10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for BenzZz

Hi, Basically I'm creating and implementing a dynamic website as part of my uni final year project but i am a beginner in php so need some help. First, I'm not entirely sure about how i should go about creating the database, tables and inserting data. I don't mean in …

Member Avatar for BenzZz
Member Avatar for wonderlhily

[code=php] <?php $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "dotherz"); //connecting to database if($conn) //testing if the connection was stablished { mysql_select_db("orders", $conn); //selecting database from your localhost $qry = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customerId = 1"; //the query to get the first user $result = mysql_query($qry); //executing the qry and passing …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for MargateSteve

I have hit a bit of a stumbling block with a project I am working on. Basically it tracks football (soccer) results and everything works fine as things are but I there is something else that I hope to do now that I cannot get my head around. Basically, there …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for sungkono

hii all, i've create upload website, i've been stuck with following error i had 3 tables in my database table request, table upload and table feedback table request : id_request;---primary key subjek; isi; pelaksana; table upload : id_upload,----primary key id_request,----foreign key filename, filedata, filesize, filetype table feedback : id_feedback,----primary key …

Member Avatar for sibymary

hi,i want to insert date into mysql table..but the date must not be current date.for example if i am giving 12-3-2003.then ,this date should be insert into the database...... thanks advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for liphoso

I have no idea how to do this so please forgive my not trying before i ask. I would like to create a system that will allow user to vote, count and tell who won. i can do all that is stated. now i would like to add the functionality …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for mitchiexlolz

I installed a wamp server on my pc and initially, it runs.(localHost&phpmyAdmin) but when I installed mysql for my java subject, I can't access the php database anymore. error message looks like this: MySQL said: Documentation #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) I am thinking that …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for yaci91

Hi! I'm trying to show 5 random images from my database and i seem to be stuck. Would appreciate some help or tips. I obviously dont want any duplicate images. Have tried to figure it out by googling butt my head hurts too much xD Got thumbnails for the picture …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for TheHaxx0r1215

The code I used isn't working with sql, and not sending a mail message, but it's perfectly formed(Or not)? Please help! [CODE]<?php require_once('recaptchalib.php'); require_once('config.php'); $privatekey = CAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY; $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if (!$resp->is_valid) { // What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly die ("The reCAPTCHA wasn't …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for bbizzl

Hey All, Been banging my head into the wall on this one. I have 2 tables one for users 'myMembers' and one for products 'products'. Each table has a auto increment id. The myMembers id is the user id and the products table id is for the product id. I …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Mi-Dia

On a project I am doing I am making a Feed Flow of recent updates. Problem is I cant find out to overcome the following. There are two tables, shouts and journals. what I want to do is pull records from them both and print them out with the newest …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rushi3311

Here i have four tables in my Database named "test_center" those are 1) "test_user" --> PK = u_id 2) "test_metadata" --> PK = test_id 3) "student_detail" --> PK = Student_id 4) "test_records" --> PK = test_record_id (Child table) table 4 is child table and 1,2,3 are masters..! i am trying …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for dangari

My query below has been working okay for 1 year now and suddenly it is giving an exception: [CODE] (SELECT distinct(R.imei),R.mobile,S.msg,S.reply,M.model, left(S.receiveTime,10) as receiveDate, right(S.receiveTime,8) as receiveTime,'' as 'Reason' from dbSAMSUNGmain.tREGDATA R,dbSAMSUNGmain.tMODELS M,dbSAMSUNGmain.tSMS_TRANSACTIONS S where S.mobile=R.mobile and replace(replace(S.msg,'/',''),' ','') LIKE concat('%',R.imei,'%') and (S.reply like '%Registration successful%' || S.reply like '%Reg …

Member Avatar for mickjsn
Member Avatar for ken.atienza

I use the top table as a cart for 1 customer, and the bottom table for order. I wanted to get the productprice, productname, productqty and put it into orderdetail field. Help and suggestions are very much appreciated. Thanks in advance. *attached a pic of the tables.

Member Avatar for foreshadowed
Member Avatar for SmallCucumber

hi,thank you for your attention.:P I am thinking of if there are some thing in php like event or trigger to inform another php file, :idea: that I'v just insert something into the mysql database . thank you for giving me some advices~ :)

Member Avatar for SmallCucumber
Member Avatar for roottybrian

I'm trying to write an SQL (MySQL) Statement here using an if statement but all am getting are countless errors. I've narrowed down to simple instructions but still no breakthrough. [CODE]DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER confirmation_triggers AFTER INSERT ON `old_deliquencies` FOR EACH ROW IF new.status='True' THEN INSERT INTO `notifications` VALUES(NULL, new.loan_id, …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for aiwagner

Hi, I don't usually develop for PHP or MySQL, but I am just doing the odd job for a friend. I am having issues with a MySQL query though. A few days ago I must have done something to the code somewhere, and it is throwing up errors now. I …

Member Avatar for aiwagner
Member Avatar for aci.herobo

I am trying to set up a form for potential students to give their information for a language academay. When I tested the form with <input type="text" name"Nombre"> type of fields everything went fine. As soon as I tried to introduced drop down menus or typ radio elements the data …

Member Avatar for antonioatt
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I have a query as below SELECT DISTINCT (productID),totalAmountAfter,transactionDate FROM tbltransaction WHERE transactionDate BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-12-31' ORDER BY productID,transactionDate DESC . My problem now I want is that for each product only pick one line that is the last line since I have ordered by the date. …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for girl9907

Hello everybody, This is the first time that I write on. I have working with seven tables, but the wrong when I execute an "insert" is= Cannot add or update show a child row: Error: foreign key: This is a wrong that it was generated, however before that I changed …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for gedas

hi guys, i am trying to write a query that would basically display me pas 4 week, however if lets say today is Wednesday the pas for week would have to start from last Friday, none the less if i have to run the query on monday i would want …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for anand01

my table design is [CODE] date income expenses 2011-08-5 1000 500 2011-09-6 7000 400 2011-10-7 2000 300 [/CODE] I have daily expenses and Income in the above table.I need to retrieve monthly(sum of daily) income and expenses for particular year. How should i write query for that . Pls help …

Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for JamesPublic

Hi all, I'm trying to insert an array (which I've decoded from a JSON object) into a mysql database (for the first time!) and keep coming back with a "Could not connect - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1" error message. My server and database connections are …

Member Avatar for JamesPublic
Member Avatar for roottybrian

I have php code running fine from the server. but if i use any mysql functions e.g. [CODE]mysql_connect()[/CODE], the server does not render the page. it keeps on "waiting for localhost...". what could be the problem.

Member Avatar for roottybrian
Member Avatar for jakizak

Hi everyone, Having a little difficulty getting anything from this. The code appears to me to be correct, then again I have been looking at it for hours, so it is possible there could be a mistake...... :/ Anyway, the code seems sound, should let me login and instead gets …

Member Avatar for jakizak
Member Avatar for Cupidvogel

Hi, I am following the chapter on Replication from the book High Performance MySQL. There it is written that I need to enable binary logging and specify a server ID for my MySQL server. It instructs me to write (or verify the presence of) the following lines in the master’s …

Member Avatar for LRNPHP

Hi There, MySQL is not my strong point so any guidance or advice will be greatly appreciated. I want to know what's the best way of linking multiple MySQL tables together. I have +-10 tables that will interact with each other. Example Tables : users, logins, communication, sightings etc. When …

Member Avatar for LRNPHP
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

The below coding is the javascript coding in which i have used [B]AJAX coding also[/B].its only pagenavigation coding. [CODE]function change(which) { if(which=="page1") { document.getElementById(which).style.borderBottomColor="white"; document.getElementById("page2").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page3").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page4").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; } else if(which=="page2") { document.getElementById(which).style.borderBottomColor="white"; document.getElementById("page3").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page4").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page1").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; } else if(which=="page3") { document.getElementById(which).style.borderBottomColor="white"; document.getElementById("page4").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page1").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page2").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; } else if(which=="page4") { document.getElementById(which).style.borderBottomColor="white"; document.getElementById("page1").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page2").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; …

Member Avatar for mytool.parekh
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I have a table tblEventAlert as below. So what happens when the data gets insert into this table the problem is that the eventAlertID is autoincrement. Then below it I have another table. My problem is that I want the eventAlertID to be stored into the tblSCvData. I …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for aldeene

what's wrong with my code? i'm new to java, can someone help me? the data is not showing. [CODE] public class GUI { private static JTextField fname = null; private static JTextField lname = null; private static JTextField search = null; private JPanel panel = null; private JPanel tablePanel = …

Member Avatar for mKorbel

The End.