10,942 Topics
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Hi I have a php code with a string that I'm trying to find in an MySql database. But...I'm getting empty result set. The database has a varchar column named news_url with this in it "/is/frettir/titill". What I'm trying to do is search for this row with that string in … | |
hai, can somebody help me, how to change root password for mysql in CPANEL? i tried to put my website online, but it send message : Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/akmajuco/public_html/_class/cms_class.php on line 9 Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) … | |
With the below query I'd get the results one and three. How do I get the results for `sid`; 15 and 17? I can't use a WHERE because I won't know the `sid`. A better way of explaining is, how do I LIMIT per `sid` without grouping? [CODE]mysql_query("SELECT * FROM … | |
I am wanting to learn the singleton method, and I am having an issue with my code. I've been manipulating my own code for a few days now, but decided to use someone else's class to give it a try, and I am still coming up with nothing. Any help … | |
Hi, I have to create an executable to put in windows task bar to read foxpro dbf file and update mysql table in the web server by checking new records in the dbf file comparing the unique key in both table whenever the internet connection is available in the desktop … | |
Hi Guys, I have a 2 errors with PDO: Sometimes give me this error: Connection error, because: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2013] Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 Other time sent me this: SQLSTATE[42000] [1203] User [MYUSERNAME] already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections This is … | |
Hi, I am Shoaib. I have an project for my database course. I have chosen Dmoz directory listing(easiest project). I have to design the database first. [B]Please can someone tell me where I will start? [/B] I will appreciate any clue or hints. | |
Im using PHPGenerator for mysql to generate some pages at work. Is it possible for me to do a MySQL query like below? Or am i trying something thats impossible?? [code] SELECT training.id, training.Employee_Name, training.Team_Name, training.Date_Requested, training.Course_Information, training.Training_Provided, training.Time_Taken, training.Trainer, training.Critique_Completed, training.Certification, training.Comments, training.file_name, training.file_type, training.file_size, training.Training_Information_Given_Was, training.Training_Course_Structure_Was, training.Training_Instructor_Was, training.Training_Instruction_Aids_Was, … | |
Hello guys i have a little problem with integration..Im using flashcoms WebcamChat trying to use integration so that can ppl login in to chat if they are registred on my website... The integration is work ok but the problem is password in mysql User_tabe passwords is not a simple they … | |
I know this is php but it has MYSQL in it and I didn't really know where to post it. :$ The problem is, I have a check that checks if the username and password inputted matches the database's username and password. [CODE] if ($username==$dbusername&&$password=$dbpassword) { echo "Welcome, <b>$username</b>."; }else{ … | |
hi, been trawling the web trying to find anything on this but cant find anything to hand. my query:[CODE]SELECT monthlycommission.DatePaid, monthlycommission.MonthPaid, monthlycommission.YearPaid -1 year FROM monthlycommission where YearPaid = now() group by MonthPaid order by DatePaid ASC[/CODE] basically this query works however it is not what i want it to … | |
I created a stored procedure as below: [CODE] DELIMITER$$ CREATE PROCEDURE updateCorporateDetails(IN companyName VARCHAR(30), IN rocNo VARCHAR(20), IN address VARCHAR(30), IN postalCode INT, IN state VARCHAR(20), IN country VARCHAR(20), IN contactNo VARCHAR(20), IN email VARCHAR(20), IN fax VARCHAR(20), IN lastUpdate DATETIME, OUT total INT) BEGIN DECLARE var1 INT; SET @var1 … | |
Hey guys, I have an assignment that I have been working on for hours and I've done a lot of testing and I finally got it working, but when I try to change it to make sure to prompt the user for an input I can't get it to work … | |
Hi all. I have this problem within the form. I take data from a DB and pass it on using POST. Considering that I fetched array correctly, the following code has the following output: echo $value[0]; //echoes [B]Hello World[/B] echo "<input type=hidden name=value value=".$value[0].">"; //when echoed in the form action … | |
Can someone tell me what's wrong: Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class Login Dim server As String = "Server=localhost;Database=escola_musica;Uid=root;Pwd=;" Dim con As New MySqlConnection Dim da As New MySqlDataAdapter Dim sql As String Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand(sql, con) Dim dr As MySqlDataReader Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As … | |
hye everyone..i just want to share my problem using php..:$ i have data for field [B]total[/B] i.e total = (2,3,4,5,62,45,67,89,10,23,11,23,98,12) from all data i want 5 max values only. please help me to meet the solution.:) | |
Hello all, First and foremost I would like to thank anyone who will end up contributing to this thread. I'm relatively new to PHP/MySQL and did a site migration for a client to a different server. The website was working perfectly fine before, however now I am getting these errors. … | |
Hi, I am working with a web application with MySQL as the backend in asp.net. I need to insert values in a table called ACS. The code is working fine and i am able to insert values. But the problem i am facing is the values are getting stored as … | |
Hey guys, only new to Daniweb, so pardon me, if i seem too "nooby" for you guys. I am building a website, and currently am working on the "members area" i have a database named "users" with fields "name", "username", "email", and "password". i am running a php script, and … | |
Probably a stupid question but why does the following loop works ? There is nothing wrong with it I just want to understand how does this code know how many entries I have in database. [CODE=PHP] $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM post_categories"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo $row['Name']; } [/CODE] … | |
hey guys this is the structure of the Db: `Ex_ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `N_Etudiant` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `Professeur` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `Foyer` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `Motif` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `Date` date NOT NULL, `Notes` text NOT NULL, `Autre` varchar(150) NOT NULL, so basically N_Etudiant is a student name.. so … | |
[CODE]<?php include('header.php'); foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { $protectie[$key] = filter($value); }if(isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['type'] == "facebook") { $num1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `facebook` WHERE `facebook`='{$protectie['url']}'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($num1); if($num > 0){ $mesaj = "<div class=\"msg\"><div class=\"error\">Facebook Pages has been added before!</div></div>"; }else{ mysql_query("INSERT INTO `facebook` (user, facebook, title, points, cpc) … | |
Hey there, I am trying to build a small survey for a homework assignment. So, I have the following code: [CODE] $con = mysql_connect("localhost","user", "mypassword"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("mydatabase", $con); $slq = "INSERT INTO results VALUES('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', … | |
Hi i have a form which is used to post jobs. i have multiple checkboxs for location's i need a way in which i can save all the values which are checked into single table or two . right now i have a table called jobs in which all the … | |
[CODE]<?php include('header.php'); foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { $protectie[$key] = filter($value); }if(isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['type'] == "facebook") { $num1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `facebook` WHERE `facebook`='{$protectie['url']}'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($num1); if($num > 0){ $mesaj = "<div class=\"msg\"><div class=\"error\">Facebook Pages has been added before!</div></div>"; }else{ mysql_query("INSERT INTO `facebook` (user, facebook, title, points, cpc) … | |
Hey All... This query is waaaay outside my skill set so I can't even fathom how to do this other than the "brut force" method and that's way to slow for my purpose (a mobile app). I have two tables, `Categories` and `Articles`: `Categories` has: `id`, int auto-increment `name` text … | |
hi i have a query which should work however it returns nothing. i have at least 2 entries where completed = No and the date of the task is today. the code is: [CODE]SELECT count(TaskID) AS DueToday, DATE_FORMAT(`TaskDueDate`,'%d.%m.%Y') AS XLABEL FROM tasks WHERE 'XLABEL' = CURDATE( ) AND Completed = … | |
I have installed MySql here already, now i need to connec it because I am going to make a project which it needs a Database, but my problem is that I don't know how to set the connector/j/ I don't know how to install it/I don't know how to put … | |
Hello Guys I want to connect two databases at the same time but it looks like the php is only picking up the second database. One database is on my localhost and the other one is on server, I want to transfer the data from my localhost database to the … | |
Is it possible to export MySQL database to SQLite? If possible, how do you do that? |
The End.