10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for branding4you

I have textarea comming from mysql. In the backend the user tyes a letter type format in a textarea They ise Enter to make new rows etc __________________________________________________ Dear john Welocome to our website hope you find it usefull Thank you The Team ___________________________________________________ When I pull the data from …

Member Avatar for branding4you
Member Avatar for rocco123123

Greetings everyone, I'm a noob here. I could use some help designing part of a MySQL database I'm working on. This is an event database, so think of say a conference. I have sessions and every session has a session_type. A session_type might be a Keynote speech or a Workshop. …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Xentiago

Hi, I have been left in the lurch with a few php scripts on my site and I'm the first to admit coding is not my strong point! I have managed to fix most of the issues, but I am stuck on the following. Basically, I want to query the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for extemer

here is my code i and got this error while running it [CODE] Notice: Undefined index: Reg_no in D:\wamp\www\mohammed\geo.php on line 12 Notice: Undefined index: Reg_no in D:\wamp\www\mohammed\geo.php on line 12[/CODE] [CODE]mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("new"); $query= "SELECT SUM(Reg_no)+SUM(class) FROM fee_info GROUP BY Reg_no"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // Print out result …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for simransuri

hey! i need to create a customised table "Employee" in which i have to insert employeeid,employeename and salary...on inserting the salary,the table should automatically calculate Hra(10% of basic salary),DA(9% of basic salary) and hence calculate net salary...so...plz guide me...how to do this?

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for ebanbury

Hi I've been using mysqli and recently moved a website to a new server hosting company. They have recently informed me that the version of PHP they use does not support mysqli. I'm not really sure about the why/why not's etc but could I just change all instances of mysqli …

Member Avatar for ebanbury
Member Avatar for jenthevb

Hello, I have a problem with this script when i will check it in the browser, the output is : "Warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in C:\xampp\htdocs\doto\php\new_case.php on line 8 FOUT SELECT * FROM disp_type ORDER BY t_naam ASC Resource id #3" [CODE]<?php $host="localhost"; $username="TEST"; …

Member Avatar for ariese
Member Avatar for Chubbymouse

Hi there, I have a very basic CMS system that I wish to update within itself and on the same page to cut down the amount of pages it gives me. At present I have a content box and an edit button, this box is validated by JS and if …

Member Avatar for sumprit

Hi, i am still stuck in SQL query about how to retrieve data from two tables. I have two database tables- Forecast [CODE=text]------------------------------------------------------------------- TimeStamp | Temperature | Rainfall | Wind | City_Code ---------------------|-------------|---------|-------|------------- 2011-03-13 10:00:00 |22.2 (degC) | 0 | 7 | 1 2011-03-13 11:00:00 |23.1 (degC) | 0 | …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for klemme

Is this a correctly made JOIN: [CODE] // Build SUBJECT navigation and gather SUBJECT data here-------------------------------- $sqlCommand = "SELECT id, linklabel, pos FROM subjects INNER JOIN pages on id = pages.subjectid ORDER BY pos ASC"; $query = mysqli_query($myConnection, $sqlCommand) or die (mysqli_error()); [/CODE] ? Klemme

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for klemme

I am creating a cms, where I have a Global horizontal navigation(SUBJECTS) in the top, and a local navigation(PAGES) on the left, all database driven. First I decide if either a subject or a page has been set, to display the correct information: [CODE] if (isset($_GET['sid'])) { $subjectid = ($_GET['sid']); …

Member Avatar for Spik31

Hi all, I'm new and I currently am developing a website on fishing fred's fishing. The site is an experiment for a portfolio ect. There is a feature, the guestbook. The Guestbook is managed by a MySQL database and the PHP is responsible for creating and echoing the data. I …

Member Avatar for Spik31
Member Avatar for aquamarine_kath

I have fields UserID, Status and etc. The status of the user will be either active or inactive. I want to count how many UserID of Active users only. I have a code here but it's not working..It says "Invalid or Unqualified reference". Can you please help me check this …

Member Avatar for aquamarine_kath
Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd

Hey guys, I need some help with selecting 2 Tables from a MySQL database. Can anyone help. Currently I am using this, and I want it to be able to select from another table called Admin and Display the Admins under admins in my table. [CODE]<?php $host=""; // Host name …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for 650U

Hi guys, I am working on a web application project where I use MySQL database. Now I need to export my database/table as a CSV file and I'm using SSH client to access my MySQL. I have no clue how to export it. I would really appreciate if someone could …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for carebear23

Hi I am having a problem with code i have created to delete a customer from my database, would be grateful if someone could tel me where i have gone wrong [CODE]<?php include ('db.php'); $cid=$_POST["cid"]; $cname=$_POST["cname"]; $cusadd1=$_POST["caddress"]; $cusadd2=$_POST["caddress1"]; $cusadd3=$_POST["caddress2"]; $ccounty=$_POST["county"]; $custpc=$_POST["cpostcode"]; $custele=$_POST["ctelephone"]; $cusemail=$_POST["cemail"]; print $cid; $str="delete from customer CustomerName='$cname',CustomerAddress='$cusadd1',CustomerAddress1='$cusadd2',CustomerAddress2='$cusadd3',County='$ccounty',CustomerPostCode='$custpc',CustomerTelNo='$custele',CustomerEmail='$cusemail' where …

Member Avatar for carebear23
Member Avatar for narensen

Hello everybody i am new to PHP and trying to learn more and more. now i am trying to make a reservation system i solved my date time problem but now i am stick on comparing two date from my form with two dates on my database here is my …

Member Avatar for xxreenaxx1

[CODE]SELECT * FROM question LEFT JOIN answer ON question.Que_ID=answer.Que_ID AND question.Que_Answer1=answer.Ans_Answer1 AND question.Que_Answer2=answer.Ans_Answer2 AND question.Que_Answer3=answer.Ans_Answer3 AND question.Que_Answer4=answer.Ans_Answer4 AND question.Tes_ID=7 AND answer.Use_ID=1[/CODE] This should only show record that are use_ID=1 and Tes_ID =7. But in MySQL, there are data for test ID=8 and etc. isnt it only suppose to be 7.

Member Avatar for xxreenaxx1
Member Avatar for carebear23

Hi I am having a problem with code i have created to delete a customer from my database, would be grateful if someone could tel me where i have gone wrong [CODE] <?php include ('db.php'); $cid=$_POST["cid"]; $cname=$_POST["cname"]; $cusadd1=$_POST["caddress"]; $cusadd2=$_POST["caddress1"]; $cusadd3=$_POST["caddress2"]; $ccounty=$_POST["county"]; $custpc=$_POST["cpostcode"]; $custele=$_POST["ctelephone"]; $cusemail=$_POST["cemail"]; print $cid; $str="delete from customer CustomerName='$cname',CustomerAddress='$cusadd1',CustomerAddress1='$cusadd2',CustomerAddress2='$cusadd3',County='$ccounty',CustomerPostCode='$custpc',CustomerTelNo='$custele',CustomerEmail='$cusemail' …

Member Avatar for svilla
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi, I my admin area, where the administrator can create a new page, it is also possible to decide the position of the link. It is a menu in the left side of the screen, one link on top of the other, very simple nav. I have a dropdown list …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for divyakprabh

Hi all, I have a java database application which mainly deals with database operations. Im concerned about the performance, as I have many update statements. As there are many records, each row has to be updated with a calculated value. So can anybody help me out to suggest for efficient …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for klemme

Hey All, I have tried to work on a way to update all the date in a row called: "position", from a table called: "pages". The admin have a choise on where to place his new page, in the cms. The pages/links, are being pulled from the database by position …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for daniel955

Hi I am experienced in ASP w/ C# but a beginner in PHP: How do I get the value of a unique index of a column of mySQL in PHP: [CODE=C#] try{ //do connect //insert data } catch(Exception ex){ if (ex.Message.IndexOf("Column_Name") >= 0) //<-- how do I do this in …

Member Avatar for perfectweb
Member Avatar for 54uydf

Hi, I'm using PhpMyAdmin 3.3.9 , on the tab Designer, I see the tables but I don't see the lines between them that mark the relations (like in sqlServer or Access) I defined the relations between the tables using the Relation View, so they exist..I even tried to creat relation …

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Member Avatar for rajvaishnav1989

Hello, i am develop website in jsp as per our final year project rule of college.my project is public transportation.i am creating site for it. now my problem is to create database for bus train and flight ticket reservation.. how can i create database for it and also journey table …

Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for dyingatmidnight

Hello, I'm doing a sql database as a school project, the database will be a book catalogue of sorts. What I would like to do is store a biography for the authors and a summary for each book only I'm not sure what the best way to go about storing …

Member Avatar for dyingatmidnight
Member Avatar for jacob21

I have certain values in a table. car train metro car bike train car train car bike I want to count the number i.e. car(4) train(3) bike(2) metro(1) need help??????

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for alenD

Hi, I am using mysql 5.0.77. I am running queries like create table T1 as Select t1.arg0 as ARG0, t1.arg1 as ARG1, t2.arg0 as ARG3 from table t1, table t2 where t1.arg0=t2.arg0 I want to create the table if the select statement does not return an empty resultset. If I …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for gulbano

Hey all, Can anybody tell me what is a stored procedure an what is the difference between a stored procedure and trigger? Thanks In Advance

Member Avatar for gulbano
Member Avatar for branding4you

Hi I am new to PHP and looking to create a search php page, the search needs to be by Country, State and city. I have tried several methods over the last three weeks and none work, im slamming my head against my desk! Basicly I have three dropdown boxes …

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The End.