10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for kadifo

Hello everyone, Im new at this site, and I hope I can get some help for my assignment. I have been asked to do the following: Build a pyramid using PHP and MySQL and depends on how many rows. For now I have made the following in my mysql: blocks …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Shaswat

How do you find out how many checkboxes have been checked for given Question? For example, you have question called "Hobbies:"with checkbox options of Reading, Biking, Travelling., I want get the count of the hobbies.

Member Avatar for v srinivasa rao
Member Avatar for mac4281

I have a site i've done in wordpress with multiple select boxes loaded from the database. How would i take the selected options from the select boxes and send the user to the corresponding url?? The select boxes are not chained or connected at all. Do they need to be …

Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, I am looking to get some help as to how I can create a script that does an Instant live search which displays results as I type: For Instance: 1) I arrive at a page and it has all lists of members from a database already displayed. 2) Then …

Member Avatar for sleign
Member Avatar for jagan605

the code: [CODE][/CODE]CREATE TABLE `mysql`.`emp` ( `EmpNo` INT NOT NULL, `EmpName` VARCHAR NOT NULL, `Job` VARCHAR NOT NULL, `Mgr` INT , `Hiredate` DATE NOT NULL, `Sal` INT NOT NULL, `Comm` INT , `DeptNo` INT NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MyISAM; [CODE][/CODE] the error: Error executing SQL commands to create table. …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for acrocephalus

Hello! I have a problem which I don't know if it is related to MySQL or Python. I am writing a database using wx.Python and MySQLdb. My problem is that when I want to send some string which contains accents to the MySQL database (for instance, 'Empordà') it is inserted …

Member Avatar for acrocephalus
Member Avatar for acrocephalus

Hello! I have a problem which I think it is related to Python, however I may be wrong. I am writing a database using wx.Python and MySQLdb. My problem is that when I want to send some string which contains accents to the MySQL database (for instance, 'Empordà') it is …

Member Avatar for acrocephalus
Member Avatar for subrat_p

I am newbie to MySQL.I create a database in MySQL in command shell by "create database DBNAME". But I can not use my own created database.So friends help me how to log into my database named "DBNAME" because I want to create some tables in that. Thank You

Member Avatar for mshauny
Member Avatar for ingeva

After close to 40 years of programming one might think that databases would be a well known subject, but it's not for me. In fact I have never had a need for a database until now. I have installed Joomla because I want to develop my websites faster and more …

Member Avatar for ingeva
Member Avatar for unnamed17

Hi there, I am trying to make a piece of code in C that: 1. opens a specified file, 2. Reads the data in the file and include it in MySQL, based on the position of commas, 3. Converts the last two number into binary and then performs some check …

Member Avatar for unnamed17
Member Avatar for manim

Hi Experts, I have a website which is hosted in Bluehost. I would like to access my Mysql database from remote without using browser. Is there any tool to access my Mysql database something like Filezilla? Thanks in advance, Manim

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for Dynamikz

Hi everyone, I'm a bit of a noob on the forum so please correct me if this is posted in the wrong area/or post is incorrect. I'm currently working on a new website ([URL="http://www.worldwidemixtapes.com"]http://www.worldwidemixtapes.com[/URL]) and currently stuck on the "sort by" section at the top of the page. What I'm …

Member Avatar for midjam

Hi this is driving me a little crazy, have been looking everywhere for a solution for the last few days. I'm new to php and i'm trying to create a simple food shopping cart, i have a repeat region for food extras attached to the food item. [CODE=php]<table width="100%" border="0" …

Member Avatar for midjam
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

I am learning mySQL and PHP and am very appreciative of the help I have received here. As some of you know, I am working on a Hockey Pool site. One of my first experiments was to build a static form on a php page that would take the input …

Member Avatar for ceeandcee
Member Avatar for sims6785

Hi, I am using vb.net 2008 with MySQL for my project. I have a datagridview on my form which displays records from Mysql table on form load. i want to delete the selected row in datagrid from table on 'row header mouse click' event. The 2 different codes that i …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for sugomat

Hi, I have the following problem: I want to update the column "UPDATE_VALUE" of table A with values from the column "SOURCE_VALUE" from another table B. Both tables have a timestamp column, and the value that should be updated in table A should be the one of the row of …

Member Avatar for teedoff

I was told on another forum that my table was not set up properly. Specifically, two of my columns, "keywords" and "catagory" should be in child tables. I just dont see that, or I dont understand why I would need to do this for these columns. here is my info …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for jimdj

Hello I amm designing a website for my mom the site is to advertise her book. it has a message board in it. the message board works great locally but when i upload it t a server i get a: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result …

Member Avatar for jimdj
Member Avatar for niketh90

Can anyone provide me with a small code to [B]retrieve[/B] value either from [B]oracle 10G XE[/B] database or [B]MySql[/B] database using Java applets....... I searchd the whole internet but none worked fine for me.. Regardds Niks

Member Avatar for niketh90
Member Avatar for LianaN

Hi guys! I'm trying to access a remote database (MySQL) that is installed on my home computer. The code is: [CODE] public void initDB(String ipaddress, String databasename, String login, String pass) { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); db = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" + ipaddress + "/" + databasename, login, pass); statement = (Statement) …

Member Avatar for LianaN
Member Avatar for dmorrison

Hi, this report is taking too long to run, there is alot of data in the tables. does anyone know a quicker way to optimize this: [CODE]<?php // This report outputs everything to excel format /** Error reporting */ error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',TRUE); ini_set("memory_limit","1024M"); date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); /** PHPExcel */ require_once '../includes/PHPExcel.php'; include ("../../config.php"); …

Member Avatar for dmorrison
Member Avatar for danimal132

i have a process that runs, but stops after about 3 minutes. It only processes some of the information (65 entries out of 500). i modified the php.ini, thinking this was the case. The process takes data from a mysql database and writes them to a file. register_globals = off …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for qazplm114477

I have a 2 tables that I want to select in a weird way but I'm not sure how to join them, should I use inner join or join left or group by etc... [CODE]//my desired out come employee_id | training_name ---------------------------- 1 | training a | training b | …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for Shaswat
Member Avatar for justiceigwe
Member Avatar for arctushar

Hello I want to make search box like google. when typing in the text box it will show search list. the list must be from mysql query search. How can I do that.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for arctushar

Is there any way to convert microsoft access database to mysql data. Please help me

Member Avatar for appnub
Member Avatar for InnocentVamp

Hi all. I want to ask about storing the photos in a MySql database. I am developing a Software for Tours & Traveling company in that i need to store the photos of the customer. The further requirement is to export the database to an Excel sheet including the photo. …

Member Avatar for noobsaibot
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I'm rather perplexed as to how I'm supposed to select rows from a database without having to use 9999 in my limit and I can't seem to find anything on how you specify fetching anything from a certain row onwards. Using this at the moment [CODE=mysql]LIMIT 10, 9999[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for scarcella
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

i have this code but it cant work in my hosting usualy the error is : The following errors were reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''comments' ( 'id' int …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for digiplaystudios

Hi There, For some reason the following is not working - Inside the text field it displays nothing: [CODE]<?php include 'dbc.php'; page_protect(); $rs_settings = mysql_query("select * from users where id='$_SESSION[id]'"); $row_settings = mysql_fetch_array($rs_settings); ?> <html> <head> </head> <body> <form action="index.php" method="post" name="regForm" id="regForm" > <input name="first_name" type="text" class="updateusersmall" id="first_name" value="<? …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n

The End.