10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi all! I'm stuck somewhere. I have a table for Inventory (which contains the available amount of each food component) What I want to do: If I select a certain food (say salad) I want to be able to deduct the components (amount) of 'salad' from the inventory table. Consider …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi all! I don't know if that was a good title, but; I have this query (I will call it query1): "SELECT InvID, quantity FROM Recipe WHERE MenuID = 1" In my tables, this will give me something like Water(20), Oil(30) Now, from this result of a SELECT query1 (i.e …

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Member Avatar for Abbas Ansari

I'm totally new to php and learning. I have a table name *persons* which has columns * FirstName * LastName * Gender * Subject * Hobbies **The Task:** was to dynamically populate a drop down list with the data of FirstName, display the selected record of the name chosen in …

Member Avatar for Banderson
Member Avatar for Moderns

Hello, I want to make a conditional SQL. I have one table "users" and it has two columns (id, status) I need to search for users IDs based on their status. For example. Every 5 seconds I am querying from the database (by AJAX) as per the below description: Let …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for careaa.fractal

Hi. I have HTML form and i need php code when i want to subtract something from coulmn in mysql database. Something like http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/101739/using-php-and-html-forms-to-update-a-mysql-database MY FORM - HTML <form action="objednat_potvrdenie.php" method="post"> Meno: <input type="text" name="meno"><br> Priezvisko: <input type="text" name="prie"><br> Mesto: <input type="text" name="mesto"><br> Ulica: <input type="text" name="ulica"><br> PSČ: <input type="text" …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi All - I am trying create classes for db connection and I am getting the following error Thanks in advance D Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'XXXXXXX_david'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/djenning/public_html/dbconnection/connection.php on line 20 Cannot connect to the database page: connection.php <?php class createConnection //create a …

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Member Avatar for ZER09

I came up with this query now when i tried to create a view it failed to create SELECT aDate FROM ( SELECT @maxDate - INTERVAL (a.a+(10*b.a)+(100*c.a)+(1000*d.a)) DAY aDate FROM (SELECT 0 AS a UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 …

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Member Avatar for chrispitt

Hello Friends... How are you all ??? I want to learn SQL so please refer me some good books to learn SQL..

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for adishardis

The code below is to select and then echo stuff from my db grouped by either weeks or months. I have a couple of more of these and then use offset to get the second week etc. FROM my_db WHERE DATE >= CURDATE() - INTERVAL 10 ".$grouping1." GROUP BY ".$grouping."(DATE) …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am using xampp for mysql: When I try to delete a database : "DROP DATABASE" statements are disabled. That statement appears. Why is it? What other alternative I could use? Thanks.

Member Avatar for itpixie
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi all I am experiencing the following error. Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean givenit refers to line 94 which is the while loop start point. Thanks in advance D <?php $x=0; $remainder=0; $image_value = array(); $partners_id = array(); $description_value = array(); $url_value= array(); $image_filename_value = array(); …

Member Avatar for davidjennings
Member Avatar for Webville312

Hullo, I am working on a php application that is meant to respond to user requests to create accounts. For instance; whoever wants to create an account has to send a text with "Login" as the message content. Only problem is that the mysql queries are not being executed. Can …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for logicaweb

Hello, I need advice about making a PHP form and MYSQL base. First, I'll give an example of what I trying to make: I'm trying to make a MYSQL base of products, then to make new base of ingredients and then to make php form for Add new products and …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for code_rum

Hi, I have imported a csv file but for some reason in some values the data after . is missing for e.g. If my value in csv is 0.5 it displays 0. and 5 went missing but in my csv file i have value as 0.5 I don't what step …

Member Avatar for code_rum
Member Avatar for rook0316

I have tried many different scripts I have found but cannot find one that does exactly what I am looking for. I have a table that has parts with multiple characteristics. Part Number, Height, Width, Capacity, Price, Etc. I would like to have a drop downs for all of these …

Member Avatar for pankaj12290
Member Avatar for sathish_nadu

I have the following simple table: CustomerID CustomerName NumOfOrders 1 Joe 15 2 Jane 20 7 Clara 1 I want to find the customer with maximum number of orders. Seems trivial enough but I can,t seem to find a solution.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

Hi I take data from a html form to inseert to mysql, sometimes that data has single and double quotes in it. How do you get the quotes to be part of the string so i can add to mysql. Hers what I have, but this still gives me a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Gen.Asura

Hi i'm practising in creating an android application where a user can store records into an external database (my local server in myphpadmin). I can store records into the the database just fine but I wish to prevent the same information being entered twice. I wish for my system to …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for LeonardK

Hi there, I want to execute a query that i saved in my database like this: ID | NAME | QUERY 1 | show_names | "SELECT names.first, names.last FROM names;" 2 | show_5_cities | "SELECT cities.city FROM city WHERE id = 4;" Is this possible ? I am kinda noob …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for SQLpower

Hello. So, I have 2 questions. First is: I am trying to calculate the expiration date which will be calculated as adding the current date + the option that has been select i.e. 30, 60 or 90 days. $EXday = date('d', mktime(0,0,0,0, date(d) + $_POST[exdays], 0)); $EXmonth = date('m', mktime(0,0,0, …

Member Avatar for SQLpower
Member Avatar for code_rum

Hi, I have imported .csv file and column is appearing as Col 1, Col 2... and the data I want as a column name is appearing as a first row. How do I convert my first row into column name in phpmyadmin. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for code_rum
Member Avatar for rubai

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'some_user'@'abcd.efgh.com' (using password: YES) in /home/some_dir/public_html/some_dir/db.php on line 1 Fatal Error: MySql connection failed.Access denied for user 'some_user'@'abcd.efgh.com' (using password: YES) Here is my code of db.php <?php $connect = mysql_connect('www.example.com','some_user','some_password'); if(!$connect) die('Fatal Error: MySql connection failed.' . mysql_error()); $connect_db = mysql_select_db('db_name'); if(!$connect_db) …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for L-D

Hi! Ok, here's my problem... Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'hjhwkhjrf'@'' (using password: YES) in /home/a6653219/public_html/connect.php on line 12 (pw changed) Lower part of connect.php..... $=line 12 // do not edit below this line!! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $dblink=MYSQL_CONNECT($MySqlHostname, $MySqlUsername, $MySqlPassword) or die("Could not connect to database"); @mysql_select_db("$MySqlDatabase") or die( "Could …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for veny

Hi all, Im working on a web application in which I need to show data from MySQL on page scroll. Ive found a reference online, below is the code. I want to customize this and show my data in ASP:GridView ASPX page <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <h1> Demo page: Load …

Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi all I have an sql output query problem I am trying to resolve. The problem is that I have centres that offer Awards and quals and some centres only offer awards or quals only. What I need to process is the centres that offer both awards and quals. tbl.net.qualification …

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Member Avatar for jasminjew

hello friends, What is the difference between Mysql_fetch_object and mysql_fetch_array ?

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for ska_defender

Hello I need to install magento on my server and for this it requires pdo_mysql I am trying to install pdo_mysql via whm option "Easy Apache" I tick the pdo_mysql option but after apache rebuilding process the phpinfo not showing pdo_mysql Do I need to enable it some where I …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I am executing below query. db.leads.find(); How to get execution time(in milli seconds) it take.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for logicaweb

Hello, I'm trying to make notification when msql column reach a certain number. For exemple, I have table "items" with products, witch in their structure have columns id, name and quantity, and when column "quantity" reached 5, I want to make automatic notification: - In new table called "notifications" witch …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for L-D

HI! Just setting up my site... first thing I see after domain working is..... Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_is_registered() in /home/vhosts/www.universal-abundance.com/config.php on line 87 Any ideas..... I'm db impaired! Thanks, L-D

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The End.