10,944 Topics
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Hi I m thinking about combined key system. say i have mysql table having field 1. user_name 2. father_name 3. mother_name 4. Address Now I can mark [B]user_nam[/B]e field as key for u[B]nique value[/B]. But I dont want that. I want that same user name is possible but same [B]user … | |
Hi! I am new to the world of coding, but am slowly learning. I am working on an internet scavenger hunt- so people search for a hidden icon on different sites all over the net. they are given a list of links to the sites participating and a riddle to … | |
I have a query that i can pull when the last time a location was counted for accuracy: SELECT a.scannable_id, MAX(a.count_date) FROM adhocs a WHERE a.scannable_id like 'P-0-A1A10%' GROUP BY a.scannable_id; It returns: scannable_id MAX(a.count_date) P-0-A1A10 2010-06-15 17:28:00 P-0-A1A100 2010-07-13 13:20:00 P-0-A1A102 2010-07-18 11:00:00 P-0-A1A106 2010-09-08 18:10:00 P-0-A1A108 2010-08-17 12:56:00 … | |
Hello, As part of my college task I need to make simple webpage based on PHP and MySQL which goes exactly like this: [url]http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/1984/hamburgers.jpg[/url] Since I am still newbie, I hope you can help me with this one. For practicing I use EasyPHP and this is what I done till … | |
I need help guys, I want to be able to extract text from a string. This is an example of the string: @ ANSI 6360100102DL00390204ZF02430034DLDAACRUZ,JULIO,MIGUELDAG626 SIESTA KEY BLVD APT 434DAIDEERFIELD BEACHDAJFLDAK33441-0000 DAQC620433894240DARE DASA DAT DBA20141124DBB19891124DBC1DBD20080801DBHN DAU511 ZFZFA ZFB ZFCR050808010243ZFD I wanna be able to extract "CRUZ", "JULIO", "626 SIESTA KEY … | |
hello, i got above error for mysql installation time..pls let me know ..its urgent | |
help me to autodecrement a field in a table when delete any entry from table example: !-------------------------- !id name userno !-------------------------- ! 1 harry 101 !-------------------------- ! 2 abc 102 !-------------------------- ! 3 xyz 103 !-------------------------- ! 4 xyz 104 !------------------------- if we delete 3rd entry from table than 104 … | |
Hello all, i have a question regarding a mysql populated selectbox, i managed to fill this with data from a table, but now i want to show the selected value from another table ( with the same value of course). here is my selectbox now: [CODE]<select name="project" class="selectbox" tabindex="1"> <?php … | |
I just posted an AJAX forms generator that will read a MYSQL table, allow you to define how the fields are treated and then generate the necessary HTML, Javascript and PHP files to implement the form. You end up with a complete and working form backed by code thats very … | |
Am trying to create a message and commenting system (like facebook wall). I have two tables messages -------- mid creator_id message created_date ---------------------------------------------------- 1 3 msg one date 2 4 msg two date 3 8 msg three date 4 3 msg four date comments --------- cid mid creator_id comment created_date … | |
Hi guys I want to commit the transaction if all the queries executed in the loop, or else I need to rollback how do i do this, I tried this , but I am not sure how efficient it is. mysql_query("START TRANSACTION"); for($i=0;$i<100;$i++) { $res=mysql_query("some query") array_push($array,$res); } if(in_array(0,$array)) mysql_query("rollback"); … | |
Hi, I set up an upload page and a script to view files uploaded into a mySQL database. I'm using phpmyadmin and everything looks fine for the database, it's showing content in the BLOB field. My problem is that my download script isn't working. It should be bringing up a … | |
if we delete any entry in a table in mysql than there has another field that has serialise no and if one entry is deleted from whole entry than another fiels entry will automaticaly searlized.......pls help | |
Hi! I need help to design an structure and the relationship. I need to create 4 tables: REGION, SUBREGION, CITIES and COUNTRY and do the relationships I have this: Table: REGION [CODE]CREATE TABLE REGION( REGION VARCHAR(2), REGION_NAME VARCHAR(200), );[/CODE] Values: REGION REGION_NAME 1 Africa 2 Americas Table: SUBREGION [CODE]CREATE TABLE … | |
How do i perform search from php within the search result that was just returned? In oder to perform a search on the result set again i need to have the result set stored some where. either in session/cookie or temporary table in the mysql server. i tried the mysql … | |
Hi There. Is it possible to use the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE command from a crontab or what will the best way be of importing a csv on a hourly basis. Regards | |
hi, i have been trying to work out how to list all the users on the database for my website with a particular access level and also only the user id that the client is associated to however i end up with duplicated users. here is my query so far … | |
I'M reading the book "Simply SQL" and I need to use the files for the book. It was suggested to be to use postgreSQL and now I've got it up and running on my Ubuntu machine. But I'M having a little bit of trouble getting started. When I first start … | |
I am writing a GUI in GKTMM for my own learning experience and to use on a personal project I have at home. The data will be stored in a MySQL database on a server I already have running in my home and which I use for some PHP/JavaScript code … | |
I am learning to write C++ code to access data in a MySQL database. My goal is to use a separate class to control the database access so I can use this class elsewhere. To facilitate my learning, I'm working on simple code to connect to a database (success!) and … | |
hi, i am a teacher. i have a list of students in my MySQL table. How to retrieve their names one by one, and while doing that there will be a text box to put their marks in. | |
Not sure if many ppl here use navicat, but I am somewhat confused by the way data entries are handled through my page and how that interacts with my local db server and my remote db server. For example, at work I am sometimes working on cfm templates on my … | |
All, I'm having issues running a simple java program on the linux command line. When I run: java -server -cp ./mysql-connector-java-5.1.12/mysql-connector-java-5.1.12-bin.jar -jar PaymentProcessor.jar I get `"java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost/pmtdb"` When I run this command (which works on the windows command line) java -server -classpath ./classes;./mysql-connector-java-5.1.12/mysql-connector-java-5.1.12-bin.jar paymentprocessor.PaymentProcessorServer I … | |
Hi All, I am creating a MySQL Module for usage in all my applications, one of my functions writes all data from the MySQL Database to an array, although to make this as versatile as possible I want one of the paramaters to be used to choose which array the … | |
Hello! I have designed a dialog with a grid widget. I would like to populate it with data from a MySQL table which has 10396 rows and 5 columns, as the grid widget. How can I do it? Then, how can I select a row from the grid widget and … | |
I am absolutely newbie to Ajax and I need to have this fixed by tomorrow as I have a project to complete so anyone who could help me, I would be really greatful! This is what I have cooked up so far index.php [code=php]<html> <body> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- //Browser … | |
Hi ... I'm trying to make a drop down list box populated from a mysql table. It all looks OK on the screen, but there is an error that I cant seem to fix. The error is: Notice: Undefined index: xxx in C:\Documents and Settings\GSW\My Documents\xxx\test.php on line 29 and … | |
This is the part which searches and add the result to the 'pass' variable. At one stage I was getting a resource id number and found to get around that, but when I do this I get nothing on the pass variable [code] $result = mysql_query("SELECT `Pass` FROM `wiki` WHERE … | |
I Can't upload imige as my database donot support update although i give all previliges to the user root.Whats the problem?? Please Any one help me.The same code work on local PC. The link is: [URL="http://csefriends.com/index.php?page=auth/change_image.php"]http://csefriends.com/index.php?page=auth/change_image.php[/URL] The code is given below: [CODE] <?php $id=$_SESSION['userid']; $name=$_POST['name']; $fname=time(); $type= ".jpeg"; $fname = … | |
i have the multiple chioce.. this is the source code [CODE]/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ import java.io.*; import javax.microedition.io.*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import java.util.*; /** * @author user */ public class listphp extends MIDlet implements … |
The End.