I am with a web host using mysql 4.0 and phpmyadmin 2.5.5 p\1
I am trying to get my html user form on my website to insert into mysql database. I keep getting:
Error! Could not select the database: Access denied for user: 'match.match.com@10.80.0.%' to database 'mydb'
Can you tell me is this error because the web host has not set permission for me Or what else it may be. Last...
I am new to mysql and phpmyadmin but i feel i am understanding it good enough to perform small functions.
And one of the fellas at the hosting company suggested maybe i best go with a dedicated server.
Can you tell me, to have a small online site with user login be able to use mysql and php myadmin smoothly is a dedicated server the way i should go! Thank-You