10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for jaasaria

guyzz i wanted to make 2 connection in my inventory system. using mysql and access. i wanted to use the mysql as my main database..and if their no internet connection it posible save first the data in my access.. and if their an internet connection it will update and stored …

Member Avatar for werks
Member Avatar for jk_bscomp

Hello everybody!!!! I am just curious if I can make a database where all the data are images like bitmap, jpeg and other pictures format... If yes, can you pls show me some code or sites to where I can learn a lot about this.. YOUR HELP IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED.... …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for kyleknapp

I'm brand new to SQL queries, hoping someone can help me set up this query. I'm using [URL="http://www.phplist.com"]phpList [/URL]to manage my mailing list. All user defined attributes appear to be stored in a table called phplist_user_user_attribute. The structure of this table is:[INDENT][U]Field[/U], [U]Type[/U] attributeid, int(11) userid, int(11) value, varchar(255) [/INDENT]attributeid …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for mizteryq

hi ALL... i'm a new in IT woRLD.. right now i work with PHP, Apache, And MySQL i want to create aplication that already work(use Apache,PHP, MysQL but it stand ALone )being apLication that executable what i want is in the future all that i need is just install the …

Member Avatar for ultra vires
Member Avatar for Mekano

Hi, I put websites together using Xoops and OsCommerce. I need to know how to edit mysql databases using Cpanel. Please could you point me in the direction of some tutorials? There are some which show how to se up a database but not how to edit one. For example, …

Member Avatar for Mekano
Member Avatar for CzechRock3

I am trying to replace mysql fields with this code... But unfortunatly it is not working... I do not know why... Here is the code please help me. Thank you. [CODE] <?php session_start(); if ($_POST['txtName'] != ''){ $host="****"; $username="****"; $password="****"; $db_name="****"; $tbl_name="****"; mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select …

Member Avatar for amigura
Member Avatar for samnav

Does anyone know of a free tool or utility that I could use with pgAdmin III that would accomplish the same type of import functionality found in Navicat?

Member Avatar for samnav
Member Avatar for jk_bscomp

Hello Everyboby!!! I just want to ask basic information but confusing in my part about the differences of ADO, ODBC and OLEDB ... I get confused in differentiating this three.... I hope you could help me with this problem... Your help is highly appreciated.... Thank You.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for justinmyoung

I'm trying to set permissions in mysql for an ecommerce open source application (freeway) for a path: Set the permissions on Freeway/images directory to 777 in my terminal I have typed: chmod 777 /Sites/Freeway/images but it is telling me that "no such file or directory exists", and yet when I …

Member Avatar for justinmyoung
Member Avatar for Doctoremote

This maybe an old chessnut to you old sweats but I am a newbie to this.. I getting this error:- [B]mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\dsg\Mytest.php on line 9[/B] the database is called Camsdb the table is called DBF the fields of which there …

Member Avatar for Doctoremote
Member Avatar for justinmyoung

Can someone help me figure this out. What do I need to do to set permissions in MySQL? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for richardzhangss

Hi, Here is my mysql sentence: [CODE]select last_insert_id() from pp;[/CODE] and the table pp is created by: [CODE]create table pp(id int not null auto_increment primary key,name varchar(255) not null);[/CODE] Now I'd like to change the above into sentences that are right in Oracle. First I create table: [CODE]create table pp(id …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for smartness

Hi. I Installed Apache 2, PHP 5, and Mysql 5 (All Latest Version) and now i when open e script on my localhost that needs a mysql connection (i tried with phpmyadmin) i get a error: Could not load module mysql.dll (ore something like this) but the service is running …

Member Avatar for smartness
Member Avatar for nevets_steven

I am using MySql 5.0.51a and am trying to acheive the following I have 2 tables, one of categories and one of company details, each company can select up to 6 different categories for their business. In my category table, I have sub categories, and sub sub categories, eg, Main …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for swapna7999

hi is it possible to run a java application on a linux server if so, is it possible to run the exe of the application in the linux server or an applet should be called initially i was doing my project in vb and since it is not possible to …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for still_learning

Hey guys, I am trying to figure out a way to update a row in a table for my database by filling out information in an html form. What I am doing is filling out a form with a username and other information. I want to be able to either …

Member Avatar for still_learning
Member Avatar for swapna7999

hi there when im trying to connect to a remote mysql server im getting an error i searched for it and i came to know that MySQL database server remote access disabled for security reasons by default and they provided with lot of steps to enable it the problem is …

Member Avatar for amigura
Member Avatar for gatsu

Hello, why wont this code give my "Rubrik" a link with its ID? I only get "www.yada.com/open.php?id=" [code=sql]<a href="skapaannons.php">L&auml;gg till annons! </a> <?php $con = mysql_connect(" "," "," "); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $db_selected = mysql_select_db("annons", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT annons.id, annons.datum, annons.rubrik, annons.pris, …

Member Avatar for gatsu
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hey Im having this problem, im sure theres a simple solution, but i cant seem to see it :D The code bellow is part of a regestration form validation. Basicly when i ask the database if anyone else exists with the same username, password or email address - it works …

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for En1ro

Hello, First of all thanks for time reading this post and the problem is that: I'm Using Borland c++ builder 6 and i want to connect to my database through BDE components, i added Database, Table and Query components, filled query , added params to Database and tried to connect …

Member Avatar for Pakse

Hi there, I'm new to web development and I have a question about MMS. I couldn't find a fitting forum to post in, but I hope it's alright in here :) How do you create a MMS-inbox on a server, what techniques do you use? We're running a Resin web …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for forzadraco

hyy... i hv aproblem.. iwant to make aplication thabt need some field database from other database(pg-sql) and want to copy it to other database(mysql). can that skrip make this happen auto copying...?

Member Avatar for AaronASterling
Member Avatar for forzadraco

Hello all, i get a problem: 1 have 1 database and want to move some field in tabel to other database automaticly, how to make this happen to auto copyning data everyday or every hour..? anyone can help me.. Thanks for read my thread, Ardy Satria.

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for thirusvga

Hi.. I am new in php +ajax.....Now i am doing project in php+ajax+linux environment...i create a login page using php,ajax,mysql,, i have mysql tables are. register,slideshow,,,,,In register table having following field... 1.uid (autoincrement)2.first (firstname)3.last(surname)4.user(username),5.pass(password) In slide show table having following field,,, 1.uid 2.pid(presentation id,autoincrment) 3.slideno 4.description 5.location(this is what image …

Member Avatar for thirusvga
Member Avatar for hacker9801

Hey. Right now in my game (online) I'm using std::vectors to store player info. Should I continue to use them (I hate having to loop thru them each time to find a player) or should I use MySQL to hold player information (like map their on, nickname, id, position, etc.)?

Member Avatar for Rajith Cherian
Member Avatar for n00b3

Hello, I am a PHP programmer, trying to transition to C++. I need C++ to communicate with MySQL, so I realize i need to have mysql++ libraries. I am using winXP. I have MinGW. I am just trying to install MySQL++, and I am having problems. I have been following …

Member Avatar for webguru07

I need to get information from 2 tables in the same mysql database [code=php]$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM notes, customers WHERE `to`='next' LIMIT 5"); while($a = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $row_color = ($row_count % 2) ? "#EFEFEF" : "#FFFFFF"; echo("<tr bgcolor=\"$row_color\"> <td height=\"25\">" . $a['custid'] . "</td> <td height=\"25\">" . $a['name'] . "</td> …

Member Avatar for prethum
Member Avatar for dabamb

Good day!! Hi...I having hard times in doing an online voting system using PHP and mySQL as database. It's like...student council election; once I login..i can then view my personal profile then view all the candidates in each position...I can then vote my desired candidate.Only one vote is allowed in …

Member Avatar for dabamb
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i am trying to send out an email which contains images from a database of images that have been uploaded. when i send the email out only the text and any images that have been hard codeing in using the img tag. i have done some research on this and …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for cmax

hello to every body, i have a problem in mysql database i dont know where i made mistake, i wrote a database this one dow, please show me where is my mistake or how i can use in simple way [code=php]<? trim($searchterm); if (!$searchtype || !$searchterm) { echo "You have …

Member Avatar for mwasif

The End.