10,944 Topics
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Hi, Basically I'm creating and implementing a dynamic website as part of my uni final year project but i am a beginner in php so need some help. First, I'm not entirely sure about how i should go about creating the database, tables and inserting data. I don't mean in … | |
[code=php] <?php $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "dotherz"); //connecting to database if($conn) //testing if the connection was stablished { mysql_select_db("orders", $conn); //selecting database from your localhost $qry = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customerId = 1"; //the query to get the first user $result = mysql_query($qry); //executing the qry and passing … ![]() | |
I have hit a bit of a stumbling block with a project I am working on. Basically it tracks football (soccer) results and everything works fine as things are but I there is something else that I hope to do now that I cannot get my head around. Basically, there … | |
hii all, i've create upload website, i've been stuck with following error i had 3 tables in my database table request, table upload and table feedback table request : id_request;---primary key subjek; isi; pelaksana; table upload : id_upload,----primary key id_request,----foreign key filename, filedata, filesize, filetype table feedback : id_feedback,----primary key … | |
hi,i want to insert date into mysql table..but the date must not be current date.for example if i am giving 12-3-2003.then ,this date should be insert into the database...... thanks advance | |
I installed a wamp server on my pc and initially, it runs.(localHost&phpmyAdmin) but when I installed mysql for my java subject, I can't access the php database anymore. error message looks like this: MySQL said: Documentation #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) I am thinking that … | |
Hi! I'm trying to show 5 random images from my database and i seem to be stuck. Would appreciate some help or tips. I obviously dont want any duplicate images. Have tried to figure it out by googling butt my head hurts too much xD Got thumbnails for the picture … ![]() | |
The code I used isn't working with sql, and not sending a mail message, but it's perfectly formed(Or not)? Please help! [CODE]<?php require_once('recaptchalib.php'); require_once('config.php'); $privatekey = CAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY; $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if (!$resp->is_valid) { // What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly die ("The reCAPTCHA wasn't … | |
Hey All, Been banging my head into the wall on this one. I have 2 tables one for users 'myMembers' and one for products 'products'. Each table has a auto increment id. The myMembers id is the user id and the products table id is for the product id. I … | |
On a project I am doing I am making a Feed Flow of recent updates. Problem is I cant find out to overcome the following. There are two tables, shouts and journals. what I want to do is pull records from them both and print them out with the newest … ![]() | |
Here i have four tables in my Database named "test_center" those are 1) "test_user" --> PK = u_id 2) "test_metadata" --> PK = test_id 3) "student_detail" --> PK = Student_id 4) "test_records" --> PK = test_record_id (Child table) table 4 is child table and 1,2,3 are masters..! i am trying … | |
My query below has been working okay for 1 year now and suddenly it is giving an exception: [CODE] (SELECT distinct(R.imei),R.mobile,S.msg,S.reply,M.model, left(S.receiveTime,10) as receiveDate, right(S.receiveTime,8) as receiveTime,'' as 'Reason' from dbSAMSUNGmain.tREGDATA R,dbSAMSUNGmain.tMODELS M,dbSAMSUNGmain.tSMS_TRANSACTIONS S where S.mobile=R.mobile and replace(replace(S.msg,'/',''),' ','') LIKE concat('%',R.imei,'%') and (S.reply like '%Registration successful%' || S.reply like '%Reg … | |
I use the top table as a cart for 1 customer, and the bottom table for order. I wanted to get the productprice, productname, productqty and put it into orderdetail field. Help and suggestions are very much appreciated. Thanks in advance. *attached a pic of the tables. | |
hi,thank you for your attention.:P I am thinking of if there are some thing in php like event or trigger to inform another php file, :idea: that I'v just insert something into the mysql database . thank you for giving me some advices~ :) | |
I'm trying to write an SQL (MySQL) Statement here using an if statement but all am getting are countless errors. I've narrowed down to simple instructions but still no breakthrough. [CODE]DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER confirmation_triggers AFTER INSERT ON `old_deliquencies` FOR EACH ROW IF new.status='True' THEN INSERT INTO `notifications` VALUES(NULL, new.loan_id, … | |
Hi, I don't usually develop for PHP or MySQL, but I am just doing the odd job for a friend. I am having issues with a MySQL query though. A few days ago I must have done something to the code somewhere, and it is throwing up errors now. I … | |
I am trying to set up a form for potential students to give their information for a language academay. When I tested the form with <input type="text" name"Nombre"> type of fields everything went fine. As soon as I tried to introduced drop down menus or typ radio elements the data … | |
Dear All, I have a query as below SELECT DISTINCT (productID),totalAmountAfter,transactionDate FROM tbltransaction WHERE transactionDate BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-12-31' ORDER BY productID,transactionDate DESC . My problem now I want is that for each product only pick one line that is the last line since I have ordered by the date. … | |
Hello everybody, This is the first time that I write on. I have working with seven tables, but the wrong when I execute an "insert" is= Cannot add or update show a child row: Error: foreign key: This is a wrong that it was generated, however before that I changed … | |
hi guys, i am trying to write a query that would basically display me pas 4 week, however if lets say today is Wednesday the pas for week would have to start from last Friday, none the less if i have to run the query on monday i would want … | |
my table design is [CODE] date income expenses 2011-08-5 1000 500 2011-09-6 7000 400 2011-10-7 2000 300 [/CODE] I have daily expenses and Income in the above table.I need to retrieve monthly(sum of daily) income and expenses for particular year. How should i write query for that . Pls help … | |
Hi all, I'm trying to insert an array (which I've decoded from a JSON object) into a mysql database (for the first time!) and keep coming back with a "Could not connect - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1" error message. My server and database connections are … | |
I have php code running fine from the server. but if i use any mysql functions e.g. [CODE]mysql_connect()[/CODE], the server does not render the page. it keeps on "waiting for localhost...". what could be the problem. | |
Hi everyone, Having a little difficulty getting anything from this. The code appears to me to be correct, then again I have been looking at it for hours, so it is possible there could be a mistake...... :/ Anyway, the code seems sound, should let me login and instead gets … | |
Hi, I am following the chapter on Replication from the book High Performance MySQL. There it is written that I need to enable binary logging and specify a server ID for my MySQL server. It instructs me to write (or verify the presence of) the following lines in the master’s … | |
Hi There, MySQL is not my strong point so any guidance or advice will be greatly appreciated. I want to know what's the best way of linking multiple MySQL tables together. I have +-10 tables that will interact with each other. Example Tables : users, logins, communication, sightings etc. When … | |
The below coding is the javascript coding in which i have used [B]AJAX coding also[/B].its only pagenavigation coding. [CODE]function change(which) { if(which=="page1") { document.getElementById(which).style.borderBottomColor="white"; document.getElementById("page2").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page3").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page4").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; } else if(which=="page2") { document.getElementById(which).style.borderBottomColor="white"; document.getElementById("page3").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page4").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page1").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; } else if(which=="page3") { document.getElementById(which).style.borderBottomColor="white"; document.getElementById("page4").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page1").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page2").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; } else if(which=="page4") { document.getElementById(which).style.borderBottomColor="white"; document.getElementById("page1").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; document.getElementById("page2").style.borderBottomColor="#778"; … | |
Dear All, I have a table tblEventAlert as below. So what happens when the data gets insert into this table the problem is that the eventAlertID is autoincrement. Then below it I have another table. My problem is that I want the eventAlertID to be stored into the tblSCvData. I … | |
what's wrong with my code? i'm new to java, can someone help me? the data is not showing. [CODE] public class GUI { private static JTextField fname = null; private static JTextField lname = null; private static JTextField search = null; private JPanel panel = null; private JPanel tablePanel = … |
The End.