10,943 Topics

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Member Avatar for lewashby

I just got postgresql & pgAdmin III up and running. I'M trying to start the book "Simply SQL" so how do I go about getting to .sql files for the book into pgAdmin? Thanks for any and all replies.

Member Avatar for lewashby
Member Avatar for MDanz

how do i run a query for a variable with multiple values? i've been told a loop is not the right way to do it, which is the way i've been doing it and it has worked. I assumed putting it in a foreach loop would accomplish looping the query …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for watz_uph

hi all, i have a little issue with SUM query from this table UNIQUEID Date Production engine1 01/12/1999 1440 engine1 01/01/2000 6061 engine1 01/02/2000 5152 engine1 01/03/2000 5347 engine1 01/04/2000 4642 engine1 01/05/2000 5264 engine1 01/06/2000 5247 engine2 01/07/1995 561 engine2 01/08/1995 3066 engine2 01/09/1995 2133 engine2 01/10/1995 2282 engine2 …

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Member Avatar for ceeandcee

As you can see from this page: [url]http://www.cornwallfantasyhockey.com/cfhl/schedule3/[/url] I have created an output table of 11 players. I would now like to total the GP and PTS column. Here is what I have so far: any thoughts? [code] <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stats1011 where 1A = 'BULL' OR …

Member Avatar for ceeandcee
Member Avatar for angel392004

i'm working on an e-voting system for my thesis... but i'm having problem on how to output the data in all the rows in the database in a check box. so it means that the number of checkbox is equals to the row of the table. i manage to output …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Kadafiz

heyy... i need to knw how to update some table value to default value automatically after some period of time. assume that user update table value to "false" today. then it will be update to its default value "true" to tommorow by automatically. some one told me this can be …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for joomphp

hi! i have little problem with left join below script working but i want to add restriction field_id = 16 (any value) and user_id = 65 (any value) pls help me how to do this [CODE]id user_id field_id value[/CODE] [CODE]<?php $dbHost = "localhost"; $dbUser = "root"; $dbPass = "123"; $dbName …

Member Avatar for arctushar

Hi I have a database which has a table named [B]main[/B] and a field named [B]description[/B] typ of [B]description[/B] is [B]longtext[/B] I can insert more than 100 word through phpmyadmin. but can't insert through form submit by post method. but Here i can insert 10 word through same form submit. …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

i am making a webstore and it has a table that has all the items in it. like each item has its own row in the table called like "items" or something right and each column is specific to all items. but im lost what to do with orders. i …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for eawedat

hey all I have these lines [CODE] create table Singers(SingerName varchar(30),picture text,id int primary key auto_increment); create table Songs(id int primary key auto_increment,sid int,foreign key(sid) references Singers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE); [/CODE] In situation I want to delete a Singer for example who has the id->1 from Singer's table automaticaly to …

Member Avatar for eawedat
Member Avatar for acrocephalus

Hello! I have a table with the structure you can check at [URL="http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ahb705_66NMOdG5RM0stQU5wVC1JUmRBbWhLeDRyM2c&hl=ca"]http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ahb705_66NMOdG5RM0stQU5wVC1JUmRBbWhLeDRyM2c&hl=ca[/URL]. The table has many more rows but no more columns. Is there a way to select the rows like select all the fields from Table from row where Family is Tinamidae to the next non empty row …

Member Avatar for danny4444
Member Avatar for Geertc

hello, for my application I have created a database containing a table where my clients data is stored before they are allowed to use the website. When they are allowed, the info on this table has to be transferred to 3 different tables, using the insert...select-statement. Doing this I don't …

Member Avatar for Geertc
Member Avatar for muppet

We have 3 shifts running at our plant, day 0720 - 1520 swing 1520 - 1120 night 2320 - 0720 I have a table storing the bags packed on each shift, and now need to display the team (tech, packer_l, packer_r etc) with the greatest number of packed bags depending …

Member Avatar for muppet
Member Avatar for ctyler

Hello All, I seem to be having an issue with a many to many relationship database or how I like to call it a many to many to many...... j/k. I am wondering if I can get some input for this very long problem. I work for a direct mail …

Member Avatar for acrocephalus

Hello! As a part of a database project, I need to find a way to send a MySQL table to wxpython and then select some of its records (using a Select/Remove button) to store them in another class of the database. Is there any kind of widget to do this? …

Member Avatar for acrocephalus

Hello! I am trying to update a MySQL table using a Python code but I am having some problems. I define the connection and the cursor in the Ornithobase (wx.Frame)class in the OnLof function as [CODE]self.db= MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user=self.Username , passwd=self.pwd, db='Ornithobase') self.cursor = self.db.cursor()[/CODE] Then, in the same class but …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for mmitchell73

I have designed a survey with PHP that submits the responses into a MySQL database. The people that will be taking the survey are existing clients which have user IDs and information stored in a database that I do not have direct access to. What I would like to do …

Member Avatar for ram007
Member Avatar for baloch123

Hello I want to display random images stored in folder.and their name stored in mysql. Please Help me. Thanks

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dre-logics

In a Visual Basic 2008 windows application + MySQL database. I have a MaskedEdit field used for phone numbers, the mask is (###) ### - #### In my [COLOR="Green"]Table1[/COLOR] , i have a record with two fields: 1. Field Name (string 15)Data "andre" 2. Field Phonenr (string 25)Data " " …

Member Avatar for forumite

Training management system: Hi, I want to build a webpage in a plain HTML, JavaScript, CSS. In this webpage, I want to build a TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Requirements: 1. A form which should take the trainee's unique id and process it. If the entered trainee ID matches with any of …

Member Avatar for Henzard
Member Avatar for mikecronauer

How would I build a web page similar to an online banking page that has a running account balance, only I want to make each line editable. If a specific line was edited the total would then change up through the top. (transactions are sorted by date order) How do …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for MDanz

I have to columns Positive and Negative. i use this as a rating system. e.g. For example if Positive is value 2 and Negative is value 1 and i subtract. Then the total would be 1. i have a variable $order. if i did $order="(Positive-Negative)"; I now that is incorrect. …

Member Avatar for pgmarco

Hello, I am having a little trouble getting the variable $total to insert into mysql table. I used javascript to get the total that is in the input box. Any help is very much appreciative. Here is site: [url]http://illcomputers.comyr.com/custom.php[/url] Thank You Snippets of Code JavaScript Code [CODE] var mainitems = …

Member Avatar for pgmarco
Member Avatar for rawrjoeynashomg

[URL="http://shop.ccs.com/guys.shirts/category/"]ccs [/URL] I want to use a similar approach to display my MYsql database and organize it, but i'm unsure of how to go about it. I want to have drop down boxes or use the nav ones i already have [URL="http://www.casingit.com"]here [/URL](at the top) to sort different types of …

Member Avatar for arctushar

Hello everybody I have an excel data sheet. there is 6 column with thousand data. I want to keep those data in mysql. How can I do that. In short how can I convert excel data to mysql without spending single penny. I use [B]excel 2010[/B], xampp server

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for visualmonk

Hello, I am trying to use the mysql_real_escape_string() function, but I can't seem to use it without losing the content of the variable. When I use [code] $act="It's now or never" $act=mysql_real_escape_string($act);{ [/code] then attempt to insert the value of $act--it comes out null. I have established the database connection, …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for sameeraict

Hi, i'm trying store an image in my sql database . i 'm using java to manipulate it .i 'm able to manage the image store in the database,but i don't know how to retrieve it back to my user interface. can some one help me to do this. [code]//sample …

Member Avatar for jkaye

I'm trying to write this query, but I don't know how to go about it. Say you have a table with a bunch of listings, with multiple listings per company. You have a status field in the table that is either complete or active. What I want to do is …

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Member Avatar for lewashby

I'M new to SQL and I'M reading the book "Simply SQL". I'M running Ubuntu Linux and I downloaded MySQL Workbench. I also downloaded the source .sql files for the book. I need some help getting started. How do I get the files into Workbench so I can follow along with …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for teedoff

Ok I am still unable to create a foreign key restraint in my database. I know I posted this in another post, but after 3 or 4 days with no responses, I wanted to reword and properly explain my problem. I executed two show create table commands for my two …

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The End.