10,940 Topics

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Member Avatar for shanker31

HEllo i want to implement.. To check if the transaction is complete.. if the transaction in complete then commit the transaction ..if not the transaction is rollback.. my DB table is : member(no int primary key,name varchar(255) int)engine=innodb; My problem is if i press "crtl+C" the procedure is interupted so …

Member Avatar for urbangeek

hi everyone. i want to list and show the table names in a database in a php page. how to do that? in phpmyadmin 'show tables' works in query window. bt showing it through a php script i think i would have to SELECT?

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for nsyncpilu

Hy , I have a little/big problem : I am a student and i live in a campus where i need to use a proxy and port to connect to internet. The app i made is a management system for a store ... and it is local. I used MySql …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for mshauny

Hi Any suggestion on how to save an image file into mysql using the .NET api? I tried code similar to this : MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); byte[] imgData; //previously available image in the program Image.Save(stream,ImageFormat.Jpeg);// saves the image into the stream imgData = stream.ToArray(); //now I have the …

Member Avatar for RMelnikas

I Currently have a form where we have people putting an application forward and the form consists of this code: [CODE]<label for="age">Age Group:<span class="red">*</span></label><br/>//here!!!! <input name="age" type="checkbox" value="11s">11/under <input name="age" type="checkbox" value="13s">13/under <input name="age" type="checkbox" value="17s">17/under <input name="age" type="checkbox" value="open">Open <em>If trailing for two age groups please ensure both age …

Member Avatar for Smeagel13
Member Avatar for hannon565

Hey, I am wondering if it is possible to transfer data from one database to another e.g. from a SQLlite database to a mySql database. I know they are different type and styles of database. The SQLlite database would be stored on android phone and mySQL seperatly on a appropriated …

Member Avatar for keltik
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I have DAL class and I have done Query Parametrization to avoid SQL injection. As you can see the weakpoing for Dynamic Query is table_name and column name. I have made small function to (hopefully) validate table variable before I can add to SQL command string. Now I was …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for eLu-sive

[CODE]<html> <head> <title>Applicant Login Page </title> </head> <center> <body bgcolor = "#000000" text = "#70db93"> <h1> Passport System <hr> </h1> </center> <form> <p> Fill in the form below. </p> Title <input type = "radio" name = "response" value = "Mr" checked = "checked"> Mr <input type = "radio" name = …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for primacag

Any help appreciated in advance.... I have been trying to get a javascript to use ajax to call a php script to read from an mysql database and write out an xml dom document so that I can add markers to a google map. I think I have all the …

Member Avatar for Shwetha Dali

Here is my code,problem is i'm able to login even with wrong username and password. Can anybody tell wat is the mistake in my code.. [CODE] using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for asif49

I've been following several tutorials in order to build a simple search engine for my website. But I can't seem to be able to do pagination I.E show results by pages (10 per page). I'll list the code I have thus far and hopefully if there's someone well versed with …

Member Avatar for codewalkz
Member Avatar for Dmennite

The application is supposed to install the following without connecting to internet. .Net Framework 3.5 MySQL Server (noinstall zip) - custom install dir, basedir, datadir - run as service with custom name My SQL Connector Restore Mysql db Update Config file with the MySQL uname/pwd. I have all the msi …

Member Avatar for Dmennite
Member Avatar for gedas

hey, i ma creating a join of the same table the output i want is something like this: |Ticket Ref Number|Ticked Opened On|Ticket Closed On|Time Spent In Minutes|TotalAverage| |0000712 |2011-09-14 |2011-10-18 |20023 | 12hours| |0000200 |2011-06-14 |2011-10-08 |40023 | (null)| |0000001 |2010-06-14 |2011-10-02 |20023 | (null)| |0000099 |2010-07-13 |2011-10-01 |10022 …

Member Avatar for Smeagel13
Member Avatar for TAGEEKS

Hello guys, i have a problem with my fetching records, i need to put each photo inside a cell , now that has been done okay the problem is i need to put 5 photos each row , now i have 6 in a row , i tried to use …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for divyakprabh

Hi, I want the week of the year, given a date. I used YEARWEEK('1987-01-01') which return me 198653, but i want it 198701 as the output which means the year and the week number of that year. How to do this... Thanks in advance!!

Member Avatar for divyakprabh
Member Avatar for WebNewbie

[B]Hi, I am new to mySQL database design. I am having trouble getting my head around the best way to design my database for a simple online game. Here are the details followed by my attempt and questions:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]A game where multiple decisions are made by teams competing against each …

Member Avatar for WebNewbie
Member Avatar for kgizo

Hello I want to send xml values to a database I just created, here is the xml file <record> <name>tcpmux</name> <protocol>tcp</protocol> <xref type="person" data="Mark_Lottor"/> <description>TCP Port Service Multiplexer</description> <number>1</number> </record> <record> <name>tcpmux</name> <protocol>udp</protocol> <xref type="person" data="Mark_Lottor"/> <description>TCP Port Service Multiplexer</description> <number>1</number> </record> I've got 4 columns in my database:- ServiceName, …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I have a query as below.It works fine . The problem is I have time range for me to select the data normaly on daily basis. My problem here is the dateTimeStartJourney and dateTimeEndJourney is stored as GMT 0. So when I search I would like to define …

Member Avatar for rajandass65

hi i am working on db design of multilingual site. For creating multilingual site we usually use xml or different col in table represting language. I am thinking of using diferernt db for each languge,it will simplifies many things. so my question is that, is this thing of using muliple …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for DariusG

Hello. I am trying to fix this for about 10 hours and i can't do it. I got a template from web and trying to make it dynamic. Somehow, i did something till now.. It get images from a database. Each picture is kind of a gallery and is somewhat …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for pepyrs

Hello guys, I've been to a lot of forums and discussions about this but I never found precise solution. I'm having a WEB application in ASP.NET written in C# and a MySQL database behind. I made a button "Import from Excel" which has SQL command: "LOAD DATA INFILE 'importTest2MorePads.csv' INTO …

Member Avatar for morrisproject

I current have a column in my database called ConveyorNumber, which could be something like CMD1234, CMD1256, CMD1136 etc. I also have a column called Asset_type which relates to the conveyor number. So depending on the conveyor number the asset type will change, its a description of the conveyor type. …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello I need to create a pdf doc which will look like the word doc attached, and have to use php to do so. In the doc, the blue texts will need to be filled from data fetched from table User in mysql, and the Autofill part as well will …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi everyone :) I am working on a small error message, but i can not seem to get it to work correctly. Basically, what I am trying to do, is check the account balance field from a mysql database against a variable of $smsnum smsnum is automatically populated based on …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for pepyrs

Hello guys, I found a lot examples about this one but I still don't have it all working. So the thing is that I have a button in my C# web application called Export to Excel. The functionality should works as if the button is clicked - it just simply …

Member Avatar for pepyrs
Member Avatar for bangla

Hi, 1. I create a table in mysql: [CODE]create table hh ( id double(3,2) );[/CODE] 2.[CODE][ insert into hh values(27.22) insert into hh values(7.49)[/CODE] 3. [CODE]select * from hh[/CODE] result 9.99 7.49 why i get 9.99 why not 27.22? Thanks.

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for skinbug

Hi, I am posting in PHP forum as I believe it is a PHP problem. I have seen examples of inserting multiple rows and it seems there are generally 2 options...to use multiple insert commands or to 'concatonate' the query. I have tried these options but with no success. So …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for ajbest

Can anyone tell me if the following query can be done? [CODE]mysql_query("SELECT a, b, (a+b) AS c FROM table WHERE c=1");[/CODE] When I try this I get an unknown column error for c. In order to get the query to work I have had to do this [CODE]mysql_query("SELECT a, b, …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for morrisproject

I have changed a column in my database from the primary Key to Index, as i need to allow the same reference in the column for multiple entries with different dates against them, but now i need to adjust my queries. how do i do this?

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for JukesK

Firstly, Sorry for the long post :) Im currently creating a training database for use within the business (not done many getting used to coding) I used MySQLMaestro to construct the datagrid and have modified it to suit most my needs. however i have one issue that i cant resolve. …

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The End.