10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for amie900218

hello, i'm very dull at js, so i hope you guys can help me. ok, i have create a prompt box that will ask user to enter a password, and this prompt box will take user to secured page. [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function show_prompt() { var name=prompt("Please enter your password","Fill …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi there I'd like to know if it's possible to combine an update and insert query into one query. What I'd like to do is insert new data into one table and update a colum in another table at the same time. For example, there are 3 different baskets (puppy …

Member Avatar for nuraini
Member Avatar for VipinDugaya

Hi , i am vipin facing a problem in mysql table i hava two table, primary key of one table is used as a foreign key of another table. but when i inserting some values in first table it gives [B][COLOR="Red"]error:Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for adamworld

I am trying to store millions of records with address, city, state, zip, etc. I originally had one table with 17 different fields with the primary key being id. However, I soon realized after inserting almost a million, the website began to lag and was slow. What is the best …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for anip1610

hello!!!...i want to start program a to store video record to database using vb2008 and mysql..but i dont know how to start since i still new to this whole thing about programming..can someone help me???

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for amie900218

hello, need help from you guys. ok, i have create a prompt box that will ask user to enter a password, and this prompt box will take user to secured page. [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function show_prompt() { var name=prompt("Please enter your password","Fill Here"); if (name!=null && name!="") { location.href="index.php"; } …

Member Avatar for amie900218
Member Avatar for branding4you

I have code like this, it shows data when tehre is data but if there is no data i want to say "no records" where am i going wrong? [CODE]<?php require_once('db_conf.php'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_holidayspecials WHERE fld_country = '$countryname' AND fld_state = '$statename' AND fld_city = '$cityname'"; $result …

Member Avatar for branding4you
Member Avatar for Sorcher

So.. I dont know why i cant find a specific tutorial / tip on this, so i'll ask you guys. I'm trying to get $date to get the current date and insert it as the query executes. [CODE]$result=mysql_query("INSERT INTO articles (`loginid`,`title`,`author`,`body`,`date`,`category`) VALUES ('$loginid','$title','$author','$body','$date','$category')") [/CODE] this is my Database. [CODE]CREATE TABLE …

Member Avatar for tiggsy
Member Avatar for Sorcher

I am trying to update a mysql entry. Getting this error; [CODE]Insert Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '('loginid='15',title='Test',author='Sorcher',body=' Yeah just testing this aga' at line 1[/CODE] [CODE]if ($_GET['edit']){ $getedit …

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Good day all: Is there a mechanism through which I can have a button on my html form which on click calls a script that converts the form (or the html page) into a pdf file and inserts the file into mysql table with a specified name originating from the …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Sorcher

It wont work, the script might be messed up, please help / give a hint, i'll rep any help. [CODE]<?php session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL); //////POST STATEMENTS/////////// $loginid = $_POST['loginid']; $title = $_POST['title']; $author = $_POST['author']; $body = $_POST['body']; $category = $_POST['category']; $dbLink = new mysqli('xxxxx.xxxxxx.com', 'xxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxx'); if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { die("MySQL connection …

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for XxPKMNxX

getting the problem ~ mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /studhome/1/0803087/public_html/RSS.php on line 14 trying to create a RSS feed no idea what is wrong, so can anyone help [CODE] <? // Connect to database DEFINE ('DB_USER', '******'); DEFINE ('DB_PASSWORD', '********'); DEFINE ('DB_HOST', '*****'); DEFINE …

Member Avatar for XxPKMNxX
Member Avatar for Sorcher

I get this error message: Insert Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'testing this thing again' at line 2 NOTE: the 'testing this thing again' is $body This is my …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for 54uydf

I get the error #1005 - Can't create table 'db1.#sql-9e8_2c1' (errno: 150) (<a href="server_engines.php?engine=InnoDB&amp;page=Status&amp;token=3947cba14f7c39305d6f460b76698c5e">Details...</a>) I have 2 tables that I want to connect as a 1-1 relationship. table1:[U] a ,b[/U] ,c ,d table2: [U]a ,b[/U] the plan is that table2 will hold the keys of some of the records that …

Member Avatar for 54uydf
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I am fetching date from the database which is submitted by user while form filling. The date came from database 2011-11-15. What i want to do,show date in below format. 2011-dec-15 or dec 15 2011 need help??

Member Avatar for paulrajj
Member Avatar for mcld

Please I need help, I don't know what I'm doing wrong here, [CODE] $query=( "UPDATE $tblname SET totwrong =".$wrongAnswers."', SET Test_score ='".$percentage."' WHERE UserName = '".$UserName."'"); [/CODE] It does not update the table, please please

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for FlowerPower1

Does anyone know how I would go about storing something from my database into a variable to use elsewhere on my PHP code?

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I am fetching current date from mysql database by using curdate() function. 16-06-2011 what i want to do.. 16-june-2011 how it is possible in mysql Need help??????

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for hyuugurt

Hi, I'm building out a social network system, and when trying to pull user info for a user's friends, I'm stumbling into a problem with the query. The issue is I'm trying to keep the lookup table from listing redundant entries. For instance, [CODE]FRIENDS TABLE ------------- uid | fid ------------- …

Member Avatar for tcatt
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, I have 3 feilds in my invoice processing Table. [LIST=1] [*]Submet [*]Return [*]Resubmitted [/LIST] Now I am using this query [CODE=mysql]SELECT `SRNo` , `VenName` , `Submet` , TO_DAYS( NOW( ) ) - TO_DAYS( `Submet` ) AS Days FROM `invmain` WHERE `Status` = 'SENT TO PAYABLE' AND `Submet` != '0000-00-00' …

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Member Avatar for vijaygupta

Hello, I am building a stock market website and i want to show all commodities prices rise fall even charts later .first of i want to know whether it is possible or not.If yes please guide me through.Please help any kind of help appreciated

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for 54uydf

Hey, the data in my DB isn't going to be in english, and I'm wondering if I should name the tables and the fields not in english as well, or there might be problems later when using the names in PHP or SQL code? any one had experience with that?

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for ryan1987

table: hometeam awayteam homepoints awaypoints leeds man u 3 0 leeds man u 3 0 man u leeds 0 3 i want to calculate how many points each team has. with the above data leeds should have 9 and man u 0. i have come up wth the following sql …

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for mirvine

Ok so let me start off by saying I am not a NOOB. There... So i need help trying to figure out an export of just my 2 colums from a table. Got it done. Now i need to make sure that I only export from a date range and …

Member Avatar for mirvine
Member Avatar for begueradj

Hello, I have a form from which I post some data into 3 tables: when I click on the submit button I don't get any error message from mysql_error(); but when I look to my 3 tables I see no one of them has received the data I just posted …

Member Avatar for begueradj
Member Avatar for showman13

I have an issue with an insert statement not producing what I think it should produce... Here are the relevant parts of the code: [CODE] $free_pos[0][0] = $free_pos[1][0] = $left_top = $row[0];// value is 10000002 $free_pos[0][1] = $free_pos[1][1] = $left_step = $row[1];// value is 1 $free_pos[2][0] = $free_pos[3][0] = $right_top …

Member Avatar for pool_89
Member Avatar for Clanstrom

Hi there. Thinking about creating a membership registration-enabled website, that will store people names and some info about them, after they register, but what i can't begin to make is a PHP code that whenever, a user searchs ( In a search box ) a name of another user, that …

Member Avatar for ivatanako
Member Avatar for mmlmitchell

I have two tables: CDDemographics and CBTechProviderData. Both have 200,000+ rows. A common column between these tables is CensusBlockID, of which the first 5 integers are the fips code - in this case I am defining that code as 55001. I am trying to sum the population of CensusBlockIDs where …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Kniggles

Morning,afternoon,evening and av a great night to all, solution needed plaese. secnario. players eneter log on screen and enter name ,password, (id is index on base) then go to check_logon.php if happy end up at logon_success.php this run ok :) am now trying to display players id number on logon_success.php. …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, mysql_query() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in C:\xampp\htdocs\livesearch\livesearch\ajax-search.php on line 18 need help [CODE]<?php include_once ('database_connection.php'); if(isset($_GET['keyword'])){ $keyword = trim($_GET['keyword']) ; $keyword = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $keyword); $query = "SELECT * FROM register WHERE subject LIKE '%$keyword%'"; echo "SELECT * FROM register WHERE subject LIKE '%$keyword%' "; //echo …

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The End.