10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for jfunchio

I need help creating the tables for my database, I've got all my tables to work except the first one. For some reason it says it is unable to create the first table and i get this error " ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'jfunchio.rental' (errno: 150)" I was …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for cabsjonel

hello guys thank you for reading my post , guys do you know how to call stored procedure with out parameter in visual basic? hers my sample code but it is error Cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc Cmd.CommandText = "proc1" Cmd.Paramters.Append Cmd.CreateParameter("@a", adVarWChar, adParamOutput, 255) Cmd.Execute my stored procedure DELIMITER $$ DROP …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for digioz

I am trying to display a Crystal Report developed using MySQL database and ASP.NET 2.0 (VS.NET 2005), and for some reason when I pass the database login information to the report it does not accept them (still shows a db login screen). Here is the code: [CODE] Dim cnString = …

Member Avatar for anli_chandra
Member Avatar for jfunchio

I keep getting the "ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'jfunchio.rental' (errno: 150)" error where i run this code. I was wondering if anyone could help with what is wrong. I would really appreciate it. My code is below. [CODE=sql] create table rental ( item_rental_id varchar(8), customer_id varchar(8), movie_id varchar(8), …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for prakashghai

Friends, I am zero in PHP, but still i have managed to do something to fulfill my requirement. I am stuck with one thing now..So i need help on.... I am using one html+php form to submit database into mysql. I created a display of that table through php script …

Member Avatar for reygcalantaol
Member Avatar for cliffcc
Member Avatar for gedas

hey, i have an applet project in the project i am trying to create an applet, applet draws a line line is drawn from coordinates which are stored in mysql database. in my other project which is web project which is created using tomcat servlets i added my applet project …

Member Avatar for monta2020

i'm working on building my website but i'm facing stupid problem.. i don't know how to create a php file for my html's one to then connect them to the database .. i need my page to able me to insert,update and delete records from my database, and then submit …

Member Avatar for monta2020
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, For now I have two tables as below. The tblTyre store all the tyres.Then tblTyreConfig store the relevant tyreID in each of the column for instance fl(front left wheel),fr(front right wheel),b1LI(back first left in wheel),b1L0(back first left out),b1RI(back first right in wheel),b1R0(back first right out),b2LI(back second left in …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for youvi

hello, See "ABC4_HUMAN" is a database value.i need to search this value using a character say"A" or by a word say"ABC".But i need to check this value only in "ABC4" part of the value "ABC4_HUMAN". please provide me the query using "like" operator.. thanks

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

i have connected an external device to my server. That device send some data through one port. Now how to read that data from port and store in mysql using php?

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for AndreRet

I have searched a million pages today, without any solutions. I can add images to MySql, Pull them from the database and show them successfully. My problem is that they are all in different width and height sizes. What I then tried to do is to set the size BEFORE …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for rom.

hi there, I'm having trouble with my project, I can't wrap my head around the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated! in a database you have 2 tables. they look like the following.. table: workflow columns: id, title, content_id table: content columns: id, text list (echo) all the entries …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mohansinhf

I am having records in a field (field_id) of a table (in mysql database), which is having ID stored per line, for example [B] 1 2 3 10 11 13[/B] above is one record, and I have many records similar to that. and, when I am writing the query [B]SELECT …

Member Avatar for mohansinhf
Member Avatar for RJ_Dev

Hello Everyone, Specifications:- Yahoo Small Business Domain. MySQL Version:- 4.1.14 phpMyAdmin Version:- The problem I'm facing is that I've a created a database in phpmyadmin and there are two users:- one is the username I created for myself and the other is yroot. I can't grant the username I …

Member Avatar for aawisdom
Member Avatar for flynismo

Hi all, basically, what I am having trouble with is this: I have a value stored in a table for each member, let's call it $my_value. Each member has a $my_value, which is an integer. What I want to do is as follows... Lets assume I log in as user …

Member Avatar for flynismo
Member Avatar for coervivekmca
Member Avatar for bhavyajyothinat

can someone send the code for connecting with MySql in asp.net. and code for inserting some entry to a table. I have no idea about MySql. Am having an interview on 16th March.They asked me to do with MySql. Please someone help me..

Member Avatar for bhavyajyothinat
Member Avatar for pool_89

HELLO. THIS IS MY CODE.. WHY HAS THAT ERRORS..I HAS TRY MANY SOLUTIONS, BUT IT CANT WORK... PLS HELP ME IMMEDIATELY.. TQ "Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\AppServ\www\integombmds\updateCurriculumCorrect.php on line 190" BELOW IS MY CODE: [code]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for jayanandan

I am designing my own site to learn English words. Attached is the image of my DB design. Can some one suggest/direct me to design the DB more perfectly?

Member Avatar for jayanandan
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

I am trying to write a script that will get TOP ten values from a Table of a certain column. Here is my code.. [CODE]<?php include("../inc/db.php") $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table ORDER by rank DESC LIMIT 10"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($data)) { echo $row['id'] ; echo "-----"; } ?>[/CODE] Here …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Mr.BunyRabit

Hey there. Now Reaaaaly close to finishing my project =), had a bit of scope creep with the person we are doing the project for. uffff, yea i know... so now im saving all the details to my mysql database. like this field. "name" of the person, i would save …

Member Avatar for Mr.BunyRabit
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

Hi all i am trying to make a script which will select nth (1st,2nd blah blah..)highest record from Database. Suppose i have a table with two columns "id" and "score".And for example i wanna select the "id" of member with the 5th highest score?? I am doing this with php …

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Member Avatar for TechySafi

I wan't to check if a user is listed as permitted in a particular group. How'd you do that? Should I do something like this? [CODE]group_id | permitted_users 1 | mark,jon 2 | maria,warren,mila[/CODE] now I gotta retrieve the value of permitted_user column of a specific group then separate every …

Member Avatar for TechySafi
Member Avatar for kokfui

http://i325.photobucket.com/albums/k392/sarjan123/name.jpg hi all, for the picture above,i am currently writing a code to check if the seller_name is match with current login user name,it will show the item name in a page, i have following code now <?php $check =$_SESSION['username']; $query = "SELECT id, seller_name "; $query .= "FROM items …

Member Avatar for anilashanbhag
Member Avatar for jmckumar

<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("db_ldlp", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM LB_table"); echo "<table border='8' color='white' > <tr> <th>Person Id</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Participant Status</th> <th>Organiztion</th> <th>Arrival Date</th> <th>Departure Date</th> <th>No Of Days</th> <th>Room Status</th> <th>Room Charge</th> <th>Registeration</th> <th>Total Expense </th> </tr>"; …

Member Avatar for jmckumar
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I've been trawling the net trying to find out how MySQL would handle partitioning if I don't specify any values for RANGE. My code is as follows: [CODE=MySQL]PARTITION BY RANGE(vehicle_id) PARTITIONS 10()[/CODE] The table will most likely end up having roughly 50 000+ records. Can anyone perhaps give …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for JimBobUKII

Hi, I am having a few issues trying to get this to work. When I click the link delete i want the record to be deleted from MySQL if 2 parameters are true. The following is the delete link: [url]http://domain.com/records.php?url=21313[/url] So the first parameter is "url" the second will be …

Member Avatar for happytogether
Member Avatar for dschuett

I have a database of invoices that have multiple attachments(which are stored in a different table) per each invoice. I have it returning the row of invoices just fine. But now I want a way to click the "view" link to call a php script to open up a jquery …

Member Avatar for tinymark
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, SELECT * FROM admin INNER join category on category.cat_id=admin.cat_id where cat_id=5; showing an error. #1052 - Column 'cat_id' in where clause is ambiguous need suggestions..

Member Avatar for cwarn23

The End.