10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for AdamW

Hi I'm new here so be gentle! ;) I have a php form which poppulates an HTML <Select> tag with a list of approx 2500 items which consist of an id; a code and a name. The items come from a MySql database To make it easier to use I …

Member Avatar for AdamW
Member Avatar for aiden

I've constructed a photo gallery with a dynamic CMS backend that allows the content providers to upload, delete, etc images. All images are stored as reformated jpeg files (processed by the GDLib on upload) and the relevant metadata is stored in a table called `gallery`. References are made by an …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s

I retrieved data from database, output to a form thru loop after that iwant to change something and then i will send it back to the data base for update here is the output datails so that you will the idea what iwantl. [URL=http://www.nwafh.med.sa/eng/php/progs/edit_book_test.php]http://www.nwafh.med.sa/eng/php/progs/edit_book_test.php[/URL] Thank you in advance Roland

Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s
Member Avatar for michael123

I have two tables: tb1: Name Email Location ----------------------------------- user1 email1 address1 user2 email2 address2 user3 email3 address3 ----------------------------------- tb2: Group Email ----------------------------------- group1 email1,email2 group2 email4 group3 email5,email6 ----------------------------------- Now I want to join these two tables, to display the usernames who are listed in table 2, with keyword …

Member Avatar for extofer
Member Avatar for Moron

[b]PREFACE:[/b] My name is Al and I'm a loving moron who locked himself out of MySql. Alright, Let's rock. I don't exactly remember changing my password, but since I was in the Terminal using commands like [b]-u password[/b], I think I might have done it on accident. So... I need …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for jindalarpan

Hi all i m currently having mysql5.0.18 installed on linux box and i want to downgrade it to some of 4.1.xx. at that same time i want to retrive data also so can any helpme with the same. plz provide some soltion as i dont know how to do that …

Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s

Good day to all members! Anybody could help me or could give me a php code. What I need is I want to put link on each data that I had retrieved through array from mySQL database so that when I'm going to click each of them it will display …

Member Avatar for DGStudios
Member Avatar for eltommyo
Member Avatar for Brims

I am building an online music video library where u can strean the media to ur browser mobile phne and pda devices. I am using PHP for the middle HTML for the front end and MYsql for the backend. I want to have database with the music files residing on …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for iempleh

I am creating a database and would like to create a unique primary key that is randomly generated. Does MySQL have any feature that will do this? I don't want to use an auto-increment, because when I have a page like "whatever.php?id=xxx", I don't want a user to be able …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for Rumrunner

Hi all, Ok, first I'll let you know that I am very new to databases and scripting languages, so my questions are very elementary. I have read a book on the SQL language as well as a book on PHP basics, but I have no idea where to get started. …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for puddin

Hi, I am with a web host using mysql 4.0 and phpmyadmin 2.5.5 p\1 I am trying to get my html user form on my website to insert into mysql database. I keep getting: Error! Could not select the database: Access denied for user: 'match.match.com@10.80.0.%' to database 'mydb' Can you …

Member Avatar for puddin
Member Avatar for hinde

[code] CREATE TABLE my_feature ( pk_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, member_id INT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, time_added DATETIME NOT NULL, personal_questions BOOL NULL, hits INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pk_id)); [/code] When I put this into the MySQL Query Browser I get this error: You have an error in your …

Member Avatar for hinde
Member Avatar for Lizard

Hello. I have the following errors: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/winnie/public_html/pqQuiz/lib/templates.php on line 13 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/winnie/public_html/pqQuiz/lib/templates.php on line 13 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for aiden

Hi, While I'm not entirely new with SQL, I am not by any means highly knowledgable. I'm attempting to write a SQL statement to do the following, and having no luck: Assumptions: There is only one table, with several fields of metadata including the following. 1 field (integer) that indicates …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

My MySQL query_cache_size is currently set to 50M and even at that setting I am getting a decent amount of qcache_lowmem_prunes. Queries are being removed from the cache to make room for new ones. My question is whether the queries being removed are based on time elapsed since they were …

Member Avatar for Dani

I am using MySQL 4 and trying to cache my queries per this tutorial: [url="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/query-cache-configuration.html"]http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/query-cache-configuration.html[/url] Right now, my query_cache_size is set to 0. I would like to set both the query_cache_size and query_cache_limit parameters. However, I'm receiving the following error message: [code]mysql > ERROR 1227: Access denied. You need the …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for hinde

I am writing from the ground up a feature for this one company in Georgia while I am in school. It is running on mysql, but I have encountered a problem (actually a few problems, which led to this problem). I use auto increment for the unique identifiers for each …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for puddin

Hi I am so Desperate! I use a server internic.ca which host my website and offers me MySQL with phpMyAdmin 2.5.5-p\1 I seem to be able to make the table fine beyond that I cannot understand… How do I use this phpMyAdmin 2.5.5-p\1 I am trying to setup a Membership …

Member Avatar for chrisranjana
Member Avatar for laxy_m

Hello!! Please guide me. How do I install Apache, MySQL, PHP on Linux? Thanks Laxy [URL=http://www.funspot.com]www.funspot.com[/URL]

Member Avatar for ashwinperti
Member Avatar for J_Search

I'm looking for a way to compare 2 lists of keywords and return the number of matches. I'm currently working with PHP and MySQL, but I'm not sure how to go about this task. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks, J_

Member Avatar for J_Search
Member Avatar for lux

Hello, I have this query: SELECT players.id AS id, players.name AS name, players.surname AS surname, players.email AS email, calendar.start AS beginning, calendar.end AS finnish, calendar.name AS title, calendar.event AS description, calendar.id AS eventid FROM `calendar` , `attendance` , `players` WHERE (attendance.present = "yes" AND calendar.start BETWEEN "1141060879" AND "1141665679" AND …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for cjblue

I'm running a query through XML from the local database which uses PHPMyAdmin to a remote one which uses MSSQL. Unfortunately I have no way of checking syntax against MSSQL so all I know is that this works in PHPMyAdmin. So the query gets as far as running, but is …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for Ababo

Hi everyone. I've only really just started using php and I've been trying to use it in conjunction with mysql. I keep getting an error though when trying to access the result set returned by performing a query on the database. I've performed queries on the database outwith php, and …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for paradox814

so I have somewhere between 15-300 images in a folder and I want to know which would faster: loading all the image (file) names into an array and then randomly picking 3 distinct files using $file = opendir($folder_name) -- OR -- loading all the image file names into the mysql …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for boykin

Linux newbie any way ... MySql 5 installed eaisly on my Mandrake 10.1 box but the Gui admin tool MrSql-Administrator 1.1 will not. Is it my ineptness? Thans in advance :(

Member Avatar for screwrup

[COLOR=SeaGreen]Hi guys, i hope u can help me solve this prob of mine. Im currently werking on this project and somehow im unable to insert this data into my database eventhough the data was being retrieved. Can anione help :sad: [/COLOR] <% option explicit %> <% response.buffer = true %> …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for dx20021213
Member Avatar for techkar
Member Avatar for dsureesh

How can MySQL can be connected with Java I need sample coding

Member Avatar for katharnakh

how do i move to next record after i click a button called 'Next' and how do i move to previous record after i click 'Previous' in MySQLdb. does method exists to do this? please help me........... [I]import MySQLdb from Tkinter import * db=MySQLdb.connect(host='127.0.01',user='',passwd='',db='Trimtabs') print 'mysql got connected.....' cursor=db.cursor() root=Tkinter.Tk() …


The End.