I am tring to use HTML tags checkbox and textbox along with PHP.
When the checkbox is not checked,the textbox is disable.But when I checked the check box,the textbox should become enabled.

How can i do this?

Here is My code:-

<title> TEST </title>
 CHECK BOX <input type="checkbox" name="htmlchk" value="chk"id="chk"><br>
 TEXT BOX  <input type="text" id="txt"disabled="True">

Please help me as soon as possible.

This is something you will want to do with JavaScript.


<script language="javascript">
function checkState()
    document.testform.tf1.disabled = !document.testform.tf1.disabled;


    <form name="testform">
          <input name="cb1" value="test" type="checkbox" onClick="checkState()"> 
        <input name="tf1" value="test2" type="textfield" disabled="true">

Thanks Phaelax,
I got the code sent by you. And now my problem has been solved.

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