10,944 Topics
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I am trying to display values fetched from a MySQL database as an excel spreadsheet. Now, I have been successful to create a csv file using the code below; <?php error_reporting(0); include("includes/connect.php"); // This is the connection string to the database //Select the required records from the database $result = … | |
This is my word "नमस्कार". (It is Indian language (Marathi language) ) mysql is showing like something in image attached How to store Unicode characters to Mysql to show properly? | |
Hi. I'm trying to get my hover-effect to work , but the php seems to destroy the hoverfunction. My javascript works fine if I remove all php-code. What have I done wrong? <?php $host="*********"; // Host name $username="**********"; // Mysql username $password="geronimo"; // Mysql password $db_name="***********"; // Database name $tbl_name="****"; … | |
Hey all, Looking for some quick guidance, Trying to make it so that I can have a field which presents how many customers the database has. E.g This is the DB: http://prntscr.com/o2vuf This is my php: <?PHP $id_customers = "SELECT id FROM Customers"; $Customeramount = mysql_query($id_customers) or die(mysql_error()); echo $Customeramount; … | |
Hi everybody, I am in the process of building a small web application which will hold around 10 pieces of information for every person inserted. Due to data protection the majority of this information must be encrypted. Using the CodeIgniter framework and the CodeIgniter encryption class I can encode the … | |
Hello, Happy New year please help me senior bro,I can't insert mulityple selected checkbox value into my databse.When i click SUBIT then it show me below error: *Error Number: 1054 Unknown column '0' in 'field list' INSERT INTO `tbl_course_offred` (`0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `user_id`) VALUES … ![]() | |
I have 2 tables: tblUser: +------+-----------+ | id | Name | +------+-----------+ tblItems(this table accepts multiple checkbox value depending on how many user selected): +------+-----------+---------------+ | id | items | name_id | +------+-----------+---------------+ `name_id` will get the value of `id` in `tblUser` I use this code to get the value … | |
We already have a MySQL database full of important data. We would like to change our uniquely developed website to a WordPress CMS with migrating the data. What is the most effective solution? Tibor ![]() | |
the MySql command is being skipped and the error being execute within th Try Catch.. Please help of possible Dim myConnString = ";" & _ "Database = inventory;" & _ "Uid = root;" & _ "Pwd = root;" & _ "Connect Timeout = 30;" Dim myupdateconnection As New MySqlConnection(myConnString) Dim … | |
I'm having a strange issue that I'm sure has a reasonable answer, but it's making me nuts. I am using the code below, but no matter what I do, on the host's server it displays the created_date as '0000-00-00 00:00:00'. I get the correct response locally. If I go to … | |
![]() | Hi there. I'm trying to wrap my brain around something that is probably really simple - once you know how. I want to print the name of each park, only once, along with a list of its features. I have the following SQL query... $query = 'SELECT id, name, feat_name … ![]() |
Okay what I am trying to do might be hard to understand, but I will give it my best shot. I have created a script which selects data randomly from a table called albumname in a databse called characters. This array is then used again in a mysql_query to select … ![]() | |
Wow.. I guess I must have been living with my head in the sand for a few years. I write everything using PHP/MySql, and now it seems that eveything I am reading is referencing MySqli... So I started researching that and found that it has been around for years and … | |
Hello masters It is possible to connect two different database system like(sql server and mysql) at the same time in the same script? If yes can you give me some tips of what procedure I'm going to use. If no then thanks for reading my threads. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Because i have … ![]() | |
I am finding it difficult to update the `JTable` when I enter a person's name in search button. The program compiles correctly without any errors, but in `SearchActionPerformed` event when the search button is pressed an empty table comes up. Where without search, the table is full of values from … | |
Hi guys! Is there anyone can help me to do import and export database from my sql? i don't have any idea how to do it. I don't want to do it manually which is using phpmyadmin. So, i want to make it easy only by click the export button. … ![]() | |
I am trying to make an array which has a random selection of database results in it. This is what I have so far, <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("photos", $con); $query="SELECT album FROM albumname ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 9"; $result= … | |
Hi , I am able to compile my program , which simply connect to mysql and prints the table result. But I am unable to compile it with Makefile. Any pointer will be appreciated. My program: [code] #include <mysql.h> #include <stdio.h> main() { MYSQL *conn; MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; char … | |
I have a site that has categories of images generated from the database, I am trying make it so when the user selects a category, the query is based off of that selection and the respective images load. Is that something that can be done? Here is my current code. … | |
Is there a service available to have someone translate your code from mysql to PDO or Mysqli? Pay service or free. I just know I'm in over my head. Thank you. | |
Hello guys , i am new around here.Need help with one script its for movie's web site, i need to add more than one picture in database. The code is: <?php @mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); @mysql_select_db($db); @mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET cp1251") or die( "Не мога да избера БД"); if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $kategoriq = htmlspecialchars($_POST['kategoriq']); $seriq = … | |
Hi, I have something wrong at table_academicMouseClicked() method which results me with a java.lang.NullPointerException error. basically trying to compare the surname in Jtable and look it up on the database to select the corresponing record so that I can set the label to the value from database. So when a … | |
Hello, My weather station software produce an XML file with live info about temperature, Wind, etc. It is possible grab this info to mysql db every 5 minutes and organize for day, month and year? Thanks | |
Hi Guys....i am facing a small issue with an SQL statement here. Will you be able to help me out? I wanted to grab the page title, page author's name which is in the users table, the no of comments, and the page publish date. "SELECT * FROM pages INNER … | |
I'm having trouble with a query. Here's my code. ---------------------------------------------- `"SELECT *` `FROM listings` `WHERE MATCH(title)` `AGAINST('ipod' IN BOOLEAN MODE)` `ORDER` `BY relevance DESC"` ---------------------------------------------- And I get this error: > Unknown column 'relevance' in 'order clause' | |
Hello to everyone, im having some trouble in setting a position on a table in php. I learn how to display a table in php on school and with some research through the internet, but not how to customize it. Is it possible to display a mysql table from a … | |
I am unable to execute the editProfile() method in MainMenu class. The purpose of the method is to be able to extract the bean values and display them on the empty textfield. I am not sure if i did it correctly. any recommendations for any changes to editProfile() method. public … | |
I don't quite understand how to make a Procedure as most of my processing takes place in my scripts. I have a set of 3 Queries that are almost identical that I would like to combine them to return a result set. The queries are: SELECT Date, Location, Sum(SubTotal) FROM … | |
![]() | I need to update values form one table to another and create values if they are not there How can I do this for all values or form values from one ID to another This is the query but I need to run it for every ID and that is … ![]() |
The End.