10,944 Topics
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Hello, I Am having problems with a simple script i wrote to login a username and password from a mysql database. i get the error **Warning**: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in **H:\steadyology\steadyology\account.php** on line **21 I ran the script on my localhost where i … | |
Sir, I had mysql file ss.sql. Now I want upload the file in the Database. Is there any way to do the same. Kindly help me in the matter. Ashwin Perti | |
I have a table with three columns that I want to group. The columns are driver, passenger and date. Basically what I want is something like... SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE GROUP BY driver,passenger,date; However what can happen is that the driver and passenger can be the opposite on the same … | |
hi,everyone my name uma,I use powerbuilder with mysql and have some problem.I have a table that have 2 primary key first a character and second a numeric.I create a datawindow that has 2 argument(primary key) for retrieve data.if second argument(numeric) has value more than 9 the datawindow can't retrieve data.I … | |
Hi all, does anyone know if it affects the way google ranks a page if most of the data in php pages is drawn from MySQL? For example - a simple [B]About Us[/B] page... One page in php with all body text drawn from MySQL, versus, one page in php … | |
I'm having problem in inserting into table. I'm inserting data from one table into another [I]insert into table1 select * from table2 where condition = expression[/I] I have 962 records in table2 for specified condition, but only 105 rows are getting inserted. Both tables are in same database. What could … | |
I have a serious problem. I am trying to update an entry in a parent table which has three children tables which are coupled in such a way that either on delete or update they are affected. What I want is to know if there is a way to update … | |
Hi,I can provide all the code etc if you like but this is a very general query and therefore im hopeful someone can answer without too much inconvenience caused.My position and steps so far are basically this - I built a database full of information in MS Access.I duplicated it … | |
Thanks so much Can anyone please tell me. I have Mysql 4.0 my users are listed by auto increment not null On the site I offer you a form to send a member a message you fill out the form. The form inputs are named = message from and user_id, … | |
how deposit a picture to MYSQL database below is the code : <?php $id=$_POST; $photo=$_POST; if ($photo<>""){ $fp=fopen($photo,"r"); $data=addslashes(fread($fp,filesize($photo))); } $sql="insert into product(id,pic) values('$id','$data')"; mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die ("插入数据失败: ".mysql_error()); ?> but always unsuccessful! why? plz help me! | |
Hello Pro Programmers! Can you help me, Please!!! What I want to do is let my users message each other, I have my form and message page setup I love it! It’s working the messages are going in the right ID’S in the Mysql database, BUT! It is overwriting as … | |
I need to set ft_min_word_length=3, so that my users can perform boolean fulltext searches for words of three characters instead of four. However, I share the MySQL server with other customers of my ISP. My ISP's administrator is willing to change this system variable, [B]provided[/B] I can show him an … | |
hi...is there anybody who has the right software for converting MSSQL to MYSQL?maybe u can share with me? please help coz im still very new to these fields. | |
Hello, I get the error bolow on my page, could anyone with an idea tell me how to go around it? mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result Regards, omesa | |
Hi, Um new to php... kindly help me on the following... <?php $action = $_SERVER; ?> <?php //if(!$_POST=='result') //{echo "<p style=' font-family: arial; color: blue; font-size: 14px;'>You are not authorized!</p>"; return false;} //$choice=$_POST; $name=$_POST; $link=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("<p class='texxt'>Can't connect to server: ".mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("test",$link); $query="SELECT * FROM saudi_journal WHERE … | |
ok, im not too sure how to explain this, but ill try... i have a website that a friend hosts for me on his server. it is an oscommerce website that seems to run fine. i felt that working from the webserver was a little slow for all the images … | |
Hello Pro Programmers! Can you help me, Please!!! What I want to do is let my users message each other, I have my form and message page setup I love it! It’s working the messages are going in the right ID’S in the Mysql database, BUT! It is overwriting as … | |
I am using MS Excel 2003, Win XP, MyODBC driver 3.51.12.This problem is associated with the use of MS Excel with Mysql Connector/ODBC3.51.12 . Connector/ODBC was installed and tested successfully.However,I tried to import data to Excel from the MySQL database that resulted in error message "[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]User cancelled. Procedure … | |
[LEFT]Hi. I hope I put this in the right spot, I have this friend that is making a game and now hes on the client; hes finnished the login server, char server, world server and some packets folder but when he runs it and clicks on a monster nothing happends … | |
I have a txt file (log) that an application writes to regularly that I want to automate import into a MySql table. I intially thought about using LOAD DATA INFILE but can not use this in a stored procedure. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks in advance... Greg | |
I just got this [B]Error Returned when i tryied Type the url of my site [/B] mySQL query error: SELECT e.*,b.blog_name, b.blog_friendly_url FROM ibf_blog_entries e,ibf_blog_blogs b LEFT JOIN ibf_blog_categories bc ON ( e.blog_id=bc.blog_id and e.category_id=bc.category_id ) WHERE e.entry_status='published' AND (b.blog_private=0 or b.blog_id = 1) AND ((bc.blog_id IS NULL) or (b.blog_id … | |
I am currently running one script between two databases. This means that halfway through the script, I need to run [inlinecode]mysql_select_db()[/inlinecode] and then farther down in the code, run it again to switch back to the original database. My question, essentially, is if the overhead in doing this is hideously … | |
I'm trying to do a MySQL Query but it doesn't work. MySQL version: 4.0.26 When I put only one argument in MATCH, it shows no error but doesn't return anything [quote] SELECT * FROM item WHERE MATCH (nom) against ('Huile');[/quote] or [quote]SELECT * FROM item WHERE MATCH (nom_en) against ('Huile');[/quote] … | |
Hi, I'm new to this forum and hope I'm posting in the right section! I hope someone can help. I am trying to upload a website but have been advised I need to edit the includes/config.inc file. I've to edit the database name, username and password which is fine but … | |
i want to learn asp . can i use mysql database with asp.how to connect to mysql database. will u tell me the basic asp tutorials for beginners. | |
hello there, im doing a program of consolidate database. however, my scope is to do it automatically. so far, i have designed a timer and also codes to insert the data from excel file into MySQL database. then, my idea is whenever there is an error occured in a particular … | |
I need to "clean" the database so I only have data starting from 1-1-06. Can anyone help? Thanks.:) | |
I would like to know if anyone has bench marked MySQL server, compared to Oracle. I have developed a database that will sort 1,000,000 records in less then 22 seconds (100 byte record sorting on 2 fields, and 1.3Ghz cpu). | |
Hi, How to insert blob into MySQL using ODBC in C#. My application is windows application. Thanks Ramana | |
Big hello to all We run two website site with some stiff competition Website 1 [URL="http://www.swapshop.co.nz"]http://www.swapshop.co.nz[/URL] Website 2 [URL="http://www.nzdatezone.com"]http://www.nzdatezone.com[/URL] Website one has been promoted and SEO for 6months-1 year and we average 1000-4500 hits a day but 90% are SE. Yahoo is well the worst. We need advice on how … |
The End.