the solution. All my research on the web suggests that the only way is to use stored procedures with an output parameter. Unfortunately, my queries are necessarily dynamically generated, and output parameters do not work …

Member Avatar for BenzZz

I was wondering if the following in terms of tables and keys is possible: Login([U]username, date_time_login[/U]) Customer([U][I]username[/I][/U], surname, ...) Driver([U][I]username[/I][/U], surname, ...) Admin([U][I]username[/I][/U], surname, ...) Booking([U]b_no[/U], [I]cust_id[/I], [I]driver_id[/I], ...) Primary keys are underlined and foreign keys are in italics. I want the Customer, Driver and Admin username primary key fields …

Member Avatar for BenzZz
Member Avatar for andarivaadu1

I have a code like this [CODE] <? php .. if ($type == 1) //book { echo $information_array[0]. '. <i><a href="updatebook.php?q=$information_array[1]">'. $information_array[1] . '</a></i>. '. $information_array[2] . ": " . $information_array[3]. ".<br/>"; } .. ?> [/CODE] In the next page [CODE] <?php $title= $_GET['q']; echo $title; ?> [/CODE] when I …

Member Avatar for andarivaadu1
Member Avatar for frotek

hi. how can i save image file in mySQL from vb.net? [URL="http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c395/altaircavida/help1.jpg"]my vb.net program picture[/URL] the image i want to save in mySQL database is already in the picture box [URL="http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c395/altaircavida/help2.jpg"]mySQL table[/URL] and this is my SQL tables now how can i add the image in the picture box to …

Member Avatar for frotek
Member Avatar for oldezwe

once I have requested my result set from my server, how do i store it as the variable that I want it to be? EX. [CODE]ResultSet rs2 = st.executeQuery("select userIDnum from userInfo where username = '"+username+"'");[/CODE] how do i then save userIDnum as an integer to use in my program?

Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for tuse

I need to check if a databse user exists and if not, create that user. However, I do not know the statement to check if a user already exits. How to check if a user already exists in MySQL?

Member Avatar for Offirmo
Member Avatar for oldezwe

I'm having a hell of a time trying to make a login form. This is what I have at the moment.... [CODE]import javax.swing.*; import java.sql.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; class LoginDemo extends JFrame{ JButton SUBMIT; JLabel label1,label2; final JTextField text1,text2; LoginDemo(){ setTitle("Login Form"); setLayout(null); label1 = new JLabel(); label1.setText("Username:"); text1 …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Wolxhound90

Hey all, I'm trying to have a ListBox show a list of tables available in a database. This can then be selected to be used later on. My problem is getting the actual table name to show up. I have the connection to the mysql database working properly, but it …

Member Avatar for Wolxhound90
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I got a query where I would like to select the clientName from tblClient but with condition that this clientID does not exist in another table call tblCDSValidity. I tried like this but it failed. [CODE] SELECT tblClient.clientID, tblClient.clientName FROM tblClient,tblCDSValidity Where tblClient.clientStatus='a' And tblClient.clientID!=tblCDSValidity.clientID ORDER BY tblClient.clientName …

Member Avatar for newbie14
Member Avatar for Draucia

I have a question secuirty. Is it safe enough to do: [CODE] $fname = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($_POST['fname'])); $lname = .....($_POST['lname'])); etc [/CODE] and insert it into the table like: [CODE] mysql_query("INSERT INTO North_America (first_name, middle_name, last_name, email, phone, country) VALUES('$fname', '$mname', '$lname', '$email', '$phone', '$country') ") or die(mysql_error()); [/CODE] Or do I …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for manc1976

I have created a form that uses a drop-down box to save information to a MySQL database using a php script I wrote. That works perfectly, but the problem I have is when I am trying to edit the information in the database. I have created an edit form that …

Member Avatar for manc1976
Member Avatar for oldezwe

I've found really good information/tutorials online for writing from my java application to my MySQL database. Can someone direct to one on retrieving information from my database to store as variables in my application? Thanks Peace and love, oldezwe

Member Avatar for pro_learner
Member Avatar for oldezwe

i am using java, how do i get the database to tell me how many elements are in it and save that as an integer

Member Avatar for techsheaven
Member Avatar for furlanut

On a MySQL table the Date column is set at YYYY-MM-DD with some dates shown as 0000-00-00 (Default set at NULL) where no date is available. This is OK until I display the web page that contains the php code for the SELECT query. All the 0000-00-00 dates are displayed …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Danny159

Hey, I have a database of events... and I need to add a row for each day for a year... so there will be 365 rows in the database, but the date format must be as follows: Row 1 Start Date: 2012-01-01T00:00 End Date: 2012-01-01T23:59 Row 2 Start Date: 2012-01-02T00:00 …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for riya_developer

Hello, how to pass string to MySql stored procedure and append it to query in stored procedure? can anyone tell me this MySql syntax?

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for staticwave

I recently inherited a website and they have a simple back-end area which was created using phpmaker. The back-end displays various MYSQL database tables. There are two tables which hold registration information related to promotions/contests the company runs online. The client wants to begin archiving the registration data monthly, but …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for harsha.netpem

Hi, How can we edit the select button option using radio button which is already selected in the output and we can select other option, using PHP form and also update in mysql database. For E.g:- Agreement Received :- O Y es O No In the output, If the agreement …

Member Avatar for KadajXII

Dear all, Hear my case. My project, Android project, when user launch the application, it will send device's travelling speed and location to web server, 2s interval. Then from the web server, it need to return a location if device's travelling speed is less than 30kmh. So my problem is …


The End.