Hi there! I am newbie in JS. I am making making class project and faced with some problems. I have found script (here) and learned. here is my problem:
1. not updating row number and row ID after deleting rows
2. not updating total sum if user change quantity
3. not updating grand total after deleting and changing quantity

Could someone help!
Here is code:

<script type="text/javascript">

  function updateSum(formID, nameID, quantityID, priceID) {
    var f = document.getElementById(formID)
    var name = document.getElementById(nameID)
    var quantity = document.getElementById(quantityID)
    var price = document.getElementById(priceID)

    if (f && name && quantity && price) {
      var tab = f.getElementsByTagName("table")[0]  // expect a table
      var row = tab.insertRow(tab.rows.length - 1)
	function myRowObject(one, two)
		this.one = one; // text object
		this.two = two; // input text object

	  var qtyVal = parseFloat(quantity.value)
      var priceVal = parseFloat(price.value)
      if (!qtyVal) { qtyVal = 0 }
      if (!priceVal) { priceVal = 0 }
      qtyVal = parseInt(Math.round(qtyVal*100),10)/100      // force 2 decimal
      priceVal = parseInt(Math.round(priceVal*100),10)/100  // force 2 decimal
      var total = qtyVal * priceVal
      total = parseInt(Math.round(total*100),10)/100      // force 2 decimal

		var noCell = row.insertCell(0)
		var txtNo = document.createElement('input');
		var id = tab.rows.length - 2
		txtNo.type = 'text';
		txtNo.style.textAlign = "right"
		txtNo.size = 1;
		txtNo.disabled = "disabled"
		txtNo.value = tab.rows.length - 2

		var nameCell = row.insertCell(1)
		var txtName = document.createElement('input');
		txtName.type = 'text';
		txtName.name = "name" + id;
		txtName.style.textAlign = "left"
		txtName.disabled = "disabled"
		txtName.size = 50;
		txtName.value = name.value

		var quanityCell = row.insertCell(2)
		var txtQuanity = document.createElement('input');
		txtQuanity.type = 'text';
		txtQuanity.name = "quantity" + id;
		txtQuanity.id = "quantity" + id;
		txtQuanity.style.textAlign = "right"
		txtQuanity.size = 10;
		txtQuanity.value = qtyVal

		var priceCell = row.insertCell(3)
		var txtPrice = document.createElement('input');
		txtPrice.type = 'text';
		txtPrice.name = "price" + id;
		txtPrice.id = "price" + id;
		txtPrice.style.textAlign = "right"
		txtPrice.size = 10;
		txtPrice.value = priceVal

		var totalCell = row.insertCell(4)
		var txtTotal = document.createElement('input');
		txtTotal.type = 'text';
		txtTotal.name = "total" + id;
		txtTotal.id = "total" + id;
		txtTotal.style.textAlign = "right"
		txtTotal.size = 10;
		txtTotal.value = 2;
		txtTotal.value = total;
		var sum = parseFloat(tab.rows[tab.rows.length-1].cells[4].innerHTML)
		tab.rows[tab.rows.length-1].cells[4].innerHTML = sum+total

		var cell6 = row.insertCell(5);
		var btnEl = document.createElement('input');
		btnEl.type = 'button';
		btnEl.value = 'Delete';
		btnEl.onclick = function () {deleteCurrentRow(this)};


	function deleteCurrentRow(rows)
		var row = rows.parentElement.parentElement;

		var table = document.getElementById('atable')
		var rows = table.getElementsByTagName('TR');
		for(i=0; i<rows.length; i++)
		row[i].txtNo[0].id = txtNo[i];

<form id="sell">
  Name: <input type="text" id="name">
  Quantity: <input type="text" id="quantity">
  Price: <input type="text" id="price">
  <input type="button" value="Add" onClick="updateSum('sell', 'name', 'quantity', 'price')">
  <table style="width:750;empty-cells:show;border-collapse:collapse" id="atable">
    <th width="50">No</th>
    <th width="400">Name</th>
    <th width="100">Quantity</th>
    <th width="100">Price</th>
    <th width="100">Total</th>
    <td style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold">Grand Total&nbsp;</td>
    <td name="allTotal" style="text-align:right;border:1px solid gray">0</td>

I've add somethings to your code to make it work like you would like it to.

To update the total and grand total after changing the value you need to listen to the input change event, so you know when to recalculate it.

<script type="text/javascript">

	function updateSum(formID, nameID, quantityID, priceID) {
		var f = document.getElementById(formID)
		var name = document.getElementById(nameID)
		var quantity = document.getElementById(quantityID)
		var price = document.getElementById(priceID)

		if (f && name && quantity && price) {
			var tab = f.getElementsByTagName("table")[0]  // expect a table
			var row = tab.insertRow(tab.rows.length - 1)

			var qtyVal = parseFloat(quantity.value)
			var priceVal = parseFloat(price.value)
			if (!qtyVal) { qtyVal = 0 }
			if (!priceVal) { priceVal = 0 }
			qtyVal = parseInt(Math.round(qtyVal*100),10)/100      // force 2 decimal
			priceVal = parseInt(Math.round(priceVal*100),10)/100  // force 2 decimal
			var total = qtyVal * priceVal
			total = parseInt(Math.round(total*100),10)/100      // force 2 decimal

			var noCell = row.insertCell(0)
			var txtNo = document.createElement('input');
			var id = tab.rows.length - 2
			txtNo.type = 'text';
			txtNo.style.textAlign = "right"
			txtNo.size = 1;
			txtNo.disabled = "disabled"
			txtNo.value = tab.rows.length - 2

			var nameCell = row.insertCell(1)
			var txtName = document.createElement('input');
			txtName.type = 'text';
			txtName.name = "name" + id;
			txtName.style.textAlign = "left"
			txtName.disabled = "disabled"
			txtName.size = 50;
			txtName.value = name.value

			var quanityCell = row.insertCell(2)
			var txtQuanity = document.createElement('input');
			txtQuanity.type = 'text';
			txtQuanity.name = "quantity" + id;
			txtQuanity.id = "quantity" + id;
			txtQuanity.style.textAlign = "right"
			txtQuanity.size = 10;
			txtQuanity.value = qtyVal

			var priceCell = row.insertCell(3)
			var txtPrice = document.createElement('input');
			txtPrice.type = 'text';
			txtPrice.name = "price" + id;
			txtPrice.id = "price" + id;
			txtPrice.style.textAlign = "right"
			txtPrice.size = 10;
			txtPrice.value = priceVal

			var totalCell = row.insertCell(4)
			var txtTotal = document.createElement('input');
			txtTotal.type = 'text';
			txtTotal.name = "total" + id;
			txtTotal.id = "total" + id;
			txtTotal.style.textAlign = "right"
			txtTotal.size = 10;
			txtTotal.value = 2;
			txtTotal.value = total;
			var cell6 = row.insertCell(5);
			var btnEl = document.createElement('input');
			btnEl.type = 'button';
			btnEl.value = 'Delete';
			// Add events to list input
			btnEl.onclick = function () {deleteCurrentRow(row)};
			txtPrice.onchange = function(){ calcValue(txtQuanity, txtPrice, txtTotal); }
			txtQuanity.onchange = function(){ calcValue(txtQuanity, txtPrice, txtTotal); }
			// Add value to total
			var sum = parseFloat(tab.rows[tab.rows.length-1].cells[4].innerHTML)
			tab.rows[tab.rows.length-1].cells[4].innerHTML = sum+total
	// Calcule total after chaning some input
	function calcValue(txtQuanity, txtPrice, txtTotal)
		var qnt = txtQuanity.value;
		var price = txtPrice.value;
		txtTotal.value = parseFloat(qnt) * parseFloat(price);

	// Delete row
	function deleteCurrentRow(row)
		var tab = document.getElementById('atable');	

		for(var i=1; i < tab.rows.length-1; i++) //Skip the first and last row
			rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML = i;

	// Sum Total
	function sumTotal()
		var tab = document.getElementById('atable');
		var sum = 0;
		for(var i=1; i < tab.rows.length-1; i++) //Skip the first and last row
			sum += parseFloat(tab.rows[i].cells[4].children[0].value);
		tab.rows[tab.rows.length-1].cells[4].innerHTML = sum;

<form id="sell">
  Name: <input type="text" id="name">
  Quantity: <input type="text" id="quantity">
  Price: <input type="text" id="price">
  <input type="button" value="Add" onClick="updateSum('sell', 'name', 'quantity', 'price')">
  <table style="width:750;empty-cells:show;border-collapse:collapse" id="atable">
    <th width="50">No</th>
    <th width="400">Name</th>
    <th width="100">Quantity</th>
    <th width="100">Price</th>
    <th width="100">Total</th>
    <td style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold">Grand Total&nbsp;</td>
    <td name="allTotal" style="text-align:right;border:1px solid gray">0</td>

Hope it helps.

Thank you AleMonteiro. You help me a lot. I made some changes it is working fine!
I have changed

row[i].txtNo[0].id = txtNo[i];


tab.row[i].txtNo[0].id = txtNo[i];
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