10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for kofawais

dear now i explain the specific problem here as i described earlier about the fruits so see the code as when i assign new currency from the drop down list , all the available currencies are there but for editing only the assigned currencies appear that i have assined earlier …

Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie

I hate to post a thread on this since I know this topic has been discussed ad nauseum, but I've been searching for weeks and cannot find exactly the answer I've been looking for. I'm new to arrays and loops - I get the concept, but not the syntax. Here's …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for sas1ni69

Hi guys, I'm trying to build a query that involves two tables, the course table and the studentsLink table. The StudentsLink table describes the link between students and the course. The tables are as below; Course courseID(bigint) - PK courseName (varchar) courseInstructor (varchar) StudentsLink courseID(bigint) - PK StudentID(bigint) - PK …

Member Avatar for sas1ni69
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi, I my admin area, where the administrator can create a new page, it is also possible to decide the position of the link. It is a menu in the left side of the screen, one link on top of the other, very simple nav. I have a dropdown list …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for jpknoob

Hi, I decided to try and upload images by storing their path in a database, but have run into an error when displaying the images. The form works and the folder is populated whenever I run the script. I have tried a lot of solutions from similar threads, but to …

Member Avatar for jpknoob
Member Avatar for gulbano

Hey all, Is there any way to check the time of insertion of a record. Means if i inserted a record in table on 03/21/2011 14:05:45 00:00 then is there any way to get this time after-wards

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for abelLazm

Hi, I have a table on two different database servers on server-1 it contains almost 2090 records and on server-2 it is empty i want to copy all the records from server-1 to server-2 both the database servers are identical but on different location and have no relation with each …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for joomphp

Hi! how can create advanced api in php/mysql authenticate with api key, userid username etc. any good tutorials etc Please post links for me

Member Avatar for joomphp
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

So I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about setting up an image upload system for my site. Basically we have, let's say, 2,000 stores in our database currently (that number expands by the day). I want users to be able to upload images for each store …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Chubbymouse

Hi there, I have some code on a page to extract info from a database (like a back end system) and I just wondered if there was anyway I could do a shortcut around the code to avoid doing multiple SELECT statements. e.g [CODE]<?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM quackedup …

Member Avatar for gokhanfil
Member Avatar for gulbano

Hey all, I have two tables one of which contains information about users (id, name ,department, team) and the other table is of team(is, name, leader) i joined users with team and aome other tables to display[B] |team name|Team Leader| Supervisor|department|[/B] etc now i want to add one more column …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for ray_broome

Hi, I have a situation where i am inserting to two tables from a web form but the first table needs to be inserted to so i can get the PK, then use the PK to insert into the second table. So what I would like to do is rollback …

Member Avatar for onlysumon
Member Avatar for 54uydf

OK, I need help!!!!!!! I've tried every advice I could find on google, nothing works for me!!!!! my DB has data in hebrew I can't figure out how to set the collation and everything else right so that my site would show the data in hebrew when I echo it …

Member Avatar for 54uydf
Member Avatar for dschuett

I have a php script that pulls several rows of invoices from a database and displays them on the screen in table format. I have created an onclick per row within the while loop in order call another php script that runs a query to pull all the attachments for …

Member Avatar for Akash Saikia
Member Avatar for gulbano

Hey All, Can any one tell me how two remove duplicate records from a table?

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ediddy02

I Downloaded Wamp server 2.0 for my php and mysql installation. When i click on the wamp server through start/programs/wampserver/startwampserver2.0 it just has an icon 'start wamp server 2.0',is it the right file i downloaded?isnt it supposed to contain other clickable icons like phpmyadmin,mysql,apache ?? Secondly,do i need to download …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi All! I have made a small cms using php and mysql - I havent tried to export a databae to a webserver before, so I need a little help/confirmation. When I click export in phpmyadmin, and chooses type to be SQL, and saves it with the allready chosen/marked boxes, …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for dschuett

Hi everyone. I am still very much in the learning phase of JQuery and AJAX, so your help is VERY much appreciated! I have created a webpage that has two tables of invoice records, which are printed to the screen using a php while loop. The first table is a …

Member Avatar for BrianDickson

I am having great difficulty getting a query to work with multiple conditions. I have a very basic understanding, hence the two queries below (one commented out). I understand a smaller and more precise query would be returned by using INNER JOIN. Both queries work fine until I try to …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Shuel

Hi, If anyone can help me with this would be very mych appreciated. My problem is I have a database full of users that has been built up over the years. The password field in the db is not been encrypted and the password is visible to all. I would …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Sarama2030

just started out on php, kinda having problems configuring the language (php), the database server and the web server on windows 7. what could i not be doing right. I have edited apache's conf file to use php and stuff. One problem is that i have IIS running as the …

Member Avatar for dottomm
Member Avatar for bradyramone

I have a simple jpg image saved in a field of type longblob. Now i need to get that image and put it in a JLabel or something similar to show the picture in the program. Anyone knows how can I do that please? I already know how to get …

Member Avatar for kramerd
Member Avatar for gulbano

Hey all, I am new in SQL my problem is that I have to select one by one to perform certain function can any one tell me how to loop through the records of a table. I have googled it a lot but still not able to sort out this …

Member Avatar for gulbano
Member Avatar for rhuffman8

I am fairly new to MySQL and having some problems figuring out how to format a couple queries using the following database: branch ([U]branch_name[/U], branch_city, assets) customer ([U]customer_name[/U], customer_street, customer_city) account ([U]account_number[/U], branch_name, balance) loan ([U]loan_number[/U], branch_name, account) depositor ([U]customer_name[/U], [U]account_number[/U]) borrower ([U]customer_name[/U], [U]loan_number[/U]) I need to find all customers …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for rhuffman8

I wasn't sure which section to post this under but I am working on an assignment in SQL and have created a batch file to make the tables, load the data into the tables, and then sends several queries to sql to get results. Is there a way I can …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for rootseire

Hi, I have been trying to get a select menu to work for hours, and everything is working fine but for one little bit, everytime I select from the jump menu and load the same page again, the menu displays the first result that comes from the database instead of …

Member Avatar for rootseire
Member Avatar for jpknoob

Hi all, i am having issues with my php and sql script. I have created a an update form that is populated with the database contents, however, when i edit the fields, the update script fails to update the database. The form looks like; [CODE] <form action="update-stock.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" …

Member Avatar for KamranArshad
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello All: I'm setting up a client management application as a hosted service; whereas the application itself will be accessed and ran from the internet. The application currently runs on one database and 9 tables for each client's account if I were running it on a standalone single system. Now …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

i have a very simple S/P called ClaimTotal [CODE]CREATE PROCEDURE ClaimTotal @Result varchar(50) OUTPUT as select sum(total) as Ctotal from claim[/CODE] i am struggling to get the Ctotal saved into the @result so that i can then pull this into my .net program. if anyone could help that would be …

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop
Member Avatar for ctkam

hi, I'm using xampp. By using phpMyAdmin, [CODE] select now() from dual [/CODE] it shows [B]2011-02-14 07:28:57[/B] but suppose today's date is [B] 2011-02-15 07:28:57[/B] is there anyone have rough idea where the date set? i've check the server date is correct 15 feb thankx

Member Avatar for htmlCoder101

The End.