What I am upto: I am tryin' to develop a Blog CMS. There is a Database named blog in which there's a table named posts. The posts table has these fields: post_id, post_title, post_url, post_time, post_category, post_desc, post_username. Here, post_username is the username of the user who posted this post. Now, What I want to do is: I want to Generate a list of posts submitted by a user on his profile page using PHP and MySQL. And the Question: How Should I do it?
There must be 10 posts on a page with post_title, post_category and post_desc.

Start here. If you need help with issues, post your code, and explain where the error is.

Start here. If you need help with issues, post your code, and explain where the error is.

Heya! I have already started it. Here is my code:

// Before this, I have connected to the database (succesful) and has selected the database too.
        $checkrow_query = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE username = '$prof_real_username'";
	$checkrow = mysql_query($checkrow_query);
	$checkrows = mysql_num_rows($checkrow);
		echo "<div class=special\">This User Hasn't Submitted any links.</div>";
		$query1 = "SELECT post_title FROM posts WHERE username = '$prof_real_username' ORDER BY post_time";
			$result1 = mysql_query($query1);
			$post_title = mysql_fetch_array($result1);

			$query2 = "SELECT post_url FROM posts WHERE username = '$prof_real_username' ORDER BY post_time";
			$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
			$post_url = mysql_fetch_array($result2);

			$query3 = "SELECT post_cat FROM posts WHERE username = '$prof_real_username' ORDER BY post_time";
			$result3 = mysql_query($query3);
			$post_cat = mysql_fetch_array($result3);

			$query4 = "SELECT post_desc FROM posts WHERE username = '$prof_real_username' ORDER BY post_time";
			$result4 = mysql_query($query4);
			$post_desc = mysql_fetch_array($result4);

			// Start Loading
			$times = 0;
			while($times <= 10)
				echo "<div class=\"userscoop\"><h3><a href=\"" . 
				. $post_title['$times'] .
				"</a></h3><p>" . $post_desc['$times'] . "</p>
				<span class=\"time\">" . $post_time['$times'] . "</span>
			} // User Scoop Loading Ends


But when I execute it, nothing generates! The Source of the HTML contains only the div, blank h3 and black p. No Error, no nothing. So what's the problem? Thanks in Advance!

Well, I don't know about your table data, but if you want to show 10 links for a user, your logic is wrong. mysql_fetch_array only returns a single record, not all of them, so $post_url[$times] is empty.

So, How should I get all the data in the specified field? Here, I want to fetch ten post_title and print them. What Should I do?

Here i have added 2 lines is begining to check error
I have commented if check=0 to see whether result comes or not
try following code

	ini_set("display_errors", 1); 
// Before this, I have connected to the database (succesful) and has selected the database too.
        $checkrow_query = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE username = '$prof_real_username' order by post_time desc limit 10";
	$checkrow = mysql_query($checkrow_query);
	$checkrows = mysql_num_rows($checkrow);
/*	if(!$checkrows)
		echo "<div class=special\">This User Hasn't Submitted any links.</div>";
			// Start Loading
			$times = 0;
			while($postrow = mysql_fetch_array($checkrow))
				echo "<div class=\"userscoop\"><h3><a href=\"" . 
				. $postrow['post_title'] .
				"</a></h3><p>" . $postrow['post_desc'] . "</p>
				<span class=\"time\">" . $postrow['post_time'] . "</span>
			} // User Scoop Loading Ends

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