10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for faizan.saleem.96

Dear all, I would really appreciate your help and assistance with a bug i'm facing in myphpadmin Mysql table. I have a table which is named as total amount. I also have a front end php. interface where i do my data entry from. When I enter for example (100000) …

Member Avatar for faizan.saleem.96
Member Avatar for facarroll

I have the following code which is intended to supply the family and given names of people who are in the users table but not in the quiz table. Can I even do this, and this throws an error anyway? `$query = mysql_query("SELECT quiz.userGroup AS q_userGroup, quiz.userDate, users.userGroup AS u_userGroup, …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for faizan.saleem.96

Dear all, I would really appreciate your help and assistance with a bug i'm facing in myphpadmin Mysql table. I have a table which is named as total amount. I also have a front end php. interface where i do my data entry from. When I enter for example (100000) …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for hsp001

I have a table in a database that contains two columns username and bids.I want to select the unique and lowest value from the bids column.I tried using SELECT DISTINCT and then limiting with one,it shows the lowest value but the value is repeated a number of times in the …

Member Avatar for hsp001
Member Avatar for jakub.peciak

Hi, I have following code. Dim myData1 As MySqlDataReader Dim sqlquary1 = "INSERT INTO table1 (text1) Values (Value1); INSERT INTO table2 (text2) Values (Value2); INSERT INTO table3 (text3) Values (Value3)" Dim command1 As New MySqlCommand command1.Connection = mySqlConnection command1.CommandText = sqlquary1 myData1 = command1.ExecuteReader mySqlConnection.Close() I need to send few …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for showman13

Does anybody have any experience with changing an INT column to BIGINT so it will handle larger integer numbers? I have read a lot from searching the subject, but still a little leary of changing it on a live database. Would be nice if someone here has done it without …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for neonet

halo every body: sorry ! my english not good,i only can use very simple english.. i use "fgets" get a webpage date,but website is use utf8.. when i use "substr" get some string,then i write into mysql. but mysql filed can't show big5!i don't know solution.... my mysql version mysql-3.23.58-1.9 …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for dancks

I'm not sure why I suck so bad at this. I was recommended by my prof to use date as opposed to timestamp. I'm starting to think going back to timestamp would be easier due to built in php functions I can use. so in my original addproduct.php form I …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi I am planning to create web based association Management project. Can any one please provide me some sample or details which would me more helpful for me to develop the project.

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for dancks

A lot of code here. Basically I'm making an auction type site. This segment of code is for a user to upload a product: I'm pretty sure there isn't anything wrong with addproduct.php but for completeness I feel like I should post it. addproduct.php: <?php require_once('checklogin.php'); require_once('validate.php'); if(!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { //die("redirect"); …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for monching

Hello there, How to add items in combo box from mysql database? 'mySQL statement 'tryCatch method ComboBox1._______ = myReader.GetValue(myReader.GetOrdinal("Uname")) I'm trying use this: ComboBox1.items = myReader.GetValue(myReader.GetOrdinal("Uname")) but an error occured.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for faizan.saleem.96

Dear all, I have a huge problem and cant figure it out how to resolve it. I have a mysql database. which has plenty of entries in the table. I have linked my search.php page with my database everything is working fine the data is being fetched and showing the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for RinzLove

Hi all, I've problem with inserting data values from .csv file to MySQL data table. My query as follows; LOAD DATA INFILE 'C/Customers.csv' INTO TABLE pc.customers FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (CustID, RegDate, CName, CAddress, CPhone1, CPhone2, Order_OrderID) It returns error msg as follows; **Error Code: 1406. …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi All, I have made simple CMS with PHP/MYSQL. It make use of TinyMCE as Javascript editor. I can delete as well as add the contents. But How can I load the contents from database to TinyMCE for editing and saving? Here is my PHP code to add contents using …

Member Avatar for medzoner
Member Avatar for wvoke9

Hi, I am a complete novice with MySQL but have been persevering with it for a project I am doing at work. I have created a results server to analyse and collect data I receive from quizzes I have created using QuestionWriter HTML5. I have figured out how to run …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dancks

My school has an apache/mysql server that we make and host websites from as projects. I am doing an ebay type site where people bid on a product until time runs out. Problem is I don't know how to trigger that the product should be delisted and the buyer and …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for kris.sirk.54

I have a MYSQL database that house user names and user numbers. the process is user goes to a url inputs all the information. Goes to the office they search for the user makes sure all the information is correct and assigns them a number inputs it into the the …

Member Avatar for kris.sirk.54
Member Avatar for amulet_john

Hello guys.. Do you have any idea how to make a Global Positioning System (GPS) using PHP & MySQL? I don't know where should I start. Do you think it's possible in PHP & MySQL? Please help. Thank's ! Regards, amulet_john

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for bradly.spicer

Hello everyone, My friend has been helping and he's been great however it's come to a halt :P I'm working with MYSQL at the moment but am having a few issues with my code. Index.php: <html><link href="stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <head> </head> <body> <div id="header"><img src="http://www.rhinosecurityltd.co.uk/templates/rhuk_milkyway/images/mw_joomla_logo.png" alt="Rhino Security"> </DIV> <form name="Form" …

Member Avatar for bradly.spicer
Member Avatar for Octet

I am trying to help prevent SQL injection using mysqli_real_escape_string, I have the following: <?php $Connect = mysqli_connect ('', '', '', ''); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { die ("Couldn't Connect to the Database"); } $String = "Hello, my name is (*$<>)*$)!*)_£)(!*£$&"; echo $String."<br><br>"; $Escaped = mysqli_real_escape_string($Connect, $String); echo $Escaped; ?> The problem …

Member Avatar for GliderPilot
Member Avatar for Resentful

Hello, everyone. I've recently switched hosts and the same script I was running in the past is now causing the rest of my MySQL queries to be locked, and it seems the query never completes. The code is: <? $con = mysqli_connect('localhost','user','password', 'database'); $Q = "DELETE FROM `Table1` WHERE `Field1` …

Member Avatar for Larry_Singleton
Member Avatar for mehnihma

HI, I am new to mysql and have two problems. 1. I have two tables that need to have same values from one field , if that values are not same in second table change it to value of first table Frist table is ps_product and they all need to …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for barb.saunders.5

Hi im a beginner in mysql land and i need to derive AGE from my D.O.B column i am wondering if someone could explain how and whether you could break it down more simply... i know im asking alot but we all have to learn .. thanks hopefully barb :D

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for cheelo007

I've been trying to make dynamic queries, where the user determines what will be queried. The reason is because I'd like the images being displayed in my gallery reflect the category selected by the user. mysql_query("SELECT(whatever category they chose) FROM products") below is the generation of categories as links. (not …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for mehnihma

I am bulding a code for my site and have few problems 1. When I run this few times, it updates table ps_stock_available but with wrong values and after some time is stops to update that table? The problem is in the last query, two queries above are working ` …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for cheelo007

Hello, I'm sure I'm missing something small. If a category doesn't exist in the database yet, how can I have the query accept a value of 0 without reporting an error? The $subcategory is what the user selected. The result should either be 4 images or a blank place holder …

Member Avatar for cheelo007
Member Avatar for jonathan.flesher

I'm new to MySQL and following a tutorial in a book to design a PHP MySQL website. Following this tutorial, I created a PHP page from which I can update entries in the MySQL database. What's strange is that only specific entries in the database will not update, while others …

Member Avatar for b.wickham
Member Avatar for NardCake

Hello! I'm working on a simple messaging system for a project and I have this query and it isn't working for some odd reason, here it is: mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages SET user='$user', message='$msg', date='$date', to='$id', private='$checked' ") Here is my error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check …

Member Avatar for NardCake
Member Avatar for shahai.ali

hi i have a table like this for attendence: table name attendence. id std_rolNum std_fname date std_bkfast std_lunch std_dinner i want to make search on the base of `date`, `std_rolnum`, `std_lunch`, `std_bkfast` and `std_dinner`. so that if on the same date if student have already taken breakfast, lunch or dinner …

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Member Avatar for shahai.ali

hi m getting the following exception: `System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near '4'.` the following is what i was trying: public void hostel_cpacity(ManageHostelRoomsBE hmr) { string str; string conString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Hosteluog"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = con; con.Open(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataTable dt1 …

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The End.