10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for ramso
Member Avatar for tefflox

Here is the code. For a short time, I will leave the test results up at [URL="http://superiorminitrucks.com/inventory"]superiorminitrucks.com/inventory[/URL] Clearly, I need to stop it from displaying the final entry twice.. Thanks in advance.. [CODE] <?php $db_connection = @mysql_connect("######", "#####", "####"); if (!$db_connection) exit(); mysql_select_db("tefflox", $db_connection); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM trucks"); …

Member Avatar for effu
Member Avatar for isomillennium

What would be the php mysql code to search more than 1 field in a table ? Im trying to search for a given partial phone number in all three fields home mobile and work .. im trying to use $query = "SELECT `first`, `last`, `home_phone` , `work_phone` , `mobile_phone` …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for kevin wood

is it possible to only truncate one row from a table or can this only be done with the whole table.

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for deepmann97

Hello Friends, I have three table and i want to select data from them Table 1 Roll No. --- Name---Age 1------------a--------12 2------------b--------13 Table 2 Roll No.---Name---Age 7------------d------12 8------------b------13 9------------c------12 Table 10 Roll No.---Name---Age 41---------d---------12 43---------b---------13 44---------c---------12 Table 3 Roll No.---Sex 1------------f 7------------f 41----------f i want to select date from Table …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for r3su3l0

Good day to all. I have an existing vb project and my back end is ms access. I changed my database to MySQL and SQL but the problem is I don't have any idea how to connect my VB project to MySQL and SQL throuch ODBC. Your help is very …

Member Avatar for r3su3l0
Member Avatar for jaasaria

hi guyzz, i wanted to have two connection using access and mysql in my proj. my access was my main db connection and what ever data in my access will store directly in mysql db when their is internet connection... I declared 2 fuction connection but my problem is the …

Member Avatar for jaasaria
Member Avatar for OmniX

"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near." Now this is a really stupid error. (yes that sums up the error S T U P I D) I am making an update to …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for Rahul17

I have written this code in Jsp file . [code=JSP]<% Connection con=null; Statement st=null; PreparedStatement ps; String nm=request.getParameter("tnm"); String loc=request.getParameter("tlc"); try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/rahul","root","root"); st=con.createStatement(); try { ps=con.prepareStatement("insert into dept(deptname,location) values(?,?)"); ps.setString(1,nm); ps.setString(2,loc); ps.executeUpdate(); out.println("Value inserted "); } catch(SQLException e) { out.println("sql is not executed"); } } catch(Exception ex) { …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Kraai

I am helping a website owner to transfer a site to new servers. All site files have been uploaded onto the new server, only thing left is the database. In phpmyadmin, when I try to export the DATABASE to my local PC, using zip or gzip to compress, as this …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for fujilec

Using rs.open (bla bla bla........) then i need to streamreader each line from MySQL....how can i implement it? thanks

Member Avatar for kbrown123

I am reading records from a linked server table, and trying to use the output in the next update statement, not on the linked server. I am assigning it to a declared variable. The file is being updated with NULL, instead of the correct check number. Any help??? Example code: …

Member Avatar for kbrown123
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi guys, I did a quick tutorial on the internet on using php and mysql. It is my first ever time using it so forgive me if im being a bit of a "NOOB". anyways ill post the script below and can you give me a few pointers about where …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Is this an appropriate place to submit a question concerning netbeans and creating queries?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for tefflox

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. The sql query is in bold. [CODE]<?php //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SECRET PAGE // // Invokes require_authentication() to ensure that the user is authenticated // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require("common.php"); require_authentication(); session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xmlns:b='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/b' xmlns:data='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/data' xmlns:expr='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr' xml:lang="en"> <head> …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for tefflox

I am able to connect to the database and located the table. I am unable to populate the db. Attached is a in image of the phpmyadmin trucks table structure. Please help. I am excited to be so close to getting it right. [CODE] echo '<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>'; echo '<form method="post" action="/inventory/">'; …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for freeosin

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\thepinflow.com\httpdocs\staff\checklogin.php on line 12 Wrong Username or Password That is the error message I am recieving. I was using another website to host a PHP/SQL website before, currently located at: [url]http://www.blackairplane.com/Pinflow/index.php[/url] which works. When I copied all the …

Member Avatar for trudge
Member Avatar for loveknights07

Hi Everyone, Good Day,, can you help me to config mysql server to be able for me to connect to it thru a network. for example the mysql server is on the other pc and i am using a software in other pc. how can i connect to it.? thanks …

Member Avatar for evios

Well, i am facing this problem when i try to configure my ODBC 3.51 Driver. I had successfully installed MySQL. Then i try to install and configure my ODBC 3.51 driver. I add a new user DSN, filling with the correct username and password, with the data source name. However …

Member Avatar for loveknights07
Member Avatar for M3nTaL

Hello, I'm having some sintax problems using PL/SQL in mySQL TRIGGERS.. I need some help please :). Here is the code: [code] CREATE TRIGGER modificou AFTER UPDATE ON monitor FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT estado_tmp FROM alteracoes WHERE id_tmp = OLD.id) THEN INSERT INTO alteracoes VALUES(OLD.id,NEW.estado); ELSE UPDATE …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Papa Awortwe

How do i store images on a mysql server and preview on a webpage using PHP. or how do i preview images using PHP on webpages.

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for jino

Hi all, I want to insert multiple records into a table using one query. And my query is INSERT INTO table2(id,message) SELECT id FROM table1 WHERE condn,'hello' but it displays an error.... Can you help me? Thanx in advance.... jino

Member Avatar for mike.prinsloo
Member Avatar for erikt

Helo everybody How to convert database type from datetime to varchar? and decimal to varchar? Can I use this code? [QUOTE]CAST(now() as varchar(20))[/QUOTE] I use MySQL version 5.0.21 Other question: If I execute procedure [QUOTE]CREATE PROCEDURE `formatdate`(dtDate datetime) BEGIN SELECT date_format(now(),'%d-%m-%Y') AS idate; END $$[/QUOTE] in Visual Basic 6 using …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for antwan1986

Hi everyone and thanks for reading! I have a MySQL database with a table called "lessons". Inside lessons there are about six or seven fields holding information about piano lessons. The table looks like this: [CODE]vid int(10) (Primary Key) title varchar(50) date date teaser varchar(500) description varchar(2000) vurl varchar(50) extra …

Member Avatar for antwan1986
Member Avatar for vganeshvenu

Hi All, Can any body help me out how to pass an array values from php file to mysql stored procedures as parameter list and how to use the array inside the stored procedure. Please help me out to solve this problem. Thank you.

Member Avatar for ray_broome

I'm trying to carry out the following delete statements [CODE]DELETE FROM images AS i WHERE i.image_id = 803 AND i.plant_num = 2277 LIMIT 1 DELETE FROM images AS i WHERE i.image_id = 804 AND i.plant_num = 2277 LIMIT 1 DELETE FROM images AS i WHERE i.image_id = 805 AND i.plant_num …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for aaronseidman

I am having a problem porting an application written in ASP, using an MS SQL Server database, to a different ISP using MySQL. Code that seems to run fine on the current site generates errors on the new site. My connection to the MySQL db is: [code] set objConn = …

Member Avatar for Icetigris

I have a ton of inserts in an sql file that look like this: [code] INSERT INTO grades (GWid, classid, semester, year, grade, required) VALUES(100000089, 'CS210', 'B', 'fall', '2006', 'yes'); [/code] but when I get my filled tables, the semester and grades are all null and the year is 0000. …

Member Avatar for KenK
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I need to send a SMS message or/and Email in my database project. Which one is better option for me; Shall i create database with Oracle or MySQL? Thanks

Member Avatar for effu

The End.