10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for hkBattousai

Hello, I am going to study MySQL on my web server. I would like to ask if there is a useful GUI tool for MySQL to create/delete tables and browse entries on my database.

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for bobby08

Hello, I heard SELECT COUNT(*) can take a lot of resources if your counting a table with lots and lots of rows (hundred thousands, millions). What if you add A WHERE clause to it? So something like: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE pid = ? (pid is a index too …

Member Avatar for Raposo
Member Avatar for tech291083

Hi, I am using Fedora Core 5 32+bit as my os but not using a particular development tool as of now and just sticking to the normal text editor called the KWrite. I am learning C++ and MySQL on my own and want to know if the connection between the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Lost in Code...

I have a school problem, I'm not going to try and hide it. This is for Oracle9i: SQL class. The question we have to write a code for is: Create a list of customers that will display the characters 'NOT REFERRED' if the customer was not referred by another customer. …

Member Avatar for nikkiH
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Hey, so I get a Driver error when I try to connect to my local mysql db. My code is in a servlet as follows [code] Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Connection con=null; Statement smt=null; con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sql?user=webusr&password=pass"); [/code] Thanks M

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Member Avatar for steve.p

Can some one help me to set up a database in mysql. I need more of a logical help.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for EnderX

I am currently responsible for a set of server units. Recently, the group of users working with one of these units informed me that they were having problems with a php-based report generating program. I did not write the program; my predecessor did. I did manage to track down the …

Member Avatar for EnderX
Member Avatar for cmills83

Hello, I tried searching but didn't see anything. How involved is it to copy a database to another server? Currently the database is on a cpanel server and I need to copy it to my new server. I copied the rest of the site and everything seems to be working …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for M40

Hi. I have tables like these: [B]table1 [/B]([U]table1_id[/U], table1_attribute1, table1_attribute2) [B]table2 [/B]([U]table2_id[/U], table1_id*, table2_attribute1, table2_attribute2) The primary key of the first table is table1_id. It is auto incrementing and it is also a foreign key for the other table - [B]table2[/B]. Let's say I want to add a new record …

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Member Avatar for andy3250

HI, I'm still rookie guy with mysql database, I have a mysql script file called "MYBox" in notepad and I want to export to the one of folder directory but I don't know to do that from Does. I need someone help me what command do I need to type …

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Member Avatar for cancer10

I was wondering what is the Database Storage Capacity for the following databases: MySQL 5 Microsoft Sql Server 2005 MS Access 2003 Thanx

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Member Avatar for prashant_nirgun

Hi, I'm running MySQL 4.0.13, connecting from PowerBuilder 9 using ODCB Connector 3.51. I'm facing a problem where whenever I issue a SELECT COUNT(*) statement from PowerBuilder

Member Avatar for prashant_nirgun
Member Avatar for jeet_portal

in my each jsp page i have to write this code to connect with Mysql database Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); String url ="jdbc:mysql://"; Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"root", ""); now i want to make this code in a separate jsp page and then only include this page in my current jsp page where ever …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey, just need a little help on this one. I have a script allows a user to choose from a list of files in a directory for a form. When they submit the form, it adds the files name and url to a couple fields in the database for that …

Member Avatar for nathanpacker
Member Avatar for jeffry

Hi, I have a table named 'team' which has fields such as name,contactno and dob. My entries are: For eg: name : Arun Kumar K contactno : 9445123880 dob : 27 Mar I want to display the name of corresponding members(here Arun Kumar K) on the previous day of his …

Member Avatar for jaikar
Member Avatar for peter_budo

Can somebody please help me to little customize the view of the phpMyAdmin? Curently this is what I [URL="http://www.peterbudo.f2s.com/extra/myAdminC.jpg"]see [/URL] but I would like to have as [URL="http://www.peterbudo.f2s.com/extra/myAdminW.jpg"]this[/URL]. Simple, I don't like options to be displayed as list of links but as tabs. What shall I change in config?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for hegRT

Hi, Im new to JSP and I am trying to add data from a simple registration page using JSP to a table in mysql, My code seems to be working OK howerver when I check the table in MySQL Control Centre...no new records have been added, I am able to …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hi, I just installed MySQL on my computer and went though a decent MySQL tutorial. Now I need you guys help me out so I can get my java programs to connect to MySQL. I am using the following code from a book to connect. [code] import java.sql.*; public class …

Member Avatar for ryy705
Member Avatar for tech291083

Hi, I am new linux and using Fedora Core 5 32+ bit at the moment. In order to install mysql and related stuff I prefer to use the terminal and apply the following commands yum install mysql-administrator yum install php-mysql etc. But these are the only two I am aware …

Member Avatar for jeffry

Hi all, I am a newbie in PHP_MYSQL.Please provide me script for reminding bdays of the concerned persons on those days on the index page we view first.I stored b'days in my table as (eg:27th Mar,03rd June etc).My table has also info such as name ,contactno and email id of …

Member Avatar for Braga_ESI

Hi, I'm in colledge and I have to finish this thing by tomorow mornig... So I'm asking if anybody cal give me some help on how to call and execute mysql procedures in PHP... I already tryed this but it dosen't work... :eek: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/showthread.php?t=41143&highlight=procedure+php+mysql"]link[/URL], Sorry for my english and thanks …

Member Avatar for Braga_ESI
Member Avatar for shark0302

do these tables look like they will work? i want theerror.errorcode to be a forgin key in the hostname.error but i don't know how to do the insert or if it's even posiable the way i have it set up. thank you, shark [INLINECODE] // Table: error Create Table: CREATE …

Member Avatar for theonlydrayk
Member Avatar for greenphpcoder

hey jsut a quick note for all you guys, dont know how many people are familiar with pears db_objects but it is a clean way of executing sql without having to write any, to find out more : [URL]http://www.php-library.com/pear_man/package.database.db-dataobject.html[/URL] anyhows, just a thought to people who are having trouble with …

Member Avatar for squid

Hello all im new member and newbe abiut programming. i'd like to ask about this program. [CODE]when i run the script it show like this : Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/rekor/public_html/admin/top.php on line 6 You are not an administrator[/CODE] here the script …

Member Avatar for azarudeen
Member Avatar for bobby08

Hi, im running this website,,,worked so hard on it for about 5 months straight. i got it finally up and runnin, and the first 3 months went smooth. all of a sudden my MySQL DB drops...every table inside...just GONE. my site went down and error messages were received throughout my …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for newMeg

Hi, I have two tables that stores product details which is carinfo and products.I did it in 2 separate tables as the products are by diffrent category and therefore the fields are different. I'm not sure if that was the correct way doing it coz i seem to have problem …

Member Avatar for newMeg
Member Avatar for leapon75

Hi, i have a problem, I'd like to load a file mediumblob from DB mysqli () and save it on directory ("../uploads") on a server, using a php page. Can you help me ???? :sad:

Member Avatar for mbacon
Member Avatar for vssp

Can any one tell me what is the lastest released version (not a alpha or beta version) of MYSQL?

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for xibnoe

i have a fied (book_number), the value is "aaa.bbbb.cccc.ddd", How can i sort the result order only by "bbbb" and ignore a, c, and d. thanks

Member Avatar for xibnoe
Member Avatar for vaisakh

Dim strInsert As String Dim cmdInsert As OdbcCommand Dim cn As OdbcConnection cn = New _ OdbcConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")) strInsert = "Insert into realestate.city_master(city_Name)Values(city_name);" cmdInsert = New OdbcCommand(strInsert, cn) cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("city_Name", city_name.Text) cn.Open() cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery() city_name.Text = "" cn.Close()

Member Avatar for campkev

The End.