10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for hbmarar

Hi , I have got a dump sql file from the remote db server and the concern is that i am new to the design which involves the triggers and all. When i tried to set up a environment for a application to play around locally , the import shows …

Member Avatar for nehashri

hello i have my data stored in different Ms Excell sheets. now I am planning to make a database of the data i have. but i m confused whether to use Postgresql or mySQL for the same. i had plans to import data directly to Ms Access but there is …

Member Avatar for Nperic

Hey guys, im in deep need of help for mysql. Ive been given a few questions most of them answered although theres 3 which are really bringing me down. I was wondering if u could get some help :D Given this schema borrow([U]transactionID[/U], personID*, borrowdate, duedate, returndate) author([U]authorID[/U], firstname, middlename, …

Member Avatar for cfAllie
Member Avatar for JokerOfACoder

I'm building a large scale application and was wondering the difference between static counts vs dynamic counts. Right now, I'm using dynamic counts. For an example: [code] SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM CarImages WHERE CarImages.carid = Cars.id) as ImageCount, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM CarBuyers WHERE CarBuyers.carid = Cars.id) as BuyerCount, (SELECT …

Member Avatar for cfAllie
Member Avatar for pink_zippy_123

Hi, I am currently trying to write some sql that includes a where clause to limit responses but will leave blanks where there is no match. I will include the code so its easier to understand: SELECT DISTINCT teacher.teachername, student.studentname, results.grade FROM teacher INNER JOIN student ON teacher.teachername = student.teachername …

Member Avatar for cfAllie
Member Avatar for mstester

Hey guys. I know this is more of an sql problem but I didnt know where else to put it :S I have an application which stores a UNC path in a mysql database table. However it doest store it correctly for example: I want to store the UNC Path: …

Member Avatar for mstester
Member Avatar for heliumgas

i would like to know how i can save data from the list view to mysql. i have two coluns on the list view and i would like to save all the items that are in the list view.

Member Avatar for SuperioAssassin

I have been looking at this code for some time and just can not figure anything wron with it. My Error Message is: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /hsphere/local/home/gwthorn/htpsinc-web.com/York_County/login.php on line 13 I commeted 13 [CODE=php] <?php session_start(); //The fields are censored but …

Member Avatar for dr4g
Member Avatar for TrojanFrost

hi guys.. i really tried many things to solve this problem.. but i really cant figure this out.. i have 2 tables actually its 3 tables but the other is just for the user's account so here it is: [B] employee table [/B] ins_ID -> pk emp_ID* -> unique key …

Member Avatar for Grumps

This is my current database structure [php] create table tournament ( tid int(5) not null auto_increment, period varchar(20) not null, Primary key (tid)); create table game ( gid int(6) not null auto_increment, tid int(5) not null references tournament(tid), Primary key(gid)); create table results ( gid int(6) not null references game(gid), …

Member Avatar for DangerM0use

How would you execute MySql commands found in a text file? It's really beginning to bug me!

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I am new to PHP. I am trying to connect mysql with PHP with mysql_connect but i m getting "A link to the server could not be established" I have used ODBC 3.51 driver for odbc and made connections with odbc with odbc_connect but i don't know how to connect …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi there, I'm trying to screen some programmers I'm looking to potentially hire & I have a list of questions a previous programming consultant drew up, but I don't know what to do with them b/c he did the screening b4. Can someone please help me determine if I place …

Member Avatar for arun555_m
Member Avatar for antaryami

Any one doing sever programming with MySQL please let me know , all problems that can occur with connectivity of MySQL with SJSAS 9. There is a connectivty setup in the Admin Console. It is a bit confusing with duplicate Capital and small letter entries. Can we use the XADataSource …

Member Avatar for BeerGuzler

Hi , I've been working on comparison query with PHP and MySql 5.0 yet not getting anywhere with it. I'm trying to perform a search ( query ) I have several tables within the same database that contain same fields yet hold different data eg Table 1 id |Product | …

Member Avatar for arty56
Member Avatar for Turnkey_Websites

Hello, I have two databases on my website lebphoto.com with the same tables. One with a 1665 members and the other with 33 members, I want to merge them together. is there a way other than typing each records by myself or ask the members to register again? Thank you

Member Avatar for arty56
Member Avatar for someoneelse

I hope someone can helkp me. This is driving me nuts. I have the following code that produces this error " [B]Exception Details: [/B]System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'selfmadeBrowser'." The entire code is as follows (please note, this script came DIRECTLY off of [URL]http://www.expertrating.com/courseware/DotNetCourse/DotNet-ASP.Net-4-3.asp[/URL], I also am able to cnnect …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for desiguru

I know this is pretty dumb question but I just wanted to ask because I am not sure if I can figure it out by myself. :( So here is the deal. I have a mysql database called "appinfo" there there is a table called "appdis" Now in that table …

Member Avatar for stupidenator
Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts

Hello all, I have been using mysql_fetch_array to read data from a query to a php array so i can then use it on my webpage. Everything was going fine until now... I cant see the problem with my code, but it keeps calling the or die() error handler when …

Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts
Member Avatar for sliver_752

Hello all, Is there any algorithm to convert a python tuple to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread74502.html#"]MySql query[/URL]. Ex: [B] ('*','name','sliver')[/B] should convert to [B] select [Pri_Key] from [All Tables] where 'name' = 'sliver';[/B] I have been able to do so ... but my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread74502.html#"]algorithm[/URL] looks very ugly and have to process everything bit …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for crazynp

Hi, How safe is to allow users to submit the entries with single or doube quotations to the database? and wondering is there any free site or service to check vunerabilities of the site? Hope to see it in daniweb. Thanks!

Member Avatar for w_3rabi
Member Avatar for brandon.arnold

Hey, first poster here: I'm not actually running on MySQL (I'm using MS), but my question is more of a design issue. The model I've been using is perfect for maintaining relationships between data logging devices I have in the field, and so-so in keeping an aggregate of that data …

Member Avatar for Corey_56044

Please help - Why can I get this sql to work? SELECT Count(dsd.price) Total , dsd.reporting_date , dsd.reporting_state_type , dsd.requisition_id Order_id , round((sum(decode(dsd.reporting_state_type,'SHIPMENT',dsd.price, 0)) - sum(decode(dsd.reporting_state_type,'RETURN_RECEIPT',dsd.price, 0))) Net_Orders from dw_sales_data dsd, dw_programs dp where dsd.program_id = dp.program_id and dsd.program_id = '4387300' group by dsd.reporting_date, Order_id, dsd.reporting_state_type, Net_Orders_Com, Net_Orders_Ret, Net_Orders;

Member Avatar for stupidenator
Member Avatar for someoneelse

:sad: I am trying to connect to a mysql database. ideally, i'd like it dumped into a grid view so i can edit it... no matter how i try it, i get this error- [B]Compiler Error Message: [/B]BC30002: Type 'ODBCConnection' is not defined. here is the code for this page: …

Member Avatar for ManicCW
Member Avatar for nemisis9

How can I maximise the command line window of this progamme as click and drag does not work?

Member Avatar for A Yasir

[COLOR=#000000]Hi ! I have a problem in connecting JSP pages with My SQL database using JDBC connector. I m using:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [LIST] [*][COLOR=#000000]For TOMCAT -- apache-tomcat-5.5.23[/COLOR] [*][COLOR=#000000]For JRE -- Java EE 5 SDK[/COLOR] [*][COLOR=#000000]For database -- MySQL 5.0.37[/COLOR] [*][COLOR=#000000]For JDBC -- mysql-connector-java-3.0.17[/COLOR][/LIST][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]JSP pages other than database working …

Member Avatar for A Yasir
Member Avatar for Tales

I want to make a query in C++ using the MySQL++ API. Here is my problem, in PHP for example I make something like this: $query = "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id = " . $value; In C++ I can't do that. I need a way to make $value …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jaku78

Well, whenever I try to run a user verify script, that asks SQL if a username is not taken, I always get this response... [quote][B]Warning[/B]: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]dir/userver.inc[/B] on line [B]11[/B] count unavailable[/quote] this is the code in general: [php]<?php //User …

Member Avatar for GliderPilot
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hi, This is a simplified problem for a mock book store I am trying to build. I have been stuck on this all morning. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. [U] SET 1[/U] | 1 | a | | 2 | b | | 3 | c | | 1 …

Member Avatar for Hanginout
Member Avatar for stymiee

The End.