10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for fusi0n423

I'm new to mysql and I need some more practice with this stuff since were going to have a test soon ([I]this is not a homework assignment[/I]). One thing I still don't get is how to check if two tables contain an equal set of values. Heres the practice problem …

Member Avatar for fusi0n423
Member Avatar for bmiles20001

So I was making a calculator that pulls from a mySQL database. The program works flawlessly on my personal computer. However, when I move the program to another computer it crashes upon loading. If I take out my database call the program works so I believe I have localized it …

Member Avatar for arosemena

for example, the blogs, how they divide the entries in pages? i have kinda of a idea like if ur on page 2 and ur blog shows 5 post per page the $row=mysql_fetch_assoc would execute 5 times before starting to post, thats the only way i can think about, is …

Member Avatar for Tulsa
Member Avatar for leviathan185

Hi. I am having problems getting PHP to insert data into a MYSQL data base. I am using the following variations of syntax. [code=php] mysql_query("INSERT INTO table member VALUES ('$var1', '$var2', '$var3')") or die("couldn't add new user"); [/code] and also with session variables as well [code=php] mysql_query("INSERT INTO table member …

Member Avatar for leviathan185
Member Avatar for tasneemb

Hi I need to store binary data in a MySQL database from a web page. Basically it the web page will ask user to upload an image, and on submit, it should store this image in a MySQL database on the server. Could someone please let me know how to …

Member Avatar for juanki09

ok so this is what im trying to do. this is a products page and the products diplay but i want to create a filter so if they want to view only the in this case tvs that are sony they use the from that is in the coding to …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for bettina702

Hi, I want to update a specific field in my database. My database has only one row with one field in it. How do I overwrite that field? This is what I have at this point, but its not working: [CODE]mysql_query(UPDATE Table SET column = "$item" WHERE column = "1") …

Member Avatar for bettina702
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, This T-SQL works fine but i just want to make sure that it is also reliable. Do you think this is reliable? Thanks [code] CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `addNewUser`(IN username_in varchar(15), password_in varchar(40), name_in varchar(25), surname_in varchar(25), dob_in date, address_in varchar(50), postcode_in varchar(8), city_in varchar(20), phone_in varchar(14), email_in varchar(50)) BEGIN …

Member Avatar for navi17

hi everyone. please tell me difference between mysql_connect & mysql_pconnect? and which is better and how?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mysqproject

Hello, I'm a bit new to VB (actually use VBA), but would like to get some knowlegde about class module. One thing I was thinking of would be to create a class module which take cares of the connection to the MYSQL database. Please let me know if you have …

Member Avatar for mysqproject
Member Avatar for lamiv007

[CODE]<? include("db.php"); mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die("Unable to connect to database"); $query="SELECT * FROM tcg"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); mysql_close(); echo "<center>Viewing Records</center>"; $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $client = mysql_result($result,$i,'ClientsName'); [B]$prgno = mysql_result($result,$i,'PrgNo'); this is line31[/B] $prgname = mysql_result($reslt,$i,'PrgName'); $trainername = mysql_result($result,$i,'TrainerName'); $dates = mysql_result($result,$i,'Dates'); $days = mysql_result($result,$i,'Days'); $proffee = mysql_result($result,$i,'ProfFee'); …

Member Avatar for dreamluverz
Member Avatar for lamiv007

Hello, I'm getting an error [B]"Column count doesn't match value count at row 1"[/B] [CODE] <? include("db.php"); $ClientsName=$_POST['client']; $PrgNo=$_POST['prgno']; $PrgName=$_POST['prgname']; $TrainerName=$_POST['trainer']; $Dates=$_POST['dates']; $Days=$_POST['days']; $ProfFee=$_POST['fee']; $TrainerFee=$_POST['trainerfee']; $ReimbExp=$_POST['rexp']; $HandoutChg=$_POST['handchg']; $InvoiceNo=$_POST['invno']; $TotalInvAmt=$_POST['invamt']; $FeeRecd=$_POST['feerec']; mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die("Unable to connect to db"); $query = "INSERT INTO tcg VALUES('$ClientsName','$PrgNo','$PrgName','$TrainerName','$Dates','$Days','$ProfFee','$TrainerFee','$ReimbExp','$HandoutChg','$InvoiceNo','$TotalInvAmt','$FeeRecd')"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_close(); echo "Data …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

I had a mysql table with a field named "age". And I need to search it using php form. ie with two text fields called "age_from" and "age_to". In simple words i want to do a search like this... [code=sql]search * from profile where age>= age_from and age <= age_to …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for pabzzmike

hello all, i need help with php/mysql syntax that will search a mysql dbase using 3 user-provided (from web form) options. All options are contained in drop-down menus. the mysql database has an auto column which is the primary key allowing for duplicate entries which are neccesary the table has …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mohankumar554
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I am thinking to create an e-commerce web site. I just want to find out about the logic behid processing the order that have more than one order. How do we place an order? Stock check and update before and after placing order. I am asking this question because, …

Member Avatar for lamiv007

Hello, My brother asked me to create an application where he can save all his data and retrieve at any time, which does all the calculation. A friend of mine suggested PHP and MySQL would be a better option. I know HTML and CSS but very little of PHP. As …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for etc123

when i install mysql, my computer keeps restarting I can't even uninstall it! i fixed it by logging into Safe Mode and do a System Restore. MSQL is now uninstalled, so it's fine now. I want to have MSQL working. - using XP SP2.

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, I am not sure what i am doing wrong. I got my code (below) basically it is to resend user activation email if they for some reason or other did not get it first time etc. It sends the email and everything etc... what i need to do it …

Member Avatar for genieuk
Member Avatar for Harutyun

Hello everyone. I'm now working on a banner software which allows admins to see full statistics of banner displays, clicks and other information in selected time interval by minutes, hours, days etc. I want to consult any experts who have experience using large tables with JOIN queries and optiomize my …

Member Avatar for Harutyun
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

the most important thing is that people cant access the members only page without loggin in first. the second most important thing is actually loggin the person in and being able to like store a session i guess thats what it is that makes it so they can visit thir …

Member Avatar for mohan7690

how to take back up the mysql data as an sql delimited file ie .sql file by using c# from a windows application

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for smartsoft

Hello guys, A Client walked upto me, and told me he wanna create a SMS portal where by user can by a Card from him and log in with a secret Pin on the card and they can login to the website and with th Issue Card and they will …

Member Avatar for shefeekj
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

Hi, How to connect visual basic program with mysql database?I need a sample program of retrieving the data and also inserting the data into the table using mysql database..........I dont have any idea..... please help me ....... Regards, Santhanalakshmi.

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for c_skyscraper

hi guys, I have one table: exams(e_no integer primary key,e_name text); now i want to create another table called questions which should have primary key that is combination of exam.e_no (foreign key) and question.q_no questions(q_no,e_no,questions text); so i would like to make q_no and e_no both act as primary key …

Member Avatar for tanmoy_india

I summarised my problem by a simple example,anyone plzz ans this...then I will be able to understand my problem.......: Suppose in a database named "DATABASE"..there is a table called "XYZ"..it has 4 rows named "T1,T2,T3,T4"..one primary key named "T_id"..now what I want that to access this same table via different …

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Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, Don't know why but i always seem to mess my, mysql querys up somewhere, usually silly things like quotes etc. The code below, i have a problem. Basically when user gets an email they click the link and they are taken to a page where they can change there …

Member Avatar for genieuk
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, As you can probably tell by now my knoweldge of MySQL is not very good. I basically have two tables. One called [B]userinformation[/B] and another called [B]profiles[/B] My userinformation table is like this: [CODE]CREATE TABLE `userinformation` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `status` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `username` varchar(20) NOT …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi Story goes - I have an online store... there is a sales table which records every product sold. Each product is within a style. So a Style might be 'Red Jacket'. I want to pull out (from the sales table), in order of how many sales have been made, …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for hassan ali

how i use apache server, php, and MySql .Tell me the procedure for installation of Apache server, PHP, and MySql

Member Avatar for cwarn23

The End.