10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for kutchbhi

I made a classified site and am concerned that my database design amd sql queries may not be optimal. Need your suggestions. This is how the site works now: The user selects his colony, and my app shows posts made from the colony and posts made from nearby colonies. 2 …

Member Avatar for nakresimin

i think with this function users can add some amount to their account but what i would like to do is each day user login i want to add the some amount automatically. each day user login to the site i want to add 1000coins amount to their account and …

Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi All! I'm working on a web application, JSP, where a user selects the text with the mouse in html. I want this text to be inserted in a MySQL database as a java string using prepareStatement in Java and executeupdate. Example: String querystring = "INSERT INTO mySelectedTextTable(selectedTextWithMouse) VALUES (?)"; …

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Member Avatar for Stickie

What am I doing wrong? I've stored the date in american format (yyyy-mm-dd) and want to output it in european format (dd-mm-yyy). This is my code. [code=php] //ZENDING $result = mysql_query("select ID, Bestemming, Afkorting, Datum FROM Zendingen WHERE ID ='" . $znding . "' ORDER BY ID, Bestemming ASC") OR …

Member Avatar for Stickie
Member Avatar for archelle

I created a table in mySql named 'user' where fields are: UserID,UserFirstName,UserMidName,UserLastName,Username,UserType,AcctPassword,DateCreated, DatLastModified and IsDeleted. I create a separate form in vb.net to insert user record in database. My program can do insert command and bound this data from mySql to datagridview. And now, i wanted to update this by …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for Pytho

Hi all Microsoft has what I want. When you write to their forums and you type the title for your thread, a list will appear under the input box. It looks like the image attached. Well, I have a MySQL database which contains a name field. There is something like …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Trn32

Hi All, Kindly note that I'm new to this forum. Hope that you can help me. I have a VB.Net application that must connect to online MySql database. I already have a MySql database and I connected to it from VB.net using the MySql connector (new instance and direct connect). …

Member Avatar for jatashankar

Hi, I have one query related to the mysql adding column query is- */ alter table tbl_oppourtunities add column New_Oppourtunities as (lower(product)) /* if above query we have written then its throwing error like this--- Error SQL query: ALTER TABLE tbl_oppourtunities ADD COLUMN New_Oppourtunities AS ( lower( product ) ) …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for archelle

I really need some answer to resolve my problem. Here's the situation, I wanted to create a student number using mysql database and vb.net in this form: currentyear-(no. of student in record) Student no. is auto generated.(the no. of student in record part) Example: I entered to school in the …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for ptara1

I have a script that looks at a database of hours for stores. The table is set up by ID, Day, Hour Open, Hour Closed. The time is in military hours, 1pm = 13:00:00 hours. Currently it doesn't work correctly. Wondering if anyone could just give me a pointer on …

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Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for mavrick4sky

SELECT * , 3956 *2 * ASIN( SQRT( POWER( SIN( ( 122.4058 - ABS( dest.lat ) ) * PI( ) /180 /2 ) , 2 ) + COS( 122.4058 * PI( ) /180 ) * COS( ABS( dest.lat ) * PI( ) /180 ) * POWER( SIN( ( 37.7907 - …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I got a table as below where it can capture for a particular deposit different type of payment such as cash,cheque,credit card etc where I give each type an id and represented via the paymentID column. Below is part of my query and where I am stuck is …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for jatashankar

Hi, please tell me can we create function based index in my sql if yes then how...? if no the why..? i want to create index on this query, here we have a my sql query-- */ $sql="select count(opportunity_code) as opc, month(created) as mon from tbl_oppourtunities where abs(DATEDIFF(date(now()),created)) <= 365 …

Member Avatar for jatashankar
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I got a query as below.The problem is that even there is no data in that date range it generates one single null value row. The moment I remove the this line SUM(tblDepositFullRefund.amount) the problem is solved. Any solution to this? [CODE]SELECT CAST(CONCAT('DR',CONCAT(tblDepositFullRefund.depositFullRefundID)) AS CHAR) AS receiptID, SUM(tblDepositFullRefund.amount) …

Member Avatar for newbie14
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I can insert data into mysql db already via my C codes. The only problem now I need insert the time in this format "2011-12-11 09:01:02". How can I format this in my C codes? Thank you.

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Member Avatar for phorce

Hello, basically I have two tables: People Orders Now I want to grant the first person in "Peoples" with all privileges, now I've tried to do this: [code] GRANT ALL ON Orders TO {testUser |PUBLIC |role_name} [WITH GRANT OPTION]; [/code] Doesn't work (because they are technically not a user, therefore, …

Member Avatar for mlesniak
Member Avatar for jQueryLover

Guys belwow query is returning nothing.please help to write correct query $month = 4; $Pmonth = 1; $year = 10; $Pyear =11; $sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `expense` WHERE month BETWEEN '$month' AND '$Pmonth' AND year BETWEEN '$year' AND '$Pyear'");

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Member Avatar for scarletfire

Recall that a relation R is in BCNF, if for every Functional Dependency (FD) of the form A1 …An -> B, the determinant { A1 …An} is a candidate key (or a superkey) for R. Consider the following relation and sets of FDs: R(A,B,C,D) with FDs: 1. AB -> C …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for libathos

I want to insert a record in some tables using a simple stored procedure.My question is: do i have to write several inserting procedures (one for each table) or is it possible that i can pass as a variable the name of the table in which i want to insert …

Member Avatar for libathos
Member Avatar for bisibee82

I'm doing a bidding listing page and I wanted to add a countdown timer to it. So, I have this Javascript countdown function which is modified from [url]http://keith-wood.name/countdownBasics.html[/url]. I'm supposed to pass the ending time to variable t. I have no problems passing in a direct value such as 2011:11:11 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for theonlylos

I'm currently working on launching a venture website at strongislandgamers.li/index.php and I"m working on making a very detailed registration form which needs to mesh well with the K2 login addon, and also I'm using CiviCRM in the backend to handle membership logistics. Additionally - the biggest stumbling block to this …

Member Avatar for IanArcher

How can I make it so when I e-mail for e.g. [email]news@example.com[/email] text/information of the e-mail is written into a mysql table? It would extract the contents of a new email and write them into MySQL table. This table manages news articles on the website, so in the MySQL columns: …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for Stickie

I have this query, but the ordering by is not working. It should order by value, but doesn't react. you'll see what I mean in the code. [ICODE]<table class="pme-main"> <tr> <th class="pme-header">Bestemming</th> <th class="pme-header">Naam Klant</th> <th class="pme-header">Aantal Manden</th> <th class="pme-header">Aantal Duiven</th> <th class="pme-header">Naam Bestemmeling</th> </tr> <?php $con = mysql_connect("****","****","****"); if …

Member Avatar for Stickie
Member Avatar for ayub05

Again guys here is same problem. Please check this code. Everything is OK. But sql data does not show up. <?php /*Set to error level to development modes*/ ini_set("display_errors", 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); if ( isset($_POST['username'])) { $ret = add_to_database(); if (!$ret) { print "Error: Database error"; } else { print "Welcome …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for Mayank23

I want to make a rating system that uses ajax for the rating. i use php and call all of the images, then i want to use ajax to post all the votes to a php script. However, i dont know how to get the elements. I want to be …

Member Avatar for Stickie

Hi, My name is stefan and I've been trying to develop a php/mysql based CRM for private use. I've stumbled upon a problem a few days ago and I just can't figure it out, so if you could help me, I'd really appreciate it. The problem is the following: I …

Member Avatar for PsychicTide
Member Avatar for chandbasha

Hi, I have one csv file with same order id for 4 or 5 times. How to know that order id is 4 or five times. My problem is on the basis of order id i will get the Product name and i want to generate the invoice. If the …

Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th
Member Avatar for glut

Hey, I'm currently using mysql_real_escape_string() to protect against SQL injection. Is there a way to exploit this? I have already tried \ to try to make the query \', thus making it just a regular backslash. I have heard of the Big5 exploit, but I don't know how to use …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for qwertpink

hi all, when my codes ran at localhost, it doesnt have any error, however when it runs in a server it gives 'Column 'member_id' cannot be null' [CODE] //retrieve form data $start_date=$_POST['start_date']; $end_date=$_POST['end_date']; $project_name=$_POST['project_name']; $project_description=$_POST['project_description']; // open connection $link = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $db); $query = "INSERT INTO project(project_name,start_date,end_date,project_description,project_status)VALUES('$project_name','$start_date','$end_date','$project_description','available')"; $result …

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The End.