10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for kuubay

hi...is there anybody who has the right software for converting MSSQL to MYSQL?maybe u can share with me? please help coz im still very new to these fields.

Member Avatar for nagramana
Member Avatar for omesa

Hello, I get the error bolow on my page, could anyone with an idea tell me how to go around it? mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result Regards, omesa

Member Avatar for omesa
Member Avatar for ShazB2K

Hi, Um new to php... kindly help me on the following... <?php $action = $_SERVER; ?> <?php //if(!$_POST=='result') //{echo "<p style=' font-family: arial; color: blue; font-size: 14px;'>You are not authorized!</p>"; return false;} //$choice=$_POST; $name=$_POST; $link=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("<p class='texxt'>Can't connect to server: ".mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("test",$link); $query="SELECT * FROM saudi_journal WHERE …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for blue25

ok, im not too sure how to explain this, but ill try... i have a website that a friend hosts for me on his server. it is an oscommerce website that seems to run fine. i felt that working from the webserver was a little slow for all the images …

Member Avatar for puddin

Hello Pro Programmers! Can you help me, Please!!! What I want to do is let my users message each other, I have my form and message page setup I love it! It’s working the messages are going in the right ID’S in the Mysql database, BUT! It is overwriting as …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Viji

I am using MS Excel 2003, Win XP, MyODBC driver 3.51.12.This problem is associated with the use of MS Excel with Mysql Connector/ODBC3.51.12 . Connector/ODBC was installed and tested successfully.However,I tried to import data to Excel from the MySQL database that resulted in error message "[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]User cancelled. Procedure …

Member Avatar for Megy

[LEFT]Hi. I hope I put this in the right spot, I have this friend that is making a game and now hes on the client; hes finnished the login server, char server, world server and some packets folder but when he runs it and clicks on a monster nothing happends …

Member Avatar for freemag

I have a txt file (log) that an application writes to regularly that I want to automate import into a MySql table. I intially thought about using LOAD DATA INFILE but can not use this in a stored procedure. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks in advance... Greg

Member Avatar for animatronico

I just got this [B]Error Returned when i tryied Type the url of my site [/B] mySQL query error: SELECT e.*,b.blog_name, b.blog_friendly_url FROM ibf_blog_entries e,ibf_blog_blogs b LEFT JOIN ibf_blog_categories bc ON ( e.blog_id=bc.blog_id and e.category_id=bc.category_id ) WHERE e.entry_status='published' AND (b.blog_private=0 or b.blog_id = 1) AND ((bc.blog_id IS NULL) or (b.blog_id …

Member Avatar for Dani

I am currently running one script between two databases. This means that halfway through the script, I need to run [inlinecode]mysql_select_db()[/inlinecode] and then farther down in the code, run it again to switch back to the original database. My question, essentially, is if the overhead in doing this is hideously …

Member Avatar for Horst Azeglio

I'm trying to do a MySQL Query but it doesn't work. MySQL version: 4.0.26 When I put only one argument in MATCH, it shows no error but doesn't return anything [quote] SELECT * FROM item WHERE MATCH (nom) against ('Huile');[/quote] or [quote]SELECT * FROM item WHERE MATCH (nom_en) against ('Huile');[/quote] …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for explorefreedom

Hi, I'm new to this forum and hope I'm posting in the right section! I hope someone can help. I am trying to upload a website but have been advised I need to edit the includes/config.inc file. I've to edit the database name, username and password which is fine but …

Member Avatar for trafficman
Member Avatar for aarya

i want to learn asp . can i use mysql database with asp.how to connect to mysql database. will u tell me the basic asp tutorials for beginners.

Member Avatar for oscarsierra
Member Avatar for naramis

hello there, im doing a program of consolidate database. however, my scope is to do it automatically. so far, i have designed a timer and also codes to insert the data from excel file into MySQL database. then, my idea is whenever there is an error occured in a particular …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Shaftcmu

I need to "clean" the database so I only have data starting from 1-1-06. Can anyone help? Thanks.:)

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for Joncamp

I would like to know if anyone has bench marked MySQL server, compared to Oracle. I have developed a database that will sort 1,000,000 records in less then 22 seconds (100 byte record sorting on 2 fields, and 1.3Ghz cpu).

Member Avatar for d66
Member Avatar for nagramana

Hi, How to insert blob into MySQL using ODBC in C#. My application is windows application. Thanks Ramana

Member Avatar for nagramana
Member Avatar for nzdatezone

Big hello to all We run two website site with some stiff competition Website 1 [URL="http://www.swapshop.co.nz"]http://www.swapshop.co.nz[/URL] Website 2 [URL="http://www.nzdatezone.com"]http://www.nzdatezone.com[/URL] Website one has been promoted and SEO for 6months-1 year and we average 1000-4500 hits a day but 90% are SE. Yahoo is well the worst. We need advice on how …

Member Avatar for sam1

hi, i am using elcipse in suse linux, but cant connect to mysql. if anyone uses eclipse ide in linux can you please help me to get it connected. thanks

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for rubiton

Can someone please write the script for connecting to MySQLdb Also if anyone knows a good tutorial form transfering info from a python module into a MySQL table. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for rubiton
Member Avatar for puddin

Hello, When I select my images they are opening. Only the jpg will not come in clearly. If you know the code to correct this can you please tell me, Thanks puddin Here is my code: <?php include'db.php'; // get the variables from home page $password = $_SESSION['password']; $email_address = …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Zayed

<?php $SearchType = $_POST["SearchPlace"]; $host= 'localhost'; $user= 'user'; $passwd= 'password'; $database= 'dbase'; $table1= 'BUS'; $table2= 'STUDENT'; $connect= mysql_connect($host, $user, $passwd); mysql_select_db($database); $pquery = "select busNo from $table1 where place like '".$SearchType."'"; $squery = "select * from $table2 where busNo like '".$pquery."'"; $run = mysql_query($squery); $num_results = mysql_num_rows($run); if (!$SearchType ) …

Member Avatar for cdwhalley.com
Member Avatar for Fel

Hey, I've been trying to code my own news/ blogging script, by following a tutorial, but unfortunately I keep getting these mysql errors when I submit an entry, and on the page where I want it to be displayed. And I don't know how to recognize the errors just by …

Member Avatar for Fel
Member Avatar for naramis

hi there, my task is to do the automation of consolidated database (MySQL). i have to upgrade the previous Consolidated Database (CD)programming. so far, i have already designed a timer. but my problem now is on how to plug in this timer to the previous CD source code. the previous …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for DieselPower220

I have been trying to learn this database thing for the last 3 months without much success , its understanding the structure that puzzles me the most say for example i want a page listing all types of fruit oranges apples bananas grapes then i would want another page listing …

Member Avatar for VioletSite
Member Avatar for puddin

Hello and a BIG Thank-You!!! To you who have helped me... This I think will be my last image question. Okay the user uploaded a picture , it went to the (Photos directory) (Name and Type Show) Great!... Next to the (Mysql Database under aphoto_filename) Again with (Name and Type …

Member Avatar for VioletSite
Member Avatar for ayajhane_dhagz

juz wanna know the syntax for retrieving and storing data from and to mysql database using php....

Member Avatar for ayajhane_dhagz
Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s

Good day! After upgrading my MySQL to version 5 becoming very slow what's wrong with this? Please any could give advice how to optimise it. Thank you. Roland.

Member Avatar for alpha2006
Member Avatar for puddin

Hello , If you know the answer please simplify it for me. I am so discouraged trying to figure this out. I'll be very grateful, Thanks ahead a time! When I insert my (2) selected photos in my photo form , they show two pictures but it repeats only (1) …

Member Avatar for alpha2006
Member Avatar for Brims

hiya in my database i have a users table Create Table Users( user_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, email varchar (40) NOT NULL, pass CHAR (40) NOT NULL, first_name varchar (15) NOT NULL, last_name varchar (30) NOT NULL, active CHAR (32), registration_date datertime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(member_id), UNIQUE KEY (email), …

Member Avatar for campkev

The End.