10,938 Topics

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I have a query in php that has an offset in it. I want the offset value to be a variable but I am not sure how to do so. This is my query but it comes up as an error. $query = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE `commenter_username` IN …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jemartalaban_1

hi, it is possible that one column in a row has a data ? and how to code it in vb6 if possible, please help example NAME: rasha bonquel Age : 20 SUbject : Math , English, Science Grades : 78, 78, 78 NAME | Age | Subject | Grade …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for official.DJ.cabo

**I got this error on line 369** Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/a4670304/public_html/lol.php on line 369 <?php // session_start(); require_once('auth.php'); include("dbconnection.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <link rel="icon" href="img/Untitled-1.png" type="image" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="img/Untitled-1.png" type="image" …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for official.DJ.cabo

**I Get error like this when i start the host.** <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.watermarkinput.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".search").keyup(function() { var searchbox = $(this).val(); var dataString = 'searchword='+ searchbox; if(searchbox=='') { } else { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "search.php", data: dataString, cache: false, success: function(html) { $("#display").html(html).show(); } }); …

Member Avatar for dinhunzvi
Member Avatar for sanbhu2105

hi guys, i have 2 tables - tblproduct and tblretprod. i insert my product details to tbl product with prod_id being auto increment other fields are prod_name, prod_brand, prod_desc, prod_photo, cat, subcat i hv another table tblretprod with fields id, user_id, prod_id, prod_price i can add my products successfully i …

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Member Avatar for pritaeas

## Before You Ask ## - Engage your brain! We understand that running into a problem can turn off the rational centers of the brain, but please sit back and think for a bit about your problem before running off to find help. All too often a little common sense …

Member Avatar for garyjohnson

Hello, I have a mysql query $query = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE commenter_username IN (" . join(',', $list) . ") Or Number IN (" . join(',', $list) . ") ORDER BY comment_id DESC"; I want the query to select one row, the row with the highest id. Then store …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for sanbhu2105

hello, am new here and new to php/mysql coding. i have 2 tables - tbl_prodstd and tbl_products tbl_prodstd - std_id, prod_name, prod_desc, prod_photo, prod_brand tbl_product - prod_id, std_id, prod_name, prod_brand, prod_desc, prod_price, cat, subcat, prod_photo i created 3 pages - add_prod.php, addprod.php, func.php the func.php displays prod_name and prod_brand as …

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Member Avatar for sathish_nadu

I'm trying to set a query that will pull all clients whose birthday is today. I'm using phpmyadmin localhost via Unix socket, birthday is set as DATE. All I need returned is the firstname (emp.emp_firstname asfirst name) , lastname (emp.emp_lastname aslast name) and date of birth (emp_birthday as 'dob')

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for kantigniter

I have a form as follows, and I have set the session on clicking next. Each type of house is with a different set of rooms. Say, if I click Independent, I get a list of rooms below. If I choose Villa/Duplex, a different set will pop out. In the …

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Member Avatar for Tinnin

I know this has been asked on almost every forum but I've been at this for two evenings now and I'm stumped. PHP 5.4.6-1ubuntu1.2 Server version: 5.5.31-0ubuntu0.12.10.1 (Ubuntu) Initially I had no access to mysql functions either but that hurdle has been overcome. I've placed the extension modules (.so files) …

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Member Avatar for PF2G

Hi, i'm doing a website where the user can add his favourite bands in his profile. But not every band is in the DB, so if the band isn't in the DB it adds the name in the column. this is what i have: if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO bandas_fav(band_fav_id_user, band_fav_id_banda) VALUES('".$_GET['iduser']."', '".$bands_name['banda_id']."')")) …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for sabarinadh.ch

I want to upload images to my database, these can be done using php and mysqli . The form contains some information like file descriptiopn and input file and when i submit the file the file will automatically enters in to the database and the image will be stored in …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for joshmac

Hello, there is a small php script that I am converting from using mysql to mysqli, but I am having a bit of an issue with mysqli_fetch_fields (this is where I assume the problem lies). Basically it is a form that allows someone to enter free form queries in order …

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Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

Hello, i need help here...., i try to insert my data into mysql, but every time when i insert data into my database, its insert two record in one time, 1 row is the data that i insert and another row is empty, just the auto increment column have filled, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nats01282

I want to know if its possible to store php variables in mysql database i currently have a text field which stores the value <div class="row-2"> <div class="titles"> <?=$config['slogan']?> </div> </div> this is the slogan for the website that is in anther table which is got before this - if …

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Member Avatar for aynamohol

I have two tables named `stockin and stockout`. I can execute query easily separately for each table. Now, I want to bind both query in a table. Please check query and output below- query in stockin: select serialno, sum(in_quantity) SUMIN, group_concat(in_quantity) GCIN from stockin group by stockin.serialno output: +----------+-------+-------------+ | …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, Me again... Just wanted to know, i have this piece of code to enter the data from a registration form of mine into the user db. I want to use the mysql_real_escape_string to help stop those evil people who enjoys hacking from hacking my DB $query = "INSERT INTO …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kantigniter

![50e59f3e9c4e5d94efdbea6bc00b2e2c](/attachments/large/4/50e59f3e9c4e5d94efdbea6bc00b2e2c.jpg "50e59f3e9c4e5d94efdbea6bc00b2e2c") I have three tables, and I'm going to show the third table. What I want to know is how to delete each entry from it? As, the first and the second tables ids are fetched and inserted in the third one. As in, I have my model as …

Member Avatar for kantigniter
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello All: I am some difficulties getting some database variables from an included file to my mysql connection. Here is what i have: file one Called config.inc.php: session_register("client_id"); $_SESSION['client_id'] = $_SESSION['SESS_ACCT_ID'];// $club_id=$_SESSION['client_id']; ob_start(); include('../../../page_title.php'); ob_end_clean(); include('../../../datalogin.php'); if (!defined('DEFAULT_HOST')) define('DEFAULT_HOST','localhost'); if (!defined('DEFAULT_USER')) define('DEFAULT_USER',$account_user); if (!defined('DEFAULT_PASS')) define('DEFAULT_PASS',$account_pass); if (!defined('DEFAULT_DB')) define('DEFAULT_DB',$account_db); the variables …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for hikingwithu2

I am changing my web site from static html pages to php pages using includes and a mysql dbse. In the dbse table I store the blog body text and the blog title text, and the blog date. I have written a page I call 'previous_blogs.php' to list all the …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

Hello Friends!! I need some help here.... i build a website called E-Maintenance, now i need to make a form that user can choose date and the system will insert into database mysql after the user click submit, im searching on the internet and i found this Javascript calender, this …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri
Member Avatar for mogaka

## Stored Procedure ## -- Procedure name: billing_to_invoice_update BEGIN UPDATE accounts.0_debtor_trans SET ov_amount=ov_amount+fee-oldfee WHERE trans_no=encounter AND branch_code=pid; UPDATE accounts.0_debtor_trans_details SET unit_price=fee/units,quantity=units,qty_done=units WHERE debtor_trans_no=encounter AND stock_id=CONCAT(code_type,'/',code); -- gl updates UPDATE accounts.0_gl_trans SET amount=ROUND((-1)*fee) WHERE account=code_type AND memo_=CONCAT(code_type,'/',code) AND last_service_encounter=encounter; UPDATE accounts.0_gl_trans SET amount=ROUND(fee) WHERE account=1100 AND memo_=CONCAT(code_type,'/',code) AND last_service_encounter=encounter; END BEGIN …

Member Avatar for SQLpower
Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi all! I'm stuck somewhere. I have a table for Inventory (which contains the available amount of each food component) What I want to do: If I select a certain food (say salad) I want to be able to deduct the components (amount) of 'salad' from the inventory table. Consider …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi all! I don't know if that was a good title, but; I have this query (I will call it query1): "SELECT InvID, quantity FROM Recipe WHERE MenuID = 1" In my tables, this will give me something like Water(20), Oil(30) Now, from this result of a SELECT query1 (i.e …

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Member Avatar for Abbas Ansari

I'm totally new to php and learning. I have a table name *persons* which has columns * FirstName * LastName * Gender * Subject * Hobbies **The Task:** was to dynamically populate a drop down list with the data of FirstName, display the selected record of the name chosen in …

Member Avatar for Banderson
Member Avatar for Moderns

Hello, I want to make a conditional SQL. I have one table "users" and it has two columns (id, status) I need to search for users IDs based on their status. For example. Every 5 seconds I am querying from the database (by AJAX) as per the below description: Let …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for careaa.fractal

Hi. I have HTML form and i need php code when i want to subtract something from coulmn in mysql database. Something like http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/101739/using-php-and-html-forms-to-update-a-mysql-database MY FORM - HTML <form action="objednat_potvrdenie.php" method="post"> Meno: <input type="text" name="meno"><br> Priezvisko: <input type="text" name="prie"><br> Mesto: <input type="text" name="mesto"><br> Ulica: <input type="text" name="ulica"><br> PSČ: <input type="text" …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi All - I am trying create classes for db connection and I am getting the following error Thanks in advance D Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'XXXXXXX_david'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/djenning/public_html/dbconnection/connection.php on line 20 Cannot connect to the database page: connection.php <?php class createConnection //create a …

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Member Avatar for ZER09

I came up with this query now when i tried to create a view it failed to create SELECT aDate FROM ( SELECT @maxDate - INTERVAL (a.a+(10*b.a)+(100*c.a)+(1000*d.a)) DAY aDate FROM (SELECT 0 AS a UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 …

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The End.